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Approved Starship Modified Consular Class Cruiser "The Tenacity"

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Maker of Stuff and Things.


  • Heavy Hitter: Once the home base of Jonyna Si, the cathar has had Si Tech reformat the ship to the design she always wished she could afford back during her days as a Rebel. That included a complete overhaul of it's offensive capabilities. Hammer Turbolasers, Spear Thrower Flak Cannons, the whole kit and kabootle. This, linked with the twin droid brain, allows the Tenacity to act as a massive bulwark in a ship to ship battle.
  • Droid Brains: The Tenacity, as a way to honor the droids that once walked it's halls, has two droid brains installed. The first, based on the droid brain of a B-1 Battle Droid, functions as the automatic gunners of the ship, allowing the ship's crew to be reduce it's required numbers. The second, based on a custom scientist droid, acts as the voice of the ship, running the internal systems, allowing it's pilot to focus on matters at hand.
  • Sneaky: The Tenacity, much like it's sister ship The Reaper, is kitted out with all the stealth tech Jonyna could afford.
  • Home is Where the Heart Is: Jonyna has since retrofitted the Tenacity to act as her home, along with her mate and padawans. The Reaper has been refitted to act as a cross between a luxury ship, and a warship, allowing Jonyna and whomever comes with her to live in the comfort she never had growing up.
  • Turns like a Whale: The Tenacity, much like designs of it's past, isn't designed to be the most maneuverable ship in the galaxy.
  • Droid-Reliant: If the ship were to be hit with a high enough Ion blast, the droid brains would shut off. This would force the crew to man the guns themselves.
  • One of a Kind: Many of the systems within the Tenacity are, by modern standards, antiques. Repairing them could require a journey in and of itself.
Once upon a time, the Tenacity was a Republic Consular Class ship owned by a senator. With the fall of the republic, it eventually found it's way into the ownership of one Teemo The Hutt, brother to Jabba. He loaned the ship to Jonyna Si Jonyna Si and her crew, using it as leverage against them. The ship quickly became a home to the ragtag crew, and they eventually found a way to buy out the ship from the Hutt, and retrofit it to their liking.

During their run in with an Ice Witch of Dathomir, the Tenacity was frozen under the ice of Javaal, sitting under the ice for 900 years until it was rediscovered by Jonyna, and eventually pulled out of the ice, with the intent to retrofit it and restore it. While many of the systems were completely destroyed after nine centuries of permafrost, Si Tech was able to restore and retrofit the ship to a state of usefulness. Equipped to act as the second home of the former Rebel Jedi, it's capabilities allowing it to act as a more offensive option of Jonyna and her crew.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

Very cool ship again! I found one problem only. The production scale is Unique, it means only one person/group/faction can own the ship, not five. I would like to ask you to remove everyone and keep only one character in the Affilation. If you keep your character there, you can always give a permission to others to use the ship.
Maker of Stuff and Things.
MANIAC MANIAC The original intention was that they all shared the ship, as I enjoy the PC crew aesthetic, and I've had ships in the past work that way. But if that's an issue, it's fixed. Unfortunate, but it's a non-issue.
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