"Calm yourself, and remember your training. As a hunt, we're to do this quick and quiet. Discipline is a must."
Asajj was always quick, she excelled in speed. Being quiet though? Well that was another matter entirely. However, even through her joking nature, she knew the importance of this day and knew she had to try her best. She wanted to do her parents proud, both of them. One thing during her training in the force that had intrigued her was that when people die they merely pass on, still existing but not in this world. In extreme cases she had heard stories of their spirits appearing visible, yet surely if her mother was capable of doing so, she would have done so already to visit her daughter? Either way, she had always had a feeling her mother was watching over her, and so today was going to be for her.
"Do you have the dagger I gave you?"
The girl nodded and tapped her finger on the hilt of the blade, holstered on the right side of her belt. It had taken her some time to comprehend her mother had not originally been human, but once the process was explained she began to accept it. So far she had come to the conclusion that Sith could do anything, although she didn't really know what Jedi could do. To her, Jedi were just something that people spoke about in a harsh tone, cursing their actions or longing for their blood. Her brief knowledge of the history made their rivalry clear, but she still didn't understand them. But, what was the point? They were obviously far away, and posed no threat to her or her father.
Snapping out of her thoughts, Asajj drew out the dagger, giving it a little spin in her hand before holding it in a backwards grip. She entered the forest with an apprehensive glance at her father, keeping his gaze for a few seconds before turning it to examine the area inside. The trees rose rather high, their leaves blocking out strands of the sunlight. Already she could hear her prey; the distinct sounds of the
Kowakian Monkey-Lizard. The girl's eyes narrowed as she peered around, looking out for any sign of movement. She was about to turn to her father again, when suddenly something move above her, maybe a meter or so over her head. It swung to a tree not far away and began climbing. As she looked up to see what it was, she saw the creature she needed. This time she did turn to her father, asking him a question that made her grin with excitement.
"Do I get to climb the trees?"
[member="Darth Ferus"]