Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mongoose and Oak: Wheeling and Stealing

Mongo Noos drummed his fingers against the wooden counter of the Mos Eisley Cantina. His partner, Oka Osaa, was late for their first official mission. In a galaxy thousands of light years across, it was a a mark of an intelligent civilization to be able to produce star travel, and yet here he was: no ship, no money, no honor. Thinking for a second, Mongo figured he at least his dignity. He could go crawling back to Naboo and ask his ftiend Oklo to help pay for a ship, but he had cut ties to Naboo a while ago.
As a solitary mercenary in his first few years, Mongo had made enough money to get by for the year, but between food, housing, and weaponry, he would wind up with very little every year. This year he looked for help. Although he was an accomplished demolitionist, known as the Mongoose in many circles, he carried mostly heavy weapons and thus had no room for anything larger than a blaster pistol. A second man would help him greatly. On top of this, he could expand his line of work from just pure demolition to a wide variety of things.
Glancing over, he saw that the force user he had enlisted was late by 10 minutes. Deciding to make the most of the time, he looked over the plans of Bay 114, where his future ship was lying in wait.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oak was his code name. He took it for now since they were tight on time. He enetered the Cantina after arriving on Tatooine. He scanned the area looking for Mongoose. It was clear you could find him easily, he was a gungan. Oak was looking forward to this first mission. Maybe after they did they got a ship, they could expand the group. Only time would tell.

[member="Mongo Noos"]
Mongo looked up from the diagram and spotted Oak across the bar. He waved at him and motioned for him to take a seat. Mongo had ordered two drinks, and he hoped Oak liked a good Settov Hammer on the rocks, personally his favorite drink and one the Cantina made like no other. The twin suns of the planet had made him thirsty. Although he hadn't been on Naboo in years, his body was accustomed to the wet climate. When Oak started moving, he stood up to introduce himself.
"Meesa es Mongo Noos. Yousa can call meesa Mongoose though."

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oak like traveling but Tatooine has that bad climate. Anyways, he walked over to [member="Mongo Noos"]. "Its a pleasure Mr. Mongoose. Call me Oka or Oak. Oak is better off for the locals to know." He said as he sat down. "So what's this mission for? I know you need a ship but we could buy one..." Oak asked.
"Well meesa has no money, and judging by the way yousa is dressed, neither do you," Mongo said. "The plan is for yousa and meesa to steal dis ship in bay 114." He pointed to a diagram of a Kazellis-class light freighter.
"IT be having two quad laser cannons and one forward laser cannon. It will be good ship for us, but weesa wil need to have someone to fly it. Yousa never want a Gungan to fly a ship, and I don't know if yousa can fly either."

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He looked at him questioning in his head if he was serious. "Well I can fly a ship until we find someone." Oak said with a serious look. @Mongo Noos
"Well. Dis should be moy moy easy peasy," Mongo said as he handed the plans over to [member="Oka Osaa"].
"All weesa has to do is get into the bay and hijack dis ship. What weapons does yousa have? Meesa only has meesa blaster to use. Meesa dont want to blow up the ship with my rocket launcher." He smiled widely at the last one.
"Weesa should probably get moving."

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Well what do you expect? Rogues carry light sabers." He said handing the plans back over. He was about to talk again but decided to not talk. [member="Mongo Noos"]
"Okeydokey. Lets head over to the bay. Meesa is going to load my blaster charges now. It will take me a moment." Mongo deactivated the holocron with the plans and stuffed it in his built next two his grenades. Then, he heaved the giant pack over his shoulder that contained his rocket launcher, grenade launcher, and other ammunition. Of course, he wouldn't be needing that for this mission. Hopefully

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oak watched as he displayed his weapons. "I suggest we don't use violence for this mission." He said standing up. "What shipwill we be taking anyways?" He asked. [member="Mongo Noos"]
"Weesa will take a Kazellis light freighter known as the Styx. It has bombad firepower. It has two quad laser cannons, ventral and dorsal. It also be having a laser cannon in the front. It be having good shielding and very fast. It can fit up to 8 Gungans." Mongo quickly replaced the last of his blaster packs as he headed out the door.
"Yousa see, there is one small problem. It be owned by someone already, and he be having his own security there. It is a hard target, but it will be worth it. Meesa only saw three guards, so it should be no problem to get to the ship. Meesa old acquaintance gave me this," he said holding up a small chip. "Thissa can decrypt the security and allow us full access to the ship, but it will take five minutes. Itsa over here," he said, motioning off down a crowded street bustling with the citizens of Mos Eisley. It was a market day, so blending in would be easy.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Following Mongoose, Oak thought of how this could go down. But only time would tell and he wasn't going to waste time trying to figure it out. Plus, he trusted Mongoose.

[member="Mongo Noos"]
[member="Oka Osaa"][member="Mongo Noos"]

Bay 114

Strain stood leaned up against a freighter nearby, heavy rotary blaster hanging loosely across his chest. It had been a long day of scoping the place out and the Outlaw had concocted a nice map of the area. Every exit and entrance was covered under the watchful eyes of one of his Outlaw bretheren and Strain himself watched the main entrance.

As a woman came through he stepped out in front of her, gray armored figure towering over her. She walked back a step but he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"What have we here?"

She wimpered and he laughed.

"Relax, I just want your money, so hand it over, or else."

A slughtrower pistol came up and pressed itself against her temple, finger inches from the tirgger.
"Ok so it a seems theysa be having moy moy protection here," Mongo said as he poked his head around the corner before quickly retreating. "Luckily, meesa packed a big gun." He pulled the parts of an M-64 Rocket Launcher out of his pack and quickly assembled them before loading the ammo and switching off the safety. At the same time, he loaded up his M-11 assault rifle and held in two hands with the rocket launcher over his shoulder. He looked over at his companion and noted his lack of big guns.

"Come on come on! Lock and load letsa get dees show on da road!" he exclaimed as he got into his battle stance.

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="TK-4261 Strain"]

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