The contract was daunting.
Though simian, the Behemoth was not an unlearned creature. Between his ears resided the fruits of experience and knowledge. Years of education, training, and battle had culminated in a being of great understanding. Yet, for as learned as Malok was, legal-ese was not a fluent tongue. Due to this, in times past, he had relied upon a trusted pair of eyes to review such documents as the one upon his desk. The man was a Ma'alkerrite, and one of the few who had been with ApeX from the very beginning. Malok remembered their meeting quite well - how they had escaped from the palace of his sibling together. How they, with so many others, had founded the organization as a means of striking down Malok's tyrannical sibling.
Yet, while Malok was young in the eyes of his people, Darnu was not.
Darnu was aging the day that they escaped. And the gray seeped into his bones. He was wisdom personified, and could always decipher the true meanings of contracts with little effort. He spoke the twisted language of negotiations - and thus had been a valuable asset to ApeX. But, beyond that, he had been a mighty friend to Malok. A guide. A confidant. A compass to direct the stream of wrath. It was a grievous shame that Darnu succumbed to the mortal condition. In recent months, he passed. Peacefully in his bunk. He died far better than Malok had found him - and he had made Malok far better than when they had met.
And with this departure came a challenge.
There was none among the ApeX camp who were as skilled as Darnu at deciphering contracts. None who was as adapt at placing requisition orders and keeping the mercenaries' needs met. Malok had tried to uplift a few promising members of the organization, but his efforts were largely in vain. His men understood war. Understood fair payment. But the things that Malok required had not been imparted to them. He was fortunate - a noble by birth and thus thoroughly educated. Darnu served the court for many years and received the same. Yet the whole of ApeX were common men and women. It would not be easy to find a replacement.
Thus, against his own preference, Malok sought outside of his trusted ranks. A reputable offering was posted on high profile recruitment sites, causing a number of potential applicants to arrive at their Headquarters. Most were unsavory opportunitists, hoping to easily cash in on the turmoil of late. There were some promising prospects - but none which neared Darnu's level. In the present, a heavy huff escaped the Behemoth's nostrils as his office door was closed. Another applicant. Another paper into the circle file. He reached for the pile of folders before him and thumbed through - this one was a...Droid. Interesting.
Perhaps an automaton wouldn't be as disappointing.
"Send her in." came the growl of his voice. And, soon, he would be greeted with the opening of his door. Rising, the Behemoth briefly extended his dominant hand in greeting - one that would have dwarfed her hand many times over - before inviting her to sit.
"Thank you for coming." he began, before closing the folder before him. "The file you provided paints an excellent picture, but I'd love to hear from you personally. Tell me...what should I, and ApeX, know about you?"

The contract was daunting.
Though simian, the Behemoth was not an unlearned creature. Between his ears resided the fruits of experience and knowledge. Years of education, training, and battle had culminated in a being of great understanding. Yet, for as learned as Malok was, legal-ese was not a fluent tongue. Due to this, in times past, he had relied upon a trusted pair of eyes to review such documents as the one upon his desk. The man was a Ma'alkerrite, and one of the few who had been with ApeX from the very beginning. Malok remembered their meeting quite well - how they had escaped from the palace of his sibling together. How they, with so many others, had founded the organization as a means of striking down Malok's tyrannical sibling.
Yet, while Malok was young in the eyes of his people, Darnu was not.
Darnu was aging the day that they escaped. And the gray seeped into his bones. He was wisdom personified, and could always decipher the true meanings of contracts with little effort. He spoke the twisted language of negotiations - and thus had been a valuable asset to ApeX. But, beyond that, he had been a mighty friend to Malok. A guide. A confidant. A compass to direct the stream of wrath. It was a grievous shame that Darnu succumbed to the mortal condition. In recent months, he passed. Peacefully in his bunk. He died far better than Malok had found him - and he had made Malok far better than when they had met.
And with this departure came a challenge.
There was none among the ApeX camp who were as skilled as Darnu at deciphering contracts. None who was as adapt at placing requisition orders and keeping the mercenaries' needs met. Malok had tried to uplift a few promising members of the organization, but his efforts were largely in vain. His men understood war. Understood fair payment. But the things that Malok required had not been imparted to them. He was fortunate - a noble by birth and thus thoroughly educated. Darnu served the court for many years and received the same. Yet the whole of ApeX were common men and women. It would not be easy to find a replacement.
Thus, against his own preference, Malok sought outside of his trusted ranks. A reputable offering was posted on high profile recruitment sites, causing a number of potential applicants to arrive at their Headquarters. Most were unsavory opportunitists, hoping to easily cash in on the turmoil of late. There were some promising prospects - but none which neared Darnu's level. In the present, a heavy huff escaped the Behemoth's nostrils as his office door was closed. Another applicant. Another paper into the circle file. He reached for the pile of folders before him and thumbed through - this one was a...Droid. Interesting.
Perhaps an automaton wouldn't be as disappointing.
"Send her in." came the growl of his voice. And, soon, he would be greeted with the opening of his door. Rising, the Behemoth briefly extended his dominant hand in greeting - one that would have dwarfed her hand many times over - before inviting her to sit.
"Thank you for coming." he began, before closing the folder before him. "The file you provided paints an excellent picture, but I'd love to hear from you personally. Tell me...what should I, and ApeX, know about you?"