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Moffs & Military Things

Since there is a growing population of Force-insensitives playing high ranked roles such as Moffs and Admirals, we should probably hash some things out due to a few discrepencies on how Moffs and other positions are defined in certain Sith-ran empires.

First off, Moffs are pretty consistent across all Empires. They are in charge of a certain sector and the resources from it. Their power is very exensive and they are usually from a military background.

For the application of Moffs at TSE, I suggest that those that want to be Moffs are assigned to one of the sectors outlined in this thread. Their direct superior would be the Sith Lord in charge of that sector and whoever the Sith Lord gives permission to command the Moff. As far as resources, we can assume that the Moff is in charge of the armies and fleets from the sector and would usually travel with them in the event that the Sith Lord wishes to strike someplace outside of the sector. They can also dabble in secret projects, ranging from eugenics to the newest weapon of the Imperial arsenal.

Grand Moffs have two definitions in canon. In Palpatine's Galctic Empire, Grand Moffs were in charge of Oversectors, which were essentially several sectors combined. Essentailly, they were in charge of the Moffs within their Oversector and wielded a lot more power. Along with Moffs, the number of oversectors/sectors they were in charge of was not limited. This was why Grand Moff Tarkin had a lot of power - he had the most sectors at the time. Grand Moffs were answerable only to the Emperor.

The second definition was used by the Sith Empire in TOR and Krayt's Empire. It was more of a ceremonial title given to one person. They gained no additional powers, yet were recognized as the strongest and most powerful Moff of the Empire - and thus held considerable political sway. Kilran had enough to the point that he was second-in-command of the Empire's military forces, just below the actual Minister of War. Since the Sith Empire is not that large (it would probably be a single oversector in Star Wars canon), I recommend this route of having a Grand Moff if Ashin wishes to seelct the person with the title.

The Legacy comic series revealed that Moffs can hold military positions along with being a Moff. The High Moff, for example, was both such and Grand Admiral. This was noted as being very rare, though, as that Moff was the first to hold both titles. Yet, it does suggest that Moffs can still be involved in which branch of the military or Imperial Intelligence that they came from. Kilran, for example, still directly commanded a fleet. Kilran is a canon example of this, as he commanded the Fifth Fleet of the Sith Empire while being a Grand Moff.

When it came to Grand Admirals, Grand Generals, and the Director of Imperial Intelligence, the Moffs did not have the abiilty to command them. They too were only answerable to the Emperor or the Sith Lord the Emperor deemed to have authority of them. The number of Grand Admirals/Generals is not limited based on Star Wars canon. Grand Admirals in particular had a council of twelve in Palpatine's Empire. When only one Grand Admiral existed, they were generally regarded as the absolute authority regarding naval strategy just below the Emperor and appointed executors.

What are yall's opinion on this stuff?

Sven Talith

For the Grand Moff thing i go with the first definition. Otherwise everything seems pretty standard and the Moffs we currently have should start being assigned to sectors.
I see Moffs being more of the administrators and advisors of their sith lords, capable of being govenors as well with the full weight of the sector councilor behind them if the councilor so deems it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
So far as I see it working best for us, a given sector will have both a Sith Master and a Moff. A Grand Moff would oversee the administrative stuff for, say, three sectors.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I think of Moffs more like NCOs in the military, sorta. A Grand Moff would oversee the administrative affairs and military coordination of a handful of sectors, but wouldn't answer to the Sith Masters. They'd be considered diplomatically equal.
In that case, a good way to give Viera the title she wanted is to name her "Grand Moff of the Braxant". Something like that.

Also, I think Kirk would do pretty well in Sector 5, where most of the Tion Hegemony would be.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The bulk of the Tion civilization is in 8 and 9, with a little hanging off the southern edge (Caluula, for example). If you want to be Moff of Tion, that's where to look.

Sven Talith

I would like Sector 12, i know there is no Master there yet but i want Sven to be on the edge of Empire Space

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Sounds pretty sensible. Sweet. I'll have to start keeping track of all this - planetary Knight governors, sector masters, moffs, etc - on one master list pretty soon.
Moff stuff sounds too confusing, I'm happy with my Deputy Director of Intelligence title. Not the top head honcho, but up there :p

Who else is interested in Intell or Imperial security?
That would be fine my old Apprentice, take a world of your choosing (Lorrd is my Capital). Just be sure to respond to the appropriate thread. Also, me and you will get some more thread time in the near future. I plan to use this character more often.

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