Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Crina military academy.

TK watched as the new recruits fell in line and their instructors rehearsed drills with them. He could see they were shaping up, running six miles a day and getting smoked till their balls fell off.

This pleased the old time Trooper. He needed more though, many more.

As he watched the sun was coming above the horizon casting an orange sheen on everything around the compound. TK looked around, satisfied the day was progressing as he saw fit and began to walk back to the Company Headquarters. A new shipload of recruits was due, and it was his job to escort them around.
"When I say nine you say ten, when I say PT you say again!" An older war horse of a staff sergeant ran a formation of new recruits through the PT path, they had just finishing up a run by the looks of things. Dressed in full training armor the platoon of thirty men ran in perfect sequence each foot hitting perfectly with the cadence being called

"Nine!" The staff sergeant shouted over to his platoon
"Ten!" The platoon shouted back
"PT!" The NCO shouted back in kind
"Again!" The platoon screamed outloud, they were one of the best looking platoons on the depo.
"Mark time! Huuh!" The war horse shouted and the platoon broke down into steady march lifting their legs in a coordinated drilling motion letting their heels thunder against the duracrete beneath.
"Left, left, left righty legho, platoon halt!" With that the platoon halted in their place and their heels clacked in place.
"Leeeeft face!" The platoon in one motion turned and stood at attention. It was a well oiled military machine

What separated this platoon from the others? Why was this one great? The answer to that question stepped out from the back of the formation, all seven feet of it. A large hulking giant dressed in full armor exited the back and walked up to the front of the formation. The man bore a skull painted onto the front of his helmet, not that he needed the extra intimidation factor. Walking up to a certain recruit in the front the giant looked down at the small man and shook his head. A large fist struck the boy in the gut and sent him dropping to the floor in a heap of pain. "Esparza, what is my one rule?" He spoke in a calm tone. The recruit gasped unable to answer since he had the wind knocked from him. "Well since you can't remember I will tell you again." Grasping one hand around the throat of the recruit he lifted him into the air and glared at him through the helmet. "One hundred percent at all times, if you fall out of a run again I'm not going to break your legs. I'm going to break your squad leaders legs. Now fall in." The giant dropped the trooper with a thud and walked over to the staff sergeant. "Get them chow then make them field day the barracks until zero four hundred, then get them up for PT at zero six. Punishment for Esparza falling out."
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

TK turned to see the new voice in his training centre. The man with the skull mask was beast. He observed quietly from the shadows watching him give the orders of the day. He couldn’t help but chuckle when the Cadre fell them out for barracks detail. Reminded him of his old days when he was just a private slogging through the shit on Carida before the Sith Empire fell.

He waited till the grounds cleared out and then walked onto the drill pad.

"Hey sergeant, got a minute?"
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

Looking over to the other storm trooper then back to the hulk of a man the skull face man shook his head. The war horse of a staff sergeant visually shuttered then continued to fall out his men to get them fed, they had to get food or else. I'm truth Roland had taken them on a tour past the training grounds and into restricted areas off base. The men had not eaten in over a day and Rolland would not hold them any longer. The platoon fell out and Rolland began to pace towards the storm trooper that had called his staff sergeant out to talk.

With a thud in every step the giant man walked to him and spoke in a cold and emotionless voice once he made it in front of the stormtrooper. "My platoon does not have time to speak with you, I don't want you speaking to my NCO and filling his head with weakness that will get these recruits killed." Stopping a few feet away from the house of a man stopped. A knife clung from out of his shoulder plate and it could be seen he had a slug thrower at his side. "Now, may I help you soldier?" Rolland asked still cold and sociopathic as ever
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

TK bristled as the skull masked man said his words. Fire rose into his veins and he fought the urge to reach out and grab the man's throat.

"I am the XO of the training grounds sergeant, how's about you maintain your discipline!"

TK looked to the sergeant and then back to the skull man.

"I've never seen you in my academy, are you the new cadre?"
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

"I'm not your sergeant. You are beneath me." The giant man in armor was not to be messed with by the looks of things. Stepping forward a few feet he looked down at the smaller man and with a few cracks of his knuckles his hand popped as it clenched into a fist for effect. "I am a bounty hunter contracted to train this platoon. There is a reason why my platoon is the best on the depo, because they are not trained by inferior instructors that you see fit to hire." Letting his platoon be dismissed Rolland glared at the man underneath his skull and prepared himself if anything should happen.

Rolland was strong, he had fought in the war between the fringe and republic. Against the protectorate on Krifu and countless invasions of planets during his time under the old Atrisian empire that had fallen long ago. "Now if you are done wasting my time." The genetically modified and biologically advanced super soldier said to the man bellow him
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

TK raised an eyebrow inside his helmet. Contractors? Since when had they let mercs into the academy. Still the man did his job and he did it well that was all TK could ask for. Despite his sour attitude and the ridiculous amount of verbal diarrhoea that spewed forth from his mouth.

TK was briefly reminded on his time in Carida again, when the Stormtrooper academy had trained the recruits so hard they had training deaths everyday. By the end of rotation thirty two recruits had been killed and stuffed in caskets or shot into space.

"Well then disregard that last warrior. I came to tell you to keep up the good work. Where did you train?"
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

Rolland's posture changed slightly as the man bellow him was no longer seeming to pose a threat, he was not to be trusted still but for the mean time he could be at least talked to. "Atresia, old galactic empire before they became one with the fringe. Project Czar" Rolland told him the truth, there was no need to lie or boast or brag. It was a talk soldier to soldier and Rolland had to contribute something back

Over the years Rolland had struggled with his sociopathic and anti social tendencies do to his training. "Yourself?" He asked trying to hold a conversation. Rolland was a fighter, a killer and reaper of lives. Things like talking and socializing were difficult for him but he did his best in the situation
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

"Carida served with the Galactic Empire after the fall of the Sith empire. A few years later transferred into service for the New Order, then Shadow Empire. Now I'm back here, and at a loss of rank no less. All these Empires disbanding lost me my rank of Colonel."

TK could see the mans distress in small talk. Combat never allowed one to relax after enough of it had been seen in a lifetime. Even salty old dogs still jumped when a speeder door slammed, and TK himself was no different.

"We should have drink some time. I won't hold you up any longer."
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

Drinks, drinks were good right? Rolland hasn't really opened himself up and talked to anybody since Jerrick had died. Since he was forced to kill him. A small tear welled up behind the mask of the commando and he nodded silently before clearing his throat so his voice did not come out as sad or raspy. "Yeah a drink. That sounds good." He said trying not to completely shut back down into his sociopathic nature.

"It's a matter of trust." Rolland said softly "You transfer and they want you at a lower rank until you can prove yourself to be worthy." Lifting his head up Rolland checked the time. It was about sixteen hundred hours and he wouldn't be needed till zero six this morning. "I think we can grab drinks now on a bar on base if you want?" He asked the fellow brother of the empire of old
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

TK nodded.

"I know it. Still my place is on the battlefield, not holding some soft ass recruits hand and showing him to his quarters all day. Man I cant wait till this assignment is over. Let me close up my office, I'll be here in ten."

TK walked off, and shut off the lights of his office. He hit the scanner with his thumbprint and key card, locking the mechanical locks.

Ten minutes later he was headed back towards the drill pad, with a pair of landspeeder keys.

"Nearest bars actually just down the street. I'm really thirsty too so let's go grab the commanders speeder and get out of here. If I crash it on the way back Ima blame it on you!" TK jested, letting out a gravely chuckle.
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

As Rolland waited he did something that was really going to pull himself out of his comfort zone. Slowly as TK walked backRolland removed his helmet from his face and took a deep breath of fresh air. Fresh air filled his cybernetic lungs as he took a deep breath for the first time in almost a week. Rolland's face was oddly fair for something that looked like it could tear the arms off a wookie. A trimmed buzzcut with brown stubbles of hair and a face that looked a bit pale in comparison. It was clear that he did not get much sun

Walking up besides the XO Rolland spoke the best he could trying to convey his emotions. "I'm sorry I was like that. I don't meet friendly people in my line of work." And that was true for the most part. Bounty hunting was something of a dangerous game and it was usually played to the death
[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"]

"It's no sweat. I get this kind of crap all the time, 'specially from old timers who mistake me for a rookie."

They hopped in the speeder and seconds later they were in TK's favorite bar the drunken bantha. Now TK removed his helmet, showing the face of a younger man, but riddled with worry. There were scars on his cheeks from multiple battles and it was clean shaven. His hair was a tight brown cut.

"Oy give me two Crinan ales, on me!"

The bartender knew TK pretty well and had them fixed up in no time.

"So what brings you out contracting?"

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