Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Moblie Rangers

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Rare[/SIZE]
  • Deployment: Limited
  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths & Weaknesses: [/SIZE]
  • Skill Infantrymen
  • Dedicated Fighters
  • Mobility
  • Bulky Targets
  • Weak Against Force Users
  • Small groups, or solitary
  • Description: [SIZE=9pt]The Mobile Rangers are some of the best the Golden Reach as to offer. Protecting it and hunting down those who wish to do it harm. Most who apply to become a Mobile Ranger won't make the cut. As only about 10% of applicants graduate. A mobile ranger is often scene by themselves. Typically only a few would be at a planet at any given time to provide security. However, when duty calls there's expected to deploy quickly to where their need in a system or section of the galaxy. Acting more as an elite peace keeping force then a offensive military. [/SIZE]
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