Talos Port Medicomplex
All was White.
The crash cart shuddered as it thundered through the facility, moving at a pace far faster than Human feet could muster. At each side and rear, a behemoth of fur and armor pushed as quickly as they could; much to the protest and surprise of the medical staff. "Ang on Commanda." said the one on the left. "We'll ave you pached in no 'ime." It was a small wonder that the crash cart's occupant had managed to remain out of it during this thrilling journey down the corridors. However, the ApeX Commander had taken one hell of a hit.
The mission was nothing out of the ordinary.
ApeX had been commissioned for security work, per the usual. The customer was concerned about the potential theft of their shipments before leaving port. As such, Commander Malok and his men personally saw to the precious cargo's departure. At first, all had been going well...which meant that not a damn thing happened. But that quickly, and explosively, changed. Whilst making a round, the Behemoth of Behemoths heard a light plink!. The noise drew his attention to the ground, where a crudely-made explosive laid.
He hit the dirt.
It went off.
All was White.
Malok squinted against the uniform light fixtures that glared down upon him. Flourescence, combined with his current state, only prompted an annoyed huff to escape his nostrils. "Are they dead?" The question caught the one on the left by surprise, and quickly prompted a toothy...yellow...grin. "Ew kno it!" Well, that was comforting to say the least. "Where are w-" began Malok as they hit a corner. They turn was hard, causing his wounds to s-c-r-e-a-m in protest.
"Sorry sir! Finding a medic...There! You! Help?"
The words of the ape on the right were addressed to one [member="Irajah Ven"]...who would be greeted to the sight of three apes skidding a pilfered cart to a halt.
"Commander took a blast, he's banged up real bad!"
"You've gotta help him!"
"Or we'll skin ya!"
Malok groaned.