Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Monster of a Project

Location: Kor'ethyr Academy
Time: Morning
Tag: Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn

Chasianna regarded the flimsiplast sheet on the desk in front of her with a wide, unblinking stare. Typed on it in a neat, pristine font were the meticulously-detailed instructions to a two-part project that would likely make or break her grade for the class—Introduction to Advanced Alchemical Bioengineering, taught by none other than Lady Aresella Moonblade (better known as Darth Melera). And indeed, the name seemed to match the subject matter and the nature of the class itself. While she had known upon signing up that the class was a weed-out course, very little of her prior Sith training had prepared her for a project of this particular type. Not because of its demands, potential risk, or technical hurdles, but due to another challenge entirely which had gone unforeseen.

Situated at the middle of the sheet, on the second line of the fourth paragraph, were the words “Group Project” emblazoned in bold type. Chasianna read them again. And again. And again, until its implications had fully dawned on her.

Nevertheless, the project itself was relatively straightforward. The first part was essentially a monster hunt. Students were tasked with capturing or killing an engineered creature of any type, before writing a report on its abilities and a basic overview of its anatomy. The second portion tasked students with creating something of value and utility out of that creature. Or alternatively, modifying the creature to fulfill a unique, yet different purpose from the original design.

Of particular note, the instructions did not explicitly forbid or discourage students from going after weaker creatures. However, they seemed to imply that more ambitious, comprehensive submissions would be looked upon with more favor, barring any notable or exemplary details in the work itself.

Ambition, which might be interpreted to mean great danger and risk.

“And of course, you are responsible for choosing your own partners. In addition, you are required to have a partner or partners in order to pass. I will not accept submissions that are done by a single student, unless there are extenuating circumstances at play. This is non-negotiable,” Melera said, her tone leaving no room for dispute in turn. “I will be limiting group sizes to a maximum of three students each. So you may work with one partner or two,” she continued. “Also, please note again the due dates for both components of the project. Missing one of these without proper excuse will result in the failure of the entire project and very likely, failure of the class for all students involved,” the professor finished.

“Now, are there any questions, before I leave you all to assemble groups?”
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Marcus sat always at the same desk in the far right corner of the front row. If anyone dared to try and take his place, usually all it took to remove them from his seat was a flex of his muscular arms and a warning twitch in his eye. Perhaps anyone else wouldn't have bothered making a big deal about where they sat, but for him it was one of the few things he could choose for himself at the academy. He had to exercise whatever control he could, or else where would he be?

They had a new assignment today, a group project. He read through the packet, the faintest hint of a smile curling his lips. They had to catch a beast and either write up a report on it or create something new from its flesh.

His choice was clear. Screw writing a report—he wanted to practice alchemy, his favorite subject. So much of this class had been about studying; he was itching to stretch his legs and practice making Sithspawn again.

But then there was the matter of finding a partner. He'd made a few acquaintances, but none of them were in his class. He scanned the room, looking for the least intimidating of his peers—a very daunting task when one was attending school with Sith. Eventually his green eyes honed in on a pale young woman with doll-like features. She was unusually small in stature and her head was crowned by a single long horn which, while sharp, looked more decorative than defensive. It took him only a moment to decide she was the one.

As soon as they were dismissed, he got up out of his seat and quickly headed her way, intent on catching her before she had a chance to escape. "Hey," he greeted casually, his head angled down to look at the tiny figure. "Do you have a partner yet?"

Location: Kor'ethyr Academy
Time: Morning
Tag: Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn

Chasianna glanced around the room as the other students moved to form groups. Naturally, most looked over her, instead opting to link up with those of more prominent stature. However, the Qilin saw one student approach her from the periphery of her vision—a hulk of a man who seemed to carry himself with a calculating confidence. She turned to regard him, her gaze first shifting up to study a shock of slightly untidy red hair and a visage composed of sharp features, then down to take in practical black robes that hung to his muscular form in such a way as to maximize efficiency and mobility.

Fortunately, Chasianna could not find any offense in what she saw, her pale features betraying little of her thoughts in the process. Though if she had, the small-statured Qilin doubted that she would have been able to procure a different partner. For all intents and purposes, this man was to be her partner and it seemed that they would—

“Do you have a partner yet?”

"Do you have a partner yet?"

Two distinct voices spoke the same words at nearly the exact same time, one from the front—booming and masculine—and one from behind—sultry, feminine, and arrogant. Chasianna silently chided herself for the lapse in focus which had allowed someone to come up behind her without her knowing. Regardless, the tiny Qilin quickly turned around to find herself staring up at a winged, statuesque figure that nearly caused her jaw to go slack with shock. The figure, who towered over Chasianna and Marcus, bore an expression of mild contempt struck across her too pulchritudinous features, which were wholly focused on the red-haired man while ignoring the Qilin in turn.

To which Chasianna could not help but to pout.

“Yes, he does in fact,” Chasianna piped up immediately. “Right here!” She added, waving to draw the Angel’s attention in the process. “He’s taken,” the tiny Qilin declared.

And with a slightly annoyed expression flickering over her visage, the Angel deigned to look down until her gaze briefly met Chasianna’s.

“How cute.” The Angel sucked her teeth. “It seems that we’ll have a third, then.”
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