Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Modified Jedi T-85 X-Wing


  • Classification: Starfighter
  • Length: 15.68 meters
  • Width: 13.65 meters
  • Height: 2.7 meters
Specifications: S-foils in closed position
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: High
  • Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive: Yes - 1,2 rating
Specifications: S-foils in attack position

  • Standard communications array.
  • Standard life support systems.
  • Standard navigational systems.
  • Standard Sensor Array.
  • Standard Hyperdrive.
  • Atmospheric flight and landing on planets are possible.
  • Jedi pilots: Within the cockpit of the X-wings, Force Crystals were embedded that allow their senses to sharpen, and their minds to connect far more easily through Telepathy. This modification can only be benefitted from by Jedi pilots, who will be able to coordinate and perform much better in the ships because of those crystals and the telepathic network they can form.
  • Firepower: The X-wings are designed to be particularly useful for the Jedi, who can use their senses to be far more accurate. To benefit from this, the energy system and weapon-tuning onboard were designed to re-route a substantial amount of power to the weapons in attack position, thus giving the pilots a great deal of firepower to work with.
  • S-foils: The two S-foil settings allow the pilots a lot of flexibility. In the closed position, they can be fast and maneuvrable to escape or intercept targets. While in attack position, they possess the firepower to be effective in combat.
  • S-foils: With the S-foils locked in the closed position, all power is drained away from the weapons. If the ships are caught in combat or in an ambush where they are not in attack position, they will have no way to return fire.
  • Low number: Each X-wing is specifically designed to fit the Jedi pilots who they were meant for. While damage can be repaired, the loss of an X-wing would be problematic, as they are hard to replace. There are very few of these custom made X-wings.
  • Weapon-tuning: While the heavy tuning of the weapons results in great firepower, they can quickly overheat if they are managed poorly. Long sustained bursts are therefore not recommended. In extreme cases, the intense heat will affect the metal the weapons are made of as well.
  • Force-nullification: Should the ships find themselves in an area of space where the Force is nullified, the crystals will not function, thus removing the enhanced senses and telepathic abilities the pilots would otherwise experience.
Prior to the development of this new type of X-wing, Valery Noble Valery Noble 's primary ship was her Stealth-focused X-wing. It was developed shortly after her awakening from stasis and meant to give her a means of traveling safely, without confrontation. It was never designed to be used consistently in combative encounters.

But with her new role as a Leader and a fighter for the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order, Valery suddenly needed a fighter capable of serving her in even the most intense battles. This led up to the development of the Modified T-85, which was specifically designed to be used by her and her Padawans. Through their bond and the Meld they typically form together, their coordination in battle is something special, and this fighter was made to further reinforce that using the Force Crystals and specific power settings in its two S-foil positions.
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