Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Money or Vengeance

TAG: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
GEAR: Standard Galactic Alliance armor
The hysteria was clear with a portion of the GA, Velus, a recent planet that openly declared their support for the faction had their chancellor's daughter kidnapped. The public hasn't been privy to this information yet, and deliberately so to prevent mass hysteria. However, the demands were met well enough; for a immeasurable amount of credits, the daughter will be returned safely to Velus. It has been only a few hours since this communication came along. Some key members were already assigned to the case. Corbin, for one, due to his history of participating in long-term operations would be needed here, having a good mix of both being an individual agent, and a soldier if a situation gets ugly.


Corbin himself already arrived at the scene of the crime. A nice viewing spot of the city itself, no signs of a break in, any attempts of resistance, anything. He'd almost doubt that a kidnapping ever happened if it wasn't for the ransom request. This means that it could've been someone who had access, or they were dealing with professionals. The lack of information didn't help, with his train of thought, he'd play the hologram again from the holoplayer attached to the wall.

"We have Senator Halon Grell's daughter, if we do not receive five million credits within the next three days, we will harm her." and just like that, the message ended. The imagery of the holo itself showed a cloaked figure, with some sort of black mask covering the entirety of their face. He let his face fall down momentarily, letting a hand place on his head. The stress of that timer was getting to him somewhat, and he felt like he kept hitting a wall after a wall. If he recalled, someone else was also assigned to this case. Maybe they'd provide more insight or have a better clue than he does.
Location: Velus
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

Travelling to Velus, Lily reviewed the information on the mission that she had been tasked with. It was a peculiar case since kidnappings were not something she saw too often and usually were done for political or monetary gains, at least that was an assumption she had on them. Reviewing the information, she knew that the senator's daughter had been taken but there was no proof that the person who sent the demands was the same one that kidnapped her or that she was still alive and in their custody. Though knowledge of her kidnapping was a tightly kept secret so it would be difficult to believe someone unrelated would send demands.

Her issue was not knowing the wellbeing of the daughter. Since conforming to the demands would be logical just to ensure the safety of the daughter and then finding the criminals after the fact could still be achieved. However, if the daughter was in danger or being harmed as they worked on conforming to the demands then it would be more important to find them first.

Walking to the crime scene, Lily acknowledged that she herself was a rich noble herself and knew the demands were high but not impossibly high. It was a monetary value that she could afford, so she wondered if this was then a case of desperate people needing what to them felt like a life changing amount of money or if there was a specific statement that was wanting to be made with this amount. There were a lot of questions which made sense and she was curious to see how things would go. She was ashamed that she wasn't skilled in Psychometry to sense anything of relevance at the crime scene to help things. Her use of the power was very limited and she often struggled to understand what was being felt or said in a particular vision.

"Greetings, I am Lily Decoria, Jedi Padawan. Here to help with the investigation." Lily spoke in her soft voice as she entered the crime scene and looked around the scene. "May I ask what is your take on the situation currently?" She felt it would be a good idea to share their thoughts, see where they agreed, disagreed and what various ideas they had since it could be that mentioning something could spark a lead or thought in the other person.
TAG: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria
GEAR: Standard Galactic Alliance armor​

Corbin looked up as he heard the soft voice of Lily Decoria, a Jedi Padawan assigned to the case. Her presence brought a slight sense of relief, perhaps her insight, even as a Padawan, could help break through the walls he'd been hitting since he arrived. He straightened up, giving a respectful nod in acknowledgment before speaking. "Corbin Valor, Galactic Alliance Lieutenant." he introduced himself. "I've been going over the details for a few hours now, but nothing's adding up." He gestured toward the clean, untouched surroundings of the city skyline visible from the large windows. "This place is spotless. No signs of forced entry, no signs of struggle, nothing to indicate that anyone was taken by force. If it weren't for the ransom demand, I'd doubt the kidnapping even happened."

He played the holo-message again, the voice of the masked figure cold and emotionless as it delivered the ultimatum. Five million credits. Three days.

"As you heard, the demands are clear." Corbin continued, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought aloud. "But it's the lack of information that's concerning me. We don't know if she's still alive, where they're holding her, or even who these people are. They're either highly skilled professionals or someone with inside access. There's just no sign of a break-in." he then paced around, as if in his investigative mode. "I doubt it's a coincidence this happened right after the Senator announced his support for the Galactic Alliance. Practically speaking, there's nothing to suggest this kidnapping is political, but we can't rule it out."

He then thought about one more addition, it's a lead, but it may not be a very fruitful one. "I have some of my men scouring the black market around this sector. If anyone's working with a broker for kidnappings, or if any skilled individuals are around, things like that. The only hit we've got so far is the Black Hounds Syndicate, as this is the closest to their MO, but it's not confirmed. They might be involved, they might not be." but at this stage, it's the only lead they have. And it doesn't look like they'll get anything else from this crime scene.

"Any thoughts?" he knew that he was throwing a lot at her but truth be told, even if she didn't have anything to say, their next move is clear as day; he just needed a second opinion, or a verbal board to bounce off for clues.
Location: Velus
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

"Greetings Lieutenant Valor," Lily greeted respectfully. She looked over the apartment and it did indeed look spotless and without a sign of a struggle. Whether or not that was the case, Lily was uncertain. There could be several explanations for that reason, "are we sure that everything is where it is supposed to be? There could have been signs of struggle but the kidnappers took care in placing things back to make it appear as if nothing was missing?" It seemed unlikely but Lily was interested in learning as much as she could about what investigations had been conducted before her arrival since that could help her eliminate some guessing and potentially avoid certain dead ends.

Looking at the holovid of the kidnapper, clearly taking plenty of measures to hide their identity, "if there was no struggle, there are other explanations. Force Users could use a Mind Trick to force the daughter to surrender without resisting, meaning there would be no need to struggle. There could also be certain races like Zeltron and Falleen who used their pheromones to lower resistance and ensure compliance with their motives." Lily mentioned as well, she had been working on a couple of theories on how someone could be kidnapped when she had her way to the apartment. "It means that we need to be vigilant on anyone attempting to sway our minds or control our actions, if those are possibilities." While Lily as a Jedi had a mind resistant to mind tricks, she was unsure if the lieutenant did and wanted to warn him in case.

"It is also odd that they have not provided a location to do an exchange or where to even put the money so it can be taken," Lily was unsure how they were meant to pay the ransom if they were to even gather the right amount. "If they are truly professional, it seems very sloppy. Unless they intent to provide a location the day of, but then why not inform us of that fact?" Lily seemed concerned that there was either an amateur-ness to this ordeal or that there was something sinister going on that they were blind to currently.

Hearing of a gang that were active and prolific in kidnappings, Lily looked over to the soldier, "are gangs that prolific and notorious on Velus?" She was concerned that there would be steps taken to reduce this problem and perhaps even a larger presence of the Galactic Alliance was needed to ensure that the gangs were no longer active or harming the citizens of Velus like this in the future. "If you believe that is where we should begin, then please lead the way. I am unfamiliar with this world so I will take your lead here." Lily stated in a formal and respectful tone.

Corbin listened intently to Lily's suggestions. Her insights, especially regarding the potential involvement of Force users or pheromone-wielding species like Zeltrons or Falleen, added a layer to the case he hadn't considered. He was used to dealing with conventional threats which were ruthless, but predictable, this situation was starting to feel more complex.

"You're right." Corbin said, crossing his arms as he turned toward the large windows, staring out at the cityscape. "I hadn't thought of the possibility of mind control or chemical influence. If that's the case, it could explain why there's no struggle, no sign of resistance." He considered her point about the apartment. "I did a sweep of the place earlier. As far as I could tell, everything's in place, but I wouldn't rule out that they took extra care to reset the scene. If this is a professional job, it's possible they've staged it to look clean."

He paused for a moment, thinking. "I'll have the forensic team do another pass, but we can't waste time waiting for more results. Every second counts." Lily's observation about the lack of clear instructions for the ransom made him nod. "It's been bothering me too. No drop point, no exchange location, just a demand for credits. Like they're waiting for something. Either they want to keep us off balance, or… they haven't decided yet where they want the trade to happen. It feels sloppy, but maybe that's deliberate. Keep us guessing." Corbin paced the room again, trying to piece together what little they had. "The Black Hounds Syndicate. They're not based on Velus, but they operate in the nearby sectors. They've been involved in high-profile kidnappings before, mostly in the Outer Rim. I wouldn't say they're notorious on Velus specifically, but this world is still new to the Galactic Alliance. There are a lot of gaps in security and law enforcement here, especially in the outer cities. It's fertile ground for groups like the Black Hounds to operate unnoticed."

He stopped pacing, turning back to Lily. "If they're involved, it could be for the credits, but given Velus's recent declaration of support for the Alliance, there could be political players pulling strings too. Could be more than just a ransom." Lily's composed demeanor reassured Corbin. She was calm, focused, and willing to defer to his experience with the planet, which he appreciated. But her ability to see the situation from a wider perspective, especially considering the possible use of the Force or manipulation, was already proving invaluable.

He took a deep breath, mentally laying out the next steps. "I think we should head to the lower districts of the city. There's a cantina down there, one of those places where the underworld types like to hang out. Someone there should point us in the right direction." Corbin glanced at Lily, sizing her up for a moment. She was a Jedi, even if still a Padawan, but she carried herself with an unmistakable confidence. "It's not exactly a friendly part of the city. If things get rough, I hope you're prepared."
Location: Velus
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

"Do not worry, it is simple to oversee something, especially when you are been focused as intently as you clearly have." Her tone was soft to offer support, she knew all too well that one's mind could linger on certain facts and issues while completely ignoring other possibilities just because they were go to answers. Lily nodded her head when he mentioned he did a thorough investigation of the apartment, it was unlikely that they were able to do a convincing enough job to fool forensic teams or even the father that everything was in order and neat. There would always be something that was disturbed or out of place. "If the father did not notice anything disturbed in the room, then it is unlikely that the room had been place back together. He would know better than us if there was something not right."

She was glad to know it was a similar concern with the lieutenant that there had been such scarce information provided to them. There was a lot that Lily was unsure about when it came to what this kidnapping was about. It seemed like there could be more sinister intentions but also could just end up being something that done for attention seeking, as bad as it sounded. Lily doubted that was the case, but the lack of information and the fact that things were so normal in the apartment had her considering it as an option.

Learning more on the gang and their operation, Lily nodded her head, "understood." It was not ideal but most places were a far from ideal situation, even in the Galactic Alliance. It was understandable that there would still be issues surrounding gangs and while not a massive power on the planet, they were present enough to cause problems from time to time. "Could they be hired by a rival or political organisation against the Galactic Alliance?" Lily asked, she wasn't sure since she hadn't a lot of experience surrounding gangs and she figured there would be some that would keep a firm code of honour that would never allow them to be brought.

"Cantinas are meant to be a good place of information from what I heard," Lily was not the cantina type of woman but she had heard plenty from other Jedi and those she had gotten to know outside of the Order to know what the vibe of cantinas were like. "I can handle myself. I might be a Padawan but I am strong and still an Echani so anyone tries to fight me, they'll soon regret it." She smirked and flexed her arm, showing off her muscle.
Tag: Lily Decoria Lily Decoria

Corbin chuckled softly at Lily's confidence and her playful flex. "Fair enough." he said with a slight grin. "I'll keep that in mind if things go sideways. It's good to have a strong woman like you around." Her question about the Black Hounds potentially being hired by a political faction made him pause in thought. "It's possible." he admitted, "The Black Hounds are mercenaries as much as they're criminals. They'd work for anyone willing to pay the right price, especially if it's a high-profile job like this. Velus is still politically volatile. There are plenty of factions, both here and in nearby systems, who aren't happy about the planet joining the Galactic Alliance. Could be one of them is behind this." that thought was already expressed, but in this case, it's what he's leaning towards to.

Corbin gestured for them to move out. "Let's go see what we can find. The sooner we get something concrete, the better chance we have of getting the senator's daughter back before that deadline hits." and with that, he'd assume that Lily would follow him. The walk itself wouldn't take too long, as they made their way back to the ground floor of the tower and outside, he was on a holocall, asking for a speeder to be ready upon their arrival. A trooper arrived with a standard car speeder, big enough for both him and Lily. He saluted Corbin before walking off, allowing both Lily and Corbin to get on.

Being on the wheel, he started it up and descended deeper into the lower districts, the pristine glow of Velus's upper city quickly faded into the grime of the underbelly. The streets were narrow, filled with vendors hawking questionable goods, and figures lurking in the alleyways. The cantina they were headed to was tucked away in a particularly rough part of the district, its neon sign flickering in and out of life. He parked as close as he could, near a rooftop. He code-locked the speeder so that nobody can jack it. Before he'd start going, he'd wait for Lily to get her bearings in-case this is a new environment for her. "What do you think?"
Location: Velus
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Corbin Valor Corbin Valor

It was clear the direction of investigation that the lieutenant was thinking thing was going in was, which Lily couldn't deny was a similar thinking she held. However, she decided to open her mind to other possibilities more to avoid narrowing both their views on the situation and they completely miss a bigger lead that could have provided a much clearer explanation. It was what she was here to do and she fully intended to do her best in this work as she followed Corbin down to the speeder.

She slid into the passenger seat as the lieutenant took the driver position. It had been a while since she had been in a passenger position, having gotten more used to driving herself to locations and missions after her master had taken the time to teach her how to drive and pilot herself. It was not something she had thought she would miss but she felt the speeder moving along and her mind lingered on the thoughts of how she would be piloting the speeder right now instead of anything else. It was a strange new notion for the Padawan, something she would have to reflect on later.

Arriving at the location of the cantina, Lily looked around the area of the city and when asked her opinions on it, she could only shrug her shoulders. "It seems like there are many similarities for impoverished areas, however this isn't the worse it could be, there are very low levels of Coruscant that are horrible to realise still exist." While it was a metropolis and once the capital of the Galactic Alliance, it also housed some of the worse poverty driven areas. "However, let us begin." She assumed her area and appearance was acceptable since Corbin had not given them time to dress in casuals to stand out less.

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