Hunting Again

NAME: Mitzi May
FACTION: Coruscant Rotary Club
RANK: Owner of the Maybell Hotel. Corsucanti Aristocrat.
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7''
WEIGHT: 130lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark brown, nearly black. Smooth, short bob style cut.
SKIN: Fair
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Rich - Perhaps not beyond her wildest dreams, but since the day she was born Mitzi never had want for anything. She lived and lives in the lap of absolute luxury and narry raises a finger aside to sign off on the shady dealings or the letters to her estranged husband that keep her business afloat.
Seductive - She's played the game to get what she wants. Mitzi is not above flaunting or using what she has to get it either.
Friends in High Places - She's got friends in high places, and they'll chase you down into dirt disgraces ... so it's best not to cross her if you value your worth or your face for that matter.
Tilted Moral Compass - Lying, cheating, stealing, using or abusing are all things she's guilty of. Mitzi blames it on her childhood, but really the fault is all her own. She's been using the backs of those less fortunate than her to scale the steps to success for as long as she can remember and she's not about to stop now.
Cleanliness is next to ... - Don't ask her to get her hands dirty. Mitzi won't do her own dirty work, but is plenty happy to put hired thugs to use for the job.
The Most Doted Upon - Her greatest weakness? Her daughter. She loves her daughter more than anything, though money is a very close second.
Life Is But A Stage and All the Galaxy is the Crowd - If showbiz has taught her anything it's that the show is always on and you can never let them see you trip; make it part of the dance. Mitzi does not disclose her innermost thoughts to many and while she may come across as very put-together, inside she's always picking up the pieces of some very severe emotional issues.
This Is My Hired Help - Given a lifestyle change, Mitzi would be sunk in a second. She's never had to do much of anything for herself, every sort of life necessity she's paid for. Cooking? Cleaning? There's servants and maids for that. Driving? Pish. Her skills include throwing a fantastic party, singing, dancing, playing a mean mandolin, inappropriate gallows humor, the art of condescension, and martinis (drinking them, not making them).
I Broke a Nail - She's always going to be that damsel in distress when push comes to shove. Mitzi can throw a mean smack and put her heels to good use. Slipping a brick inside her purse isn't above her either, but beyond that she's a flower and she bruises like peach. Don't expect her to pick up a gun or a blade - a letter opener is always available on her desk but, fff, who writes letters anymore? Oh, that's right, her husband.
Vivacious, curvacious, sanguine. Mitzi is all sugar and sweet, buttery honey caste over a willowy figure. She's got gams that go on forever and the grace of a cat. Her features are that of highly refined Coruscanti Aristocracy: sleek and well-groomed at every appearance. She's often seen sporting vintage high-fashion reminiscent of the jazz-age and isn't afraid of flaunting her wealth with gobs of jewels and priceless accessories. She wears only the very best and travels in style everywhere she goes.
The daughter of a wealthy Coruscanti enterpreneur and a retired singer, Mitzi grew up in the life of luxury. She was a surprise child that came late into her parent's marriage, two years after her older brother Osric had moved out to start his own life. As such, Mitzi was spoiled like an only child and grew up receiving everything she could ever want. She was bright and has the educational credentials to prove it, but rather than pursue a career in business or law like her father wanted, she opted to follow in the footsteps of her mother and take to the stage. Her name afforded her immediate attention, though she was also quite talented as well.
She traveled with a band called Hot Jazz (alright, it wasn't the most creative or original of names, but it was easy to remember and it stuck in the spotlight) and did rather well for herself for many years. It wasn't until the untimely death of both her parents in a very unfortunate speeder accident that Mitzi was called from her wanderings back home to Coruscant where real life and responsibility awaited. She'd managed to inherit her father's business, the Maybell Hotel, over the option of her much more suited brother Osric for whatever reason.
Likely due to being the apple of her father's eye and Osric having left on a bad note, who knows.
Mitzi wasn't afraid of a challenge, and despite her better judgement and desires to remain on the road, decided to give this thing called a job a good-old college try. She failed, only mostly miserably, and watched the Maybell slowly fall from its glory days under her haphazard tenure. Having never dealt with such things before, she conspired to let it handle itself since that's what her employees were for, and instead squandered whatever savings that came along with the hotel on booze, questionable dalliances, drugs, and more booze. She became entangled with a man by the name of Kranos who happily sold glitterstim to the young Aristocrat and even managed to work her show into a local Casino. There's not much about those years of her life that Mitzi can honestly remember - experienced on the high of spice, the low of booze, and the transcendence of GS, she'd spend her nights on the lofty plains of enlightened vice. Inevitably returning home every so often, her ebony tresses wrinkled with withered ambition. Her indulgences don't lend to perfect recognition, and to this day she can't really recall if things had gone dark with Kranos or not. He hasn't deigned to clarify and she hasn't pressed the issue.
Somewhere along the line, in the wee hours of the morning, a terribly hungover Mitzi quite literally stumbled into the arms of a man named [member="Darcy Sixsmith"]. Despite her condition, she immediately recognized the him for what he was: a wealthy man, lost and spinning his wheels, in search of purpose and likely his first bought of romance. Mitzi, hungry for a bit of honest recognition, eagerly reeled him in with honeyed words and sweet affectations. It was really quite easy. She introduced the man to her life of glamor, gave him the nickname Rupe, and quickly sought to solidify his paycheck in her life after he showed an interest in her failing hotel.
One shotgun wedding later and Mitzi found herself with the ability to rebrand the Maybell Hotel. With her husband's good mind for money and business, the pair spent the better part of a year overhauling the Hotel into a luxurious 5-star destination of vintage appeal. The re-launch was a huge success, and once the money started pooling she even invited Hott Jazz back in as the resident hotel band.
Darcy managed to hire on some very good people to help Mitzi with the management of the business before disappearing back into his own job. During his extended leaves, Mitzi entertained an old love affair with one of her bandmembers and wound up pregnant. When she gave birth to her daughter, Pepper, she insisted that the girl had his eyes and nose and that the pregnancy went unusually short due to her small stature. Darcy didn't question anything, smitten as he was with his wife and child.
Everything was perfect for a while until Kranos came back into Mitzi's life. Drawn in by the success of the Hotel and the rave reviews of some very important clientele connected to him, Kranos made a proposal - and not of the nuptial kind. He wanted to use the Hotel as a meeting hall for select, high-stakes, high-sensitivity clients. Could the Maybell provide? It would be quite lucrative...
Mitzi responded with what Darcy believed to be a curiously brilliant idea: The Marigold Room. They'd left the two lower-levels untouched during the renovation process and turned them into storage areas. Why not put them to use? So they renovated some more, opening the two lower levels up, gutting them, and turning them into a massive underground hall for select VIPs where they hosted gambling, meetings of questionably legal grounds, and provided a distribution and sales area for Kranos' drugs. All under the table and very hush-hush, of course. Patrons of the Marigold Hall were provided with small golden flower pins that they produced to gain entrance to what was a well-kept secret from public knowledge.
At some point Darcy had a run-in with Kranos and it didn't end well, though Mitzi was left ignorant to their discussion, she has her suspicions about it. Needless to say, Darcy quit his job in order to pursue a bigger and better career opportunity - at the other side of the galaxy - far away from home. Mitzi refused to follow, but bid him a loving farewell of support with a promise that she'd be right there when he came back.
Darcy never came back, but he did make a nuisance of himself sending love letters along with continued funding for the Maybell. Over the years Mitzi's true fondness for the man slowly wilted despite his paychecks getting successively larger. She turned her attentions to her daughter and back to performing. She firmly rebuffed every further attempt by Darcy to convince her to sell the hotel and join him on some backwater planet named Ceto, meeting him only with amusement for his success and detached updates on Pepper. Her replies slowly turned into reports rather than responses.
The Maybell suffered as much as any business might've through the Netherworld event, though strangely it seemed to bounce right back once things returned to normal. As a matter of fact, the Maybell experienced its most profitable year, according to her accountant - something Mitzi is quite proud of.
Pepper is 14 now and attending St. Oberon's Private School, enjoying the limelight and luxury like her mother did at her age.
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