Dr. Droideka
I'll be the brains of this outfit

- Intent: Main soldier's for my character's mercenary army.
- Image Source: Source
- Canon Link: B-1 Battle Droid
- Permissions: None
- Primary Source: None
- Manufacturer: Dr. Droideka
- Affiliation: Dr. Droideka
- Model: Mk3 Battle Droid
- Modularity: No
- Production: Limited
- Material: Durasteel
- Classification: Fourth Degree
- Weight: Heavy
- Height: Average
- Movement: Bipedal
- Armaments: E-11 Blaster rifle
- Misc. Equipment: None
- Resistances (Optional): High
- Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Low
- Other: None
- Connected: The Mk3 Battle Droids are all connected to a hive mind of sorts, preventing them from defecting and allowing for easy command relays.
- Numbers: The Mk3 Battle droid excels in numbers, as a group of 10 or more can easily overwhelm a target.
- Fast: Despite their chunky appearance, the Mk3 Battle Droid can move at a pace equivalent to a jog for a average being.
- Connected: Although they all receive commands at the same time, this makes them unable to adapt to a situation and often leads to them walking to their deaths.
- Need Backup: If a Mk3 Battle Droid is caught alone or in a group smaller than 5, they are practically just diversions. This drawback makes it manditory that Mk3 Battle droids be deployed in large groups.
The Mk3 Battle Droid was designed and manufactured by Dr. Droideka to be an advanced (and disposable) fighting force for use in his private army. As such, their design (or at least, some of it) is entirely unique, especially its speed and high durability to most forms of damage. It costs just under 2,000 credits to make a single droid, and a bit less if some corners are cut to reduce their durability. These droids rely on people in charge constantly sending out commands in order to act appropriately during combat, as they have no AI and will often march to their deaths unless told otherwise. This is both a flaw and an advantage, as they will not flee when outnumbered and outgunned, and this is useful when covering an escape or when used as a diversion. These droids are entirely loyal to Dr. Droideka, and cannot be urged to betray him unless he orders it.
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