Kami Meran
I am the sapper
Affiliation: oppen market
Manufacturer: Meran Mechanics
Model: MM-005
Modularity: yes the MM-005 is intended to be highl adaptable.
Production:, Mass-Produced.
Material: alusteel and tungstoid
Classification: Corvette
Length: 100
Width: 24.6 meters
Height: 18.5 meters
Armament: 5
- One heavy Dual-Turbolaser Turret
- Eight Autoblasters (retractable)
- Two Proton Missile Launchers (Ten missiles per tube)
- Modified Shields
- Modified Navigation Dish
- Modified Comm Array
- Modified Sensor Suite
- Smuggler Holds
- False Telesponder (x2)
na can carry 4 on it's hull
Special Features: the ship features 4 airlocks that match the MM4's belly boarding doors allowing up to 4 ships to dock with it and "Hitch a ride. "
its cabin is Modular and can be detached as a life pod.
the cabin only has a twin TIE engine and little to no weapons generically. although these can be added
Maneuverability Rating: 3
Speed Rating: 5
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Strengths: highly durable
Weaknesses: limited armaments. life pod is unarmed
Intent: to create a combat freighter and fighter dropship with fighters as it's prmary defense.
this can be easily used as a pirate ship.
Who Can Use This: limited
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