Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Molly Armstrong [Redux]

Molly Armstrong





Is Molly Armstrong a liberator? or a terrorist? Depends who you ask, really.

To the poor, dirty underworld of Coruscant? Well I'm their angel of destruction. A little gutter rat, champion of the broken, the beaten, and the damned. I grew up on the streets with no family but the one I brought together of orphans and urchins.

You see, I wasn't always Molly Armstrong. Once upon a time I had a different designation, something something long numbers. The SIA built me. Yeah, built me. I may be a meat bag like any normal girl, but under all these curves is a well-oiled killing machine. Literally. But the SIA couldn't hold me long. They say droids have no souls, but I ain't no droid. I'm a bona fide artificial intelligence, and a person. I felt deep inside that I wasn't a cog in the military industrial complex. Not sure if I was intended for free-thought, but I sure wasn't intended to go rogue.

So yeah, as you can guess I haven't been all to popular with the authorities since day one. But lucky for me, all those forgotten punks and broke-down droids in the underworld gave me a new life. A home. But our home is filthy, rotten, dark. Uncared for, really. Meanwhile the same shmucks who thought they could control me sit worrying about how to keep their ivory towers from collapsing when the Sith shoot at them.

If you ask me, they should be more worried about who might knock them down from below...

. R E S I D E N C E
Coruscant Underworld​
. S P E C I E S
Human Replica Droid / AI​
. G E N D E R
. A G E
Appears Mid-20s​
. H E I G H T
5 foot 6 inches​
. E Y E S
. S K I N
. B U I L D
. W E I G H T
125 lbs.​
. F A C T I O N
Brotherhood of the Maw​
. V O I C E

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