Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Self-Imposed Exiled





Six foot seven inches.

One hundred seventy five pounds.


Long flowing black.

Bright red.


Highly Adaptable
Mitth'aeli'corun was made from a different cut of Chiss, where he also believes and works based off of logic, and many other factors, he also has the ability to work without data immediately present and as such has been able to be adaptable in the heat of battle. Such a quality is rare among the blue-skinned people, however to Mitth'aeli'corun it seems to come almost second nature.

Commando Training
Mitth'aeli'corun was put into an intense training regimen, educational studies and logic development at a very young age, causing him to be forced into a much tougher environment which ended up with a much tougher, and more militant minded individual, perfectly fit to be part of the special forces within the Chiss Assendancy. Mitth'aeli'corun excelled throughout, and in spite of the odds, came out on top of his fellow commandos.

Force Adept
Mitth'aeli'corun was born a force sensitive and during his specialized training, it was shown that he was connected strongly with the force and as such he was experimented with, causing him to remain a commando who utilized the powers he had to focus purely upon the augmentation of physical abilities, and other beneficial powers that would give Mitth'aeli'corun an advantage in the field of battle.

Black White Mentality
Mitth'aeli'corun is never the type to look at a situation and see the greys of what it may be, to him everything was either black or white, right or wrong, and as such this caused a divide among himself and other individuals. However, it never stopped him from taking a strong stance when he believed himself correct in a situation, and this mentality guides his moral compass.

House Loyalty
Mitth'aeli'corun is one who would always put his house above everything in his life, however this can easily be abused by the one who controls the house and as such, can be a dangerous thing to the man. Mitth'aeli'corun is a Chiss who believes in his house, his people and the Ascendancy, however when push comes to shove, it will be his house above everything.

Entirely Xenophobic
Mitth'aeli'corun is an incredibly xenophobic individual, like the rest of his kin, believing the Chiss to be the superior species overall and thus believes in an overruling state which recognizes such a thought. Due to such, he finds it difficult to either work with, or show empathy of those who aren’t Chiss, meaning if a non-Chiss was within his squad, there would be no care of whether he continued living or not.



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