Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moff Iridius

Moff Iridius

Name: Marcus Iridius
Faction: The New Order
Rank: Moff
Race: Human
Age: 61
Height: 6'0
Weight: 235 pounds
Eyes: blue
Hair: grey
Skin: white
Force sensitive: No

Politician: Being in politics Marcus prefers to deal things by dropping a storm trooper legion on it rather than going to fight himself

Accomplished Marksmen: It's safe to say he can handle himself in a fight, he's a decent shot with a blaster rifle and he did serve as a officer in the storm trooper corps infantry division.
Non force user: Le gasp! Someone who can't use the force in this galaxy?! Naaahh can't be this site is like 90% force users this guys got to be able to at least pull a star destroyer down from orbit. I'm afraid not, Marc is bone dry in the force and he can't use it nor does he have any defense against it.

Blades guns and other sharp objects: He's a man, not a god and he dies like everyone else.

Appearance: Grey hair with a bit of facial hair, he normally prefers to dress informally but when he is on duty you can see him in his classic imperial grey garb.

Bio: Born Marcus Iridius to a political family on bastion he was the youngest of three sons to parents Martha and Julius Iridius. Going to college and graduating he was expected to follow in his families footsteps of being a alderman or a governor like his father. But no, choosing a life away from home he enlisted into the OCS of the storm trooper and graduated top of his class as a second lieutenant. After serving many tours of combat In the sith empire he was graciously appointed the rank of general after 20 years of active service and eventually a promotion to Moff of an entire planet. But after the collapse of the empire Irdius eventually found his way to the New Order where he was reinstated to his full rank and given control of his own personal legion of storm troopers aka 154th "Hellboys" now he rules over his division and eventually will find his own planet to rule over once more

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

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