Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Source: Full Credit goes to Mavrosh.

|| General Information ||

Full Name: Mitth’adrin’nvtae.

  • Core Name: Thadrinn.
  • Knives
Alias(es): N/A.

  • Lieutenant Commander, CEDF.

  • Mitth’adrin’nvtae of House Mitth.

  • "Knives" - 21st Commando Unit, Duuvhal Squad .
Species: Chiss.
Birthworld: Csillia.
Homeworld: Csillia.

  • Date of Birth: [///Error. Information Unavailable.///].

  • Place of Residence: Apartment in Csaplar.

|| Biological Information ||

Age: Early Twenties.
Gender: Male.
Height: 5’ 10” (1.778m).
Weight: 86.1kg (189.82lbs).
Eye Colour: Crimson.
Hair Colour: Navy blue.

  • Hair Style: Pulled into thick dreadlocks.
Skin: Azure blue.
Build: Ectomorph-Mesomorph mix; lean but heavily muscled.
Distinguishing Features:

  • Scars reaching from the corners of the lips to the middle of his cheeks in the mockery of a smile.

  • Intricate tattoos that flow randomly across the torso.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, preferring the left hand.
Force Sensitive?: No, Force Dead.

|| Social Information ||

Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Single.
Languages: Polyglot.

  • Basic: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native

  • Minnisiat: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native

  • Sy Bisti: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native

  • Cheunh: Broken | Semi-Fluent | Fluent | Native

|| Strengths & Weaknesses ||

  • Strengths:

    Tactical: Like most Chiss, Thadrinn is highly skilled in tactical and logical thinking, allowing him to have the potential to be a skilled strategist in and out of combat.

  • Masks of Many Personalities: Sometimes it’s best that no one know your true thoughts, as Thadrinn well knows. As such, he has carefully cultivated a couple different personalities: subservience, impudence and steely calm being the core values of three different one.

  • Highly Trained: Having been put through training as a member of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet and as a member of the Black Ops Commandos, Thadrinn is highly trained in being as adaptive to his situation as possible as well as being highly trained in a variety of different methods of combat, Teras Kasi among them.

  • Manipulative: Highly manipulative, Thadrinn seeks an advantage in nearly all possible avenues and one such avenue makes him stand out from the rest of his species. Unlike other Chiss, Thadrinn has piercings, dreadlocks, tattoos and embraces his scars, as such, he stands against the preconceived notion of what a Chiss should look like and his rebellious and sometimes matching personality often lead people to draw erroneous conclusions about him, conclusions he is more than happy to take advantage of.


  • Xenophobic: Like the majority of his species, even if he is capable of hiding it, Thadrinn naturally assumes that the Chiss are superior to all of beings - and although he might admit that some non-Chiss deserve some respect he sees them as individuals that are not indicative of the rest of their species.

  • Resentment: Thadrinn has observed the treatment of his House at the hands of the Chiss, the effects of its loss of status and the slow climb back up to being a Ruling Family. Through this, he has developed a resentment of his people, a strong dislike of other Chiss that drives him to attain as much as possible so as to metaphorically spit in the eye of those that would have seen House Mitth become nothing.

  • Perfectionist: Although the masks he wears might not show it, Thadrinn is a perfectionist at his core and will obsess over every perceived mistake he makes, often times seeing failure where there was none at all. A result of this is the fact that he often experiences moments of heightened stress and even, on occasion, panic attacks. Seeing such a thing as a failure on his part, he has sought no help and will go out of his way to hide the evidence of such episodes.

  • Too Deep Into Manipulation: While Thadrinn's appearance puts others on the backfoot and can lead to them drawing erroneous conclusions about him, said errors are not always beneficial as, among other Chiss who do not know of this aspect of him (which boils down to anyone not of House Mitth, but even then some among the Family are not included) this is not always an advantage. Further, he has worn false personalities as masks for so long that, sometimes, it is hard for him to not do so when not in private.
|| Possessions ||

|| Gear & Equipment ||

|| RP Threads ||

  • The Great Dachi - At a Ball hosted at House Dachi's Palace, Thadrinn attends to work alongside his kin in the attempt to raise House Mitth's standing within Chiss Society.
  • Darkness Spread [CA Dominion of Noris Hex] - Thadrinn, along with others of the 21st Commando Squad, Duvhaal Squad, are tasked with recovering information from the fallen House Noris to investigate the fall of the House. In doing so, they discover that Fissure, an old squadmate, is alive and a Joiner of the Killiks.

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