Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Wild Space Republic & Spacers League




  • Corporation Name: Miyuki Trade League
  • Headquarters: Eadu
  • Locations:
  • Operations: The Miyuki Trade League has interests in multiple sectors, but its primary focus is interstellar trade. To this effect, MTL often charts new trade lanes between systems, establishes trading posts and mission boards on settled worlds, and brokers trade agreements between governments and factions. MTL also material assets in the mining and shipbuilding industry, as well as a fledgling stake in small arms and personal armor manufacturing.
  • Parent Corporation: n/a
  • Subsidiaries: n/a

The Miyuki Trade League has existed to one degree or another since the height of Palpatine's Galactic Empire. As an organization comprised of smugglers and scoundrels, MTL was operated both as a legitimate business and a handler of contraband items during the Galactic Civil War. To maintain its illicit activities of smuggling, gun running, and spying, Miyuki constructed dozens of hideouts and hidden supply vaults across Wild Space and the Outer Rim. While some of those ancient caches have been looted or lost to time, many remain in use to this day.

Presently, the Miyuki Trade League is a multifaceted enterprise that spread its interest across several fields. MTL is primarily a trade and shipping company, priding itself on the consistent delivery of quality good and materials. Secondary to that, Miyuki employs some of the Outer Rims best astrographers to navigate and chart new lines of trade between the ever-expanding Spacers League and Wild Space Republic. Establishing and maintaining these hyperlanes are an arduous task that requires a great amount of diplomacy and mercantile tact. Miyuki brokers contracts and trade deals frequently with local defense forces where it can, and private sector security where it cannot.

Miyuki trade posts and spacestations bring together local businesses and manufacturers, offering a common hub for partners to buy, sell, and trade with the locals. Over a dozen worlds and systems also enjoy MTL's mission boards, a network of kiosk systems that offer one-off jobs to independent crews and contractors. These missions often range from simple delivery and transit jobs to more perilous tasks, such as hyperlane patrol routes and even strikes against known pirate outposts.


Sor-Jan Skywalker Sor-Jan Skywalker is associated with the Miyuki Trade League through his parents, two prominent members of the organization known for their astronavigation skills and smuggling exploits. He has many 'aunts' and 'uncles' in the organization, several of whom began passing him small jobs to handle once he hit is early teens. Sor-Jan is a skilled navigator like his parents, which he puts to use as a scrapper and prospector - the MTL's name for one who discovers and tags sites with valuable salvage or loot. His impressive knowledge of the Republic's space lanes and planetary systems has earned Sor-Jan several seats at Miyuki trade summits, where he has observed and even participated in establishing new deals with local companies.



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