Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Monster and Sin

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin looked at the blood on the ground. His blood. With his cybernetic left arm, he felt for his normal one. Gone. He looked around and found the limb sitting on the ground several meters away. The blood loss was making him extremely dizzy, but he still managed to reach out with the Force and pull it into his hand. Hopefully it would reattach to his shoulder quickly.

The cybernetic arm was thankfully not attached to Gavin's nerves, but he felt the strength draining from it as his consciousness began to slip. Well, he was in the wrong place to be dying. Darth Chrono's droids couldn't reach him on Coruscant. Too bad. He'd been looking forward to a new body.

Oh well.

[member='Nicole Sarah Feanor']


Exiled Princess of Kesh
Sarah would wander around Corsaunt, wanting to explore it abit more and further her knowlage on how this planet is. Her lone tour ended when she saw this... man trying to reattach his limbs together. 'Great... Just great.' She thought. However, wanting to do a good girl deed for the day, she would quickly run over to him, shouting. "Hey, need any help?"

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin's blurry eyesight wasn't helped by the extremely cracked sunglasses on his face, nor the fact that he couldn't turn his head far enough to see the girl running towards him. It took him nearly a minute to register the fact that she was talking to him. He grinned tiredly and barked out a short laugh.

"Oh, no. 'Course I don't need help. I always lie on the ground trying to reattach limbs."

If he was dying, he certainly wasn't dead enough for the sarcasm to stop. Relenting a little, he tapped his disembodied arm with a metallic finger.

"Just hold it up to where my shoulder is. Should be okay."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
She seems rather puzzled by this, but would reach out to grab onto his arm and holds it there. "You don't have to be an ass about it." The girl would state. "I could've just left you here..." She wasn't afriad to get any blood on her, but still, it perked her curiousity. Shes been shot before, and it stung like hell, but can limbs actually be reattached this way?

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin gave the girl an odd look as she held the arm to its place. The other exterior cuts were beginning to close, but the muscle around his shoulder had been damaged where it'd been sliced through. She seemed to be looking rather intently at his slowly regenerating flesh, and he raised his eyebrow again.

"If you were bleeding to death because your arm wouldn't just reattach the way it's supposed to, wouldn't you be annoyed, girly?"

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
She simply watched as his body would fix and repair itself. "I.. Uhh..." The girl was without words really. Just seeing his skin reform and re-attach the limb to himself really shocked her and caused her to feel abit strange inside. "I, I guess?" She would finally respond. The girl would not let go of his arm. After a moment of pause, "How did this happen?"

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin barked out a laugh that turned into a wheezing cough as the holes in a couple of his lungs began to close. He leaned on the girl a bit to keep himself from keeling over. Damn, this hurt. It hadn't really occurred to him before. Hell, he hadn't actually gone and bled out in a very, very long time. He spoke more gently than he had at first.

"It's alright, y'know. Not many people see Gen'dai regeneration. Kind of freaky that I can take multiple knives to the heart and come out of it okay."

As he began to breathe easier, Gavin smiled at the girl.

"Being able to regenerate most of your body has side effects... Like not knowing how to pick your fights."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
'Gen'dai?' The girl had thought to herself. Clearly the universe has several races that she still does not know much about. "Clearly." She had spoken to him. "So basicly you picked a bad fight and somehow survived?" She still held up his arm, awaiting for it to be fully placed properly. "That must have hurt... alot. Worse I've been though so far is a gunshot. It... tore through my arm, luckily I still have it."

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin shrugged the shoulder that wasn't regenerating, sighing a little as he took his cracked shades off and looked around the room for his red jacket... Which was, rather oddly, completely intact and lying on the ground. He simply blinked and shrugged off whatever that weird mystery was as he looked at the girl again.

"I do this kind of thing a lot. I just don't usually get my arm chopped off in the process. And it hurts like hell."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
"Must be taxing." She would state, still holding up the arm. Though now she was getting rather impatient at how slow this arm was regenerating. if it was even regenerating at all. "Does... this take a while? I was sortof hoping that I could continue my tour of this section rather soon..." None-the-less, she continues to hold it still, and even applies some pressure, to force it even closer to the socket.

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
The regenerating arm finally connected back to its spot on Gavin's shoulder, and he wagged his hand noncommittally. He immediately regretted the movement as a wave of pain shot up his arm.

"I'll be alright. Just- agh!"

Gavin had tried to move his fingers, but the muscles hadn't completely connected yet. He managed to push himself up of the ground, and belatedly realized that he'd picked up the girl along with his arm. He chuckled and set her down on her feet before grabbing his coat off the ground.

"Ouch. Anyway, what's that tour you're on about? This sector's a craphole."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
She blinked, realising she was being taken with this man but sighs with relieve when shes put back down. "Eh-?!... Oh... well ehm. Not really sure honestly. For the past few hours I've just been wandering around aimlessly." She admitted. "And... I might have gotten a bit lost..." Nicole would go to look down at the ground, scratching her chin.

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
"Lost, I can take care of. This place is a frakkin' maze, but once you get to the streets with all the shops, there's usually a taxi station or something."

Gavin's stomach growled like some kind of angry dog as he pulled his coat on. He grimaced at the noise, not really wanting to take the time to sit down and eat. But, he figured, that sort of major regeneration probably burned way more fat and calories than was healthy for himself. He raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Any rush, or you wanna come get lunch with me? Only fair, since you stopped me from bleeding like a stuck Bantha."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
She would shake her head. "No rush, and I suppose so." Nicole would begin to look around a bit. "By the way, My names Nicole, or Sarah. Either one works honestly." The girl would begin to walk forward in an aimless direction. "So do you live around here or...?"

[member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin's laugh was his normal one, this time, as his lungs were all fixed. He wouldn't have lived here if somebody paid him. Or anywhere, really. He enjoyed his freedom too much to stop moving around.

"I don't live anywhere, miss. Not overly fond of other people, and a lot of people would rather like to shoot my head off."

He tapped the girl's shoulder, starting off in the opposite direction from where she was going.

"Closest thing this place has got to a high street is this way."

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
She nods, and would stop as soon as he touched her shoulder. "Eh? Uhm... Right. That way." The Jedi would soon turn to face taht direction, and walks at a slow pace. "So your like a vagabond? Traveling whereever the wind takes you?" Well, given this context, Nicole, herself, is a vagabond, trying to figure out her true calling.

[member="Gavin XIII"]

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