Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moment of Triumph


Morality Policeman :)
So I was on a sorta-unannounced-LOA for a couple weeks there, I guess. I'm in a bit of a financial situation right now and need to earn back my scholarship. I was grinding all semester at school to regain it, but as all of you should know, if you really care about your grade, you have to double down thrice to be ready for the finals. And I was tripled down quadruply. So I barely posted anything, in case you were writing with me and hadn't noticed.

Anyway, semester is over for me. Looks like I accomplished what I set out to do grades-wise. Also still looks like I'm in a financial situation, but that will be a little cushioned now with the redemption of my scholarship.

So I'm back to RPing at just a little less than a regular pace for me, so if I am currently in a thread with you, I promise I will get back in the groove with that by the middle of next week, though probably before then.

If you're ADD, this means that
  • Geneviève Lasedri
  • Corvetta Salvo
  • Skrik Piper
  • Tacitanya
  • Brevitæ
  • Bottlecap
  • Tålamod Shapochka
  • Tsukikaneko Nozomi
  • Mehrk Gorbi
will be returning to their active threads shortly. Also means that I may be doing a little tweaking with the Rebel Alliance.

Thank you for your patience.

[member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"], [member="Corruck Kazen"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Mrrew"], [member="Iella E'ron"]
I look forward to you being able to RP at an acceptable rate, by your standards.

I hope that you did well grades wise. I haven't gotten to college yet, still on 12th Grade. However I do know that college is much more difficult and it is good to hear that you were able to reach your goals.



Morality Policeman :)
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

College isn't so much difficult as it is just painful and suffocating to your wallet. :p

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

Thank you, good sir. Don't think I've RP'd with you before, though I may need to mark you down for a future thread. ;)

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