The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Intent: To provide a Shotgun sale from Nine's workshop
Image Source:
Canon Link:
Arch Psy-Pire (where its vampiric features come from)(
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Masquerade LTD. (
Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth and CIS
Model: (Example: Pancor Jackhammer
Modularity: Yes (Scopes and ammunition)
Production: Minor (Limited to Atrisian Commonwealth and CIS only)
Material: Durasteel, Industrial plastics. Specialized electronics.
Classification: Automatic Combat Shotgun
Size: Large
Ammunition Type: Shotgun Shell (12 guage), customized Shot Gun and Slug ammo.
Ammunition Capacity: Thirty rounds.
Reload Speed: Fast.
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: High
Stopping Power: High
Recoil: Very Low
Extraordinarily low recoil due to special inertial dampeners and gas venting.
High accuracy due to above features
Customizable ammo
Light weight due to clever use of industrial strength synthetic materials. Metal is only used for the receiver, dampeners and barrel
Extremely resistant to conventional damage.
Specialized, built in Vampiric Battery connected to built in telescopic bayonet.
Like a feather: The shotgun is made mostly of industrial strength plastic and has a fantastically light weight, allowing one to lug it around comfortably all day.
Low Recoil: Utilizing miniature prototype recoil dampeners originally developed for antimaterial rifles, as well as conventional barrell ventillation techniques, the Shotgun is capable of shockingly low recoil for a weapon of this type
High accuracy: For the combined above reasons, It mains incredible accuracy, even under full auto fire.
High rate of fire: It can switch from single shot to full auto
Customized: It can accept various shotgun ammo types, including incendiary shotshell and slug rounds, as well as flechettes. It can also be fitted with a scope.
Impaler: This weapon comes with a specialized vampiric battery that drains the mental energy of the perator into its recesses, channeling the stored nueral energy out through a telescopic bayonet in a lightning bolt like fashion that stuns whoever the bolt hits, and chains to any beings in targets radius except the operator. The bayonet can also be used to stab, obviously, but its true function is to channel the bolt.
Apocalypse-Proof: Able to fire after being in water, ice, mud, and extreme temperatures of heat and cold. Also heavily shock resistant.
Limited reserve ammo: The shotgun takes a drum clip, and as a result the magazine is very large: The operator will only be able to carry two reserve magazines.
Bulk: Despite its lightness, the weapon is very large, and because of the size of its ammunition, the operator will at most only be able to carry a side arm.
Drainage: the vampiric battery installed, when used, creates temporary memory loss and sluggishness for a period of five minutes. For this reason, many operators choose to fill the battery before a mission. No plan survives the enemy however, and there is a possibility of having to use the battery in the field. Five minutes of sluggishness, torpor and memory loss can be deadly in battle and repeat uses of the battery in a short time can leave someone exhausted and barely able to function.
One Shot, One K.O.
The bolt of purple, lightning like energy that travels from its bayonet and is capable of affecting up to three people only has enough juice for one bolt per draining of the operator. If you are going to use that feature it is best reserved for emergencies.
Limited Range: Yeah, you might be able to put a scope on it, and yes, this thing is very accurate, but don't expect to hit anything beyond seventy meters.
The Angel.
We here at Masquerade LTD believe in giving our customers the best zombie-killers on the market--because thats what shotguns are for, ladies and gentlemen! Zombie Killing! And tax evasion! (DISCLAIMER: Masquerade LTD does not condone the use of shotguns in the commission of tax evasion)
The Angel is not named because it takes your enemies to heaven! (Though that would be totally awesome if that were the case) Heavens no! You want those guys to go hell when they meet the lethal buckshot of this fully armed and operational firearm! That's the only reason you bought this!
Light in weight, accurate, and built to take punishment like Darth Vader after Mustafar, The Angel sends clouds of automatic buckshot towards your enemies, plus, its special bayonet launches a bolt of non-lethal stun energy...once its used your mind as fuel, of course!
The real reason the Angel is so named? Because its light. Like, crazy light. You'll barely feel weighed down at all with this sucker. There are fancier shotguns out there, but few are this light, or this durable. Sure, you might not be able to carry any other weapon but a pistol, and the mags for this sucker might make ammo a problem, but when you need to make a problem disappear at close ranges, and by "Disappear", we mean "Turn problem into bloody chunks of meat", do not hesitate to reach for your darling angel!
--Morpheus LTD sales pitch.

Image Source:
Canon Link:
Arch Psy-Pire (where its vampiric features come from)(
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Masquerade LTD. (
Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth and CIS
Model: (Example: Pancor Jackhammer
Modularity: Yes (Scopes and ammunition)
Production: Minor (Limited to Atrisian Commonwealth and CIS only)
Material: Durasteel, Industrial plastics. Specialized electronics.
Classification: Automatic Combat Shotgun
Size: Large
Ammunition Type: Shotgun Shell (12 guage), customized Shot Gun and Slug ammo.
Ammunition Capacity: Thirty rounds.
Reload Speed: Fast.
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: High
Stopping Power: High
Recoil: Very Low
Extraordinarily low recoil due to special inertial dampeners and gas venting.
High accuracy due to above features
Customizable ammo
Light weight due to clever use of industrial strength synthetic materials. Metal is only used for the receiver, dampeners and barrel
Extremely resistant to conventional damage.
Specialized, built in Vampiric Battery connected to built in telescopic bayonet.
Like a feather: The shotgun is made mostly of industrial strength plastic and has a fantastically light weight, allowing one to lug it around comfortably all day.
Low Recoil: Utilizing miniature prototype recoil dampeners originally developed for antimaterial rifles, as well as conventional barrell ventillation techniques, the Shotgun is capable of shockingly low recoil for a weapon of this type
High accuracy: For the combined above reasons, It mains incredible accuracy, even under full auto fire.
High rate of fire: It can switch from single shot to full auto
Customized: It can accept various shotgun ammo types, including incendiary shotshell and slug rounds, as well as flechettes. It can also be fitted with a scope.
Impaler: This weapon comes with a specialized vampiric battery that drains the mental energy of the perator into its recesses, channeling the stored nueral energy out through a telescopic bayonet in a lightning bolt like fashion that stuns whoever the bolt hits, and chains to any beings in targets radius except the operator. The bayonet can also be used to stab, obviously, but its true function is to channel the bolt.
Apocalypse-Proof: Able to fire after being in water, ice, mud, and extreme temperatures of heat and cold. Also heavily shock resistant.
Limited reserve ammo: The shotgun takes a drum clip, and as a result the magazine is very large: The operator will only be able to carry two reserve magazines.
Bulk: Despite its lightness, the weapon is very large, and because of the size of its ammunition, the operator will at most only be able to carry a side arm.
Drainage: the vampiric battery installed, when used, creates temporary memory loss and sluggishness for a period of five minutes. For this reason, many operators choose to fill the battery before a mission. No plan survives the enemy however, and there is a possibility of having to use the battery in the field. Five minutes of sluggishness, torpor and memory loss can be deadly in battle and repeat uses of the battery in a short time can leave someone exhausted and barely able to function.
One Shot, One K.O.
The bolt of purple, lightning like energy that travels from its bayonet and is capable of affecting up to three people only has enough juice for one bolt per draining of the operator. If you are going to use that feature it is best reserved for emergencies.
Limited Range: Yeah, you might be able to put a scope on it, and yes, this thing is very accurate, but don't expect to hit anything beyond seventy meters.
The Angel.
We here at Masquerade LTD believe in giving our customers the best zombie-killers on the market--because thats what shotguns are for, ladies and gentlemen! Zombie Killing! And tax evasion! (DISCLAIMER: Masquerade LTD does not condone the use of shotguns in the commission of tax evasion)
The Angel is not named because it takes your enemies to heaven! (Though that would be totally awesome if that were the case) Heavens no! You want those guys to go hell when they meet the lethal buckshot of this fully armed and operational firearm! That's the only reason you bought this!
Light in weight, accurate, and built to take punishment like Darth Vader after Mustafar, The Angel sends clouds of automatic buckshot towards your enemies, plus, its special bayonet launches a bolt of non-lethal stun energy...once its used your mind as fuel, of course!
The real reason the Angel is so named? Because its light. Like, crazy light. You'll barely feel weighed down at all with this sucker. There are fancier shotguns out there, but few are this light, or this durable. Sure, you might not be able to carry any other weapon but a pistol, and the mags for this sucker might make ammo a problem, but when you need to make a problem disappear at close ranges, and by "Disappear", we mean "Turn problem into bloody chunks of meat", do not hesitate to reach for your darling angel!
--Morpheus LTD sales pitch.