(Minus the leg prosthetic, that is a decent loose representation - WIP.)
NOTE: I know its the epitome of stubbornness, but I refuse to RP in anything related to the Mouse's episodes VII-IX, due to the fact that there's no proper worldbuilding or even basic in-universe history in any way, shape or form. EU and the occasional fanon only for me.
Name: Mokdyyn Colveth - "Darth Vandorr"
Faction: Independent
Rank: N/A
Species: Abyssin
Age: 162
Sex: Male
Height: 7'0
Weight: 261 lbs.
Build: Tall, slender and muscular
Eye color: Purple
Hair color: Bald, with light blue facial hair in the form of long sideburns.
Skin color: Gray with mottled red spots along his upper back and shoulders.
Force Sensitivity: Yes
Force Powers:
Sense: psychometry, instinctive astrogation,
Occupation: Sith Alchemist, archivist and scholar
Wealthy: While still an Apprentice and a youth, Colveth's committing the violent murder of gargantuan, repulsor-chair-bound and hideously fat Zabrak crime lord Talfeesh Berel while posing as a traveling bounty hunter granted this ambitious Abyssin, after an intense and violent battle with his "employer's" associates, access to Berel's vast reserves of glitterstim and giggledust. Using the guise of a hooded and vocabulated alter ego, the subsequent funneling of the immense amount of spice in moderate amounts to various smaller crime lords across the known Galaxy was successful, despite the consistent danger he faced at every turn. A short delay would follow before, where there was no law, Mokdyyn would sell the information regarding the spice's new owners to other interested criminals, setting off small wars and earning further wealth from an opposing faction. In systems where the law was prominent, he would play the role of a concerned travelling noble and cooperate with authorities against those who bought his spice reserves from his false identity, one Faljhen Olgress. Thus, from both sides of the law, the Abyssin rid himself strategically of an immense fortune's worth of various illegal spice variants, to say nothing of the fees he claimed via providing information leading to the capture of dozens of notorious criminals over several decades amidst patient calculations amongst the criminal underworld.
Natural Scholastic: Darth Vandorr became naturally more scholastic over the course of learning the physical and mental abilites demanded of a Sith apprentice. He especially focused on tempering himself to the scholasticism of the Dark Side's practitioners as he aged, though to the slight disappointment of his Feeorin Master, the physically imposing Darth Kinzas, and the Abyssin was especially drawn towards the strange teachings and creations of Sith alchemy. In addition, the studies of the perspectives of the varied figures from the annals of history, Dark, Light, Neutral and Non-Force-Sensitive alike have allowed the Abyssin to gain long-term insight that only those strongly trained in military tactics, scholasticism or deceptive business practices might appreciate.
Sith Amulet: An ancient, intricate, bronze, pyramid-shaped amulet that can temporarily store and channel the energies of the Dark Side hangs around the Abyssin's neck and is among Colveth's most cherished possessions. The amulet has strange effects, from draining and mildly altering an opponent's emotions to temporarily modifying the user's Force abilities to produce unnatural, if mild effects, the amulet worn around Colveth's neck is as deadly as it is intricately-crafted.
One-Eyed: Abyssins must turn either their heads, torsos or bodies in order to effectively see that which is directly before their eye, as these aliens are biologically limited in vision due to their bizarre physiology.
Intense Melancholy: For some reason, perhaps due to prolonged studies in archives across the Galaxy and due to most of his recent interaction having been solely with droids, the lingering, though weak sensations of despair and isolation-wrought sorrow felt over many years have begun to weigh on the Abyssin's mind, which, at times, can affect the quality of Colveth's Force abilities.
Wound in the Force - Sorrow-Based: Unbeknowst to either Mokdyyn or his Master, nearly fifty years ago while exploring a prominent Dark Side-infused locale where hundreds of kidnapped younglings were executed, Mokdyyn Colveth was briefly possessed by the Dark Side Spirit of the younglings' murderer, a Givin named Saalnef Verth'jad. Never having been able to properly discern the nature of his fits of sorrowful mood swings, this Sith Scholar has unknowingly become a manifestation of a Wound in the Force. At extreme low points, even Colveth's Force powers can be altered as a result of this unforeseen side effect.
Appearance: The tall, gangly alien, whatever his form may be, stands in the shadowed hollows of the archive in question, his form concealed beneath a midnight blue robe akin to those worn by the ancient Jedi Order in the days of the Old Republic. His frame remains unnaturally hunched as her peruses the screen before him, content to ignore the dying, flickering light overhead. What glimpses of his body can be seen reveal that his limbs are delicately muscled even despite their lanky appearance. the shifting of the alien's hood reveal an almost cylindrical bald head with pointed, short elflike ears covered in dry, wrinkled gray flesh, with strange light blue hair growing out of the alien's face, in the form of long, well-tressed sideburns. A downward-fixed, almost porcine-like little nose flares as the creature turns, and reveals a single glowing purple eye in the middle of his face, bearing a strange, vertical and slitted white iris. Pointed teeth flash behind the creature's thin-lipped, wide mouth as he raises his left arm, the flashing over the overhead light revealing the arm to be either partially or entirely cybernetic beneath the robe, as a holo-image flares to life up from the alien's prosthesis, the blue photons forming words that only he can see. Engrossed in his work, the alien continues to watch the holo-text unfurl before his harsh, cold-looking single eye...
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Voice Example: Kronos (Age of Mythology)
Equipment: Data scomp built into his left pointer finger and an accompanying holoprojector readout ensconced into his cybernetic left wrist, midnight blue robe, red hook hilt lightsaber, spare clothing, A99 aquata breather/rebreather
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