Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Molly Rieux

Marek Starchaser


NAME: Molly Rieux
FACTION: ACA/Obsidian Order
RANK: cadet
SPECIES: human-zeltron hybrid
AGE: 22
SEX: female
HEIGHT: five foot four
WEIGHT: 105lbs
EYES: purple
HAIR: dark brown
SKIN: olive skin


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Ratchet – Molly isn't the most... polite of people? She would rather spend time looking good than doing good.
Lazy – She would really prefer to get herself wasted and out on the town than doing anything constructive
Weak - Due to a spice dependency, Molly is incredibly weak, and prefers to use tools to get jobs done.
Basic Force Use – She's not all that strong in the Force
Street Smart – From her upbringing on Nar Shaddaa, Molly is more worldly than most people
White Collar Wannnabe – Molly, through her time spent trying to impress people, she tends to know the power players of the galaxy
Tech Savvy - While she is not the most martial person, besides dexterity from time spent doing unsavory jobs, put her behind a computer terminal or in the cockpit of a fighter (not a shuttle, she is not good for flying anything bigger than a swoop/fighter) and she can work some magic.

Petite and with mixed features of Zeltrons and darker-skinned humans. She is petite but wiry for her size. She is the type to get into bar fights, and that's about the extent of her martial ability. She does go to the gym to keep her body in check.

Born on Nar Shaddaa to a pair of spice runners, Molly's parent's weren't the best care takers, she fell into a few issues during her younger childhood, bouncing from social group to social group. A lot of her time was spent with delinquents. In and out of trouble, she knew how to work men and women to get what she wanted from them. One part conning, one part Zeltron wiles. As she grew up, she sort of grew out of the phase and started using the money her parents gave her, from their life insurance, something she does not ever care to talk about, their death, and started to pick higher targets. Working her way into making a small life for herself.

That was, until she came across a Jedi.

Apparently she was Force-sensitive. And sent out to Dantooine.

Force Sense
Force Speed
Force Heal
None, yet





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