RC 212
Location: Crina military academy.
TK watched as the new recruits fell in line and their instructors rehearsed drills with them. He could see they were shaping up, running six miles a day and getting smoked till their balls fell off.
This pleased the old time Trooper. He needed more though, many more.
As he watched the sun was coming above the horizon casting an orange sheen on everything around the compound. TK looked around, satisfied the day was progressing as he saw fit and began to walk back to the Company Headquarters. A new shipload of recruits was due, and it was his job to escort them around.
TK watched as the new recruits fell in line and their instructors rehearsed drills with them. He could see they were shaping up, running six miles a day and getting smoked till their balls fell off.
This pleased the old time Trooper. He needed more though, many more.
As he watched the sun was coming above the horizon casting an orange sheen on everything around the compound. TK looked around, satisfied the day was progressing as he saw fit and began to walk back to the Company Headquarters. A new shipload of recruits was due, and it was his job to escort them around.