Name: Mivala Fallon
Age: 230; appears 24
Species: Tera Vampir
Gender: Female
Hair: Raven
Eyes: Rustic gold
Height: 1.6 meters
Weight: 125 Lbs.
Build: Curvy
Skin: Caucasion
Force Sensitive: Yes
Tera Vampir- Strength, Speed, Force Drain, Telepathy, Serrated Claws and all other advantages from being Tera Vampir.
Aware- Mivala can notice things that others might have overlooked.
Mysterious- Mivala keeps a very low profile, making sure that little is known about her.
Tera Vampir- Hunger, Coagulation issues, weak skin, Boredom, Telepathy, eyes
Easily Annoyed
Mivala likes to study people through their actions and expressions. Though she can read their minds anyway, she enjoys trying to figure them out without "cheating". She doesn't talk very much. She controls her hunger as best she can by avoiding company when at all possible. To speak with her isn't a normal thing.
Mivala was raised on Bothawui by foster parents. The whereabouts of her biological parents were never known, and they are presumed dead. Mivala's foster parents were cruel to her because of what she was. They would beat her and tell her that she was damned to Hell. When she was old enough, she left her foster home in pursuit of anything better than them. She found her way into a military academy for the Confederacy. They trained her to fight, and with her enhanced reflexes, she was a prominent student. Her Force abilities were later discovered by the Sith. They captured her and began teaching her how to use her abilities. Though she was enthused by learning so much, she was uncomfortable with their methods. She abandoned the ways of the Sith. Once she left Bothawui, she made her way to Coruscant. There, She joined the Jedi and learned their ways as well. Mivala abandoned them also, unsatisfied with their pacifistic nature. She has been traveling for a time, indecisive on what to do next.