Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Moon's Haunted || Haxion Brood


M O O N ' S

As ever, the Haxion Brood was on the move.

With their aim being to have their fingers in every Underworld pie, the organization had its ear to the ground in many respects. They were always on the lookout for potential allies, opportunities to expand their operations, and new assets that could be...acquired. So it was that one of their operatives made contact with a strange individual in the Unknown Regions. He introduced himself simply as The Baron and shared a story that was all-too commonplace in the modern Galaxy. A lifetime ago, this figure served an empire that had come and gone. And in the wake of the nation's collapse, he found himself with access to a moon and the shipyard suspended in its orbit.

Over time, The Baron resumed the operations of both, seemingly creating an effective loop of harvesting the moon's resources to churn out starships. This was just the kind of opportunity that the Brood craved - thus, initial negotiations took place. It wouldn't do, of course, to simply take some stranger on the ass end of the Galaxy's word for their production capabilities. But after The Baron provided a modern warship with plenty of bells and whistles...well...suffice it to say the Brood was on ready and willing to put pen to paper.

So it was that an invitation to visit the Durace System was made.

So it was that the Haxion Brood prepared two parties, in accordance to the invitation's details.

The first was scheduled to meet with The Baron aboard the shipyard. There they intended to negotiate the finer details of working together. Meanwhile, the second was invited to inspect the lunar facilities below. Thus, when the two vessels reverted into realspace, they anticipated an open-and-shut kind of afternoon. That was not in the cards.

As soon as the station and its mining facilities came into view, there was something...out of place. It was easy to assume that, due to its remote location, the shipyard wouldn't always be churning out vessels...but the station seemed powered down. There were no lights. There we no crew ships. Nothing. The situation on the surface was identical. One would think that a mining operation would be working pretty consistently, especially with guests arriving...but there was inaction. There were some vehicles strewn about, but all of them were powered down. Once more, there were no lights. No nothing.

Obviously, the situation screamed "sketchy", and the some aboard the vessels wanted to turn right back around. However...some saw a golden opportunity. If the moon and station were derelict, why not simply take them? With this backup in mind, the Brood proceeded, intent on making lemonade if they were served lemons. When the parties diverged, there was justifiable tension in the air. What awaited the syndicate aboard the station? Who was this so-called Baron?

Were they walking into a trap? Or something worse?

Only time would tell.


You are a member of the party that just landed on the orbital shipyard. Upon disembarking the transport, you'll quickly notice that the station is most likely running on emergency power. There is oxygen and artificial gravity, but the available lighting is very dim and far between. As you and your fellows take your first apprehensive steps, a screen at the far end of the hall snaps on. There, you are greeted by the raspy voice of The Baron who bids you a fond welcome to his abode. You are invited to join him at the Bridge, where formal negotiations will take place. Before anyone can get a word in, the communication is concluded...but not before the screen's light reveals the "finer" details of the hall to your eyes. The walls are scorched with evidence of blaster fire. Panels are smashed and broken. And worse...bodies litter the way forward.

How will you proceed?


You are a member of the party that has descended to the lunar mining facilities. After disembarking, the first thing of note is that there is an artificial atmosphere in place - allowing all to freely breathe. The second thing of note is the entrance to the mines. Though the vehicles and other buildings are clearly powered down, there is clearly something active within this structure. Drawing closer to the entrance introduces you to the only "living" figure the group has witnessed thus far: a protocol droid designated The Baroness. She bids you a warm welcome to the mine and offers to be your guide through the facilities. Before any of you can ask for clarity, The Baroness heads deeper into the mines.

What will taking the "tour" have in store?


You are a member of the Brood who has decided to go about their own way. Maybe you split up from the party on the shipyard to explore the station at your leisure. Perhaps you departed from the team at the mines to get a better feel for your surroundings. Whichever the case may be, the station and the lunar facilities are yours to explore...and you see fit.

Do be careful, won't you?



There was a strange buzz all around the ship once it had arrived at it's destination. I had caught wind of it. I myself was brought a long to help with the negotiating stage; given my vast experience in the corporate world. However catching word that the orbital shipyard seemed empty had caught my attention enough for me to observe through a transparasteel window. To my surprise they were correct! There seemed to be no activity that I could spot and it looked so very dark within. That in and of itself caused me to run through various scenarios in my mind as to why that could be. Our best bet was that eveyone was told to cease their tasks and line up to greet us like an Estate's staff. But right away I knew that that was highly unlikely. I am not familiar with this sector of space.

Still, I am not discouraged. Jonah Jonah had prmised that I would always be safe within the company of the Brood, and so I would not back away from this meeting due to finding the circumstances to be a little unnerving.

Entering the orbital shipyard, I listen to our footsteps on the durasteel floor. They sounded almost hollow and more tinny than usual. But that could be in part of the durasteel's metals in space, couldn't it?

The sudden projection of the Baron on screen caused me to pause in my footsteps and stiffen. The message was both formal and brief before it was suddenly cut off. After a moment my eyes adjust to the dark, now picking up on the clutter everywhere. Is this how shipyards always are? "Did anyone recieve a map of this shipyard to show us the way to the br--" my voice catches in my throat as I spot a body on the floor. Up above him was another tangled up in some cables and wires like a marionet puppet.

I reach for my folded feathered fan that was clipped to the belt of my dress, knowing that within the handle there lays a small dagger. Whatever good that will do for me here, I am uncertain. But nothing here seems right.

"I think that someone unpleasant got here first. What should we do now?"

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"We take it slow but we keep moving." Darth Anathemous addressed the group and Liin Terallo Liin Terallo 's question as she moved to the front, her voice deeply modulated by the sith war mask about her face.

It was a stark contrast to the usual suit and tie Kaila once wore while addressing the syndicate. Dressed in her battle armor and silken cloak, the newly risen Military Governor of Echnos and Underboss of the Red Ronin Clan was past the need for such subtleties, not among The Brood, not among her people. They knew what she was, now she was free to demonstrate who she was.

Nevertheless, even this dark lady of the sith was quite off put by the mysterious scene and it's implications.

She knelt beside one of the corpses, her palm producing a small flame to light her vision while she observed the body's condition, looking for signs of decay, the color of dried or fresh blood, anything to determine how recent the battle was, and to identify all parties involved.

Though she already suspected this "Baron".

"We should leave some forces here to secure our exit if things get... exciting."

She motioned for her team of Red Ronin Commando Droids to do just that, the droids kneeling or taking cover as they set up a defensive perimeter around the group's entry point.

In the meantime, she looked for dear Tarasynora Tarasynora and her de facto apprentice Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves as she stood, concerned for both their safety.

"Tamsin? Synora...?" it was difficult to see them in the dimly lit station

"Please, stay close. I have a bad feeling about this"

Even under the oppressive interference of her vocal modulator, the hushed and worried tone in her voice towards the two bled through the electronic distortions. If anything were to happen to them, why she'd tear this whole shipyard apart looking for the baron.

They may have to yet, if they wished to uncover the truth.

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Theme: Bad Moon
Equipment: GL-13 blaster | Combat Knife | Multi-Tool
Tags: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tarasynora Tarasynora | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

It was pitch dark as she made her way into the station at Kaila's side, with another one joining them Tarasynora Tarasynora a friend of Kaila's that Tamsin had just met. The most notable thing for the first time in Tamsin's life she felt tall, a good four inches taller then Tarasynora. Not a lot but enough to make Tamsin feel like she wasn't in the land of giants anymore. As Kaila pushed ahead she stayed next to Tarasynora, in an awkward silence. Tamsin didn't know what to say, it was the whole ambiance of the darkness that made the whole situation of talking weird to her.

I mean what do you say to someone in a dark room. You can't just say hey that looks cool what do you think, when you couldn't see a damn thing. As her eyes started to adjust she could start to make out the silhouettes of objects and shadows on the wall but nothing clearly. A small flame of light appeared, Tamsin could make out a hand holding the small flame of light, and it was being held over something. She squinted her eyes, was that a corpse?

Then she heard Kaila's helmet voice talk about securing exits and the next thing was the Ronin droids moving to guard the exits. She leaned to the side where Tarasynora Tarasynora had been. "What does she mean by exciting?" Part of Tasmin hoped she meant a surprise welcome to the station party. However, she had been with Kaila long enough to know that probably wasn't the excitement she was talking about. Her hand went to her side, and she grasped the hilt of the combat knife she had recently purchased.

Which as she did gave her an idea, not something for current situation. She should howl out the hilt and build a flashlight into it. "Over here." She called out as Kaila called her. Then there was the excitement Kaila had spoken of a bad feeling. "Sounds like a normal Centaxday, then." She said cheekily. Though she wasn't sure if it was Centaxday, the days had blurred together over the last few weeks always on the go with Kaila. "Was that a corpse over there?" She pointed in the direction of where she had seen what she now assumed was Kaila's fire. Granted her pointing couldn't really be seen by Kaila. It was also strange how the cite of a corpse and the darkness didn't seem to cause panic in Tamsin, but she had seen dead bodies before horribly mutilated ones at that, and being in dark holes was a punishment she had grown use to long ago.

Location: Moon Shipyard - Durace System
Tag: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves

A change of plans given the unexpected (albeit not unprepared for) shift in circumstances had seen Tara exchange the stolen luxury dress she had initially intended to wear for the negotiations for her bodysuit and its accompanying helmet. She had been compelled to arm herself as well, to which she had brought her familiar shock pistol, a vibroblade concealed on her left arm, and of course the armaments integrated into her boots. Still, while she was not quite armed to the extent of a professional fighter, with all of her weapons combined the Elzeri had enough lethality to defend herself and strike back at any assailants in turn.

And of course, she was her voice, as well.

Nevertheless, Tara regarded the area with a slack jaw and a glassy-eyed gaze, especially as her helmet’s optics lit up the darkness to allow her to see the bodies strewn throughout—all in varying stages of decomposition or gruesome mutilation. For a novice criminal, this amount of death was unsettling, and she was glad that her helmet was capable of filtering out whatever horrid smell the bodies would have otherwise subjected her senses too.

Fortunately, Tara took some comfort in the fact that she had Kaila and the commando droids with her. She anticipated that the Sith’s apprentice—who the Elzeri had briefly acquainted herself with during the trip—would be able to handle herself in combat as well, though her abilities in that regard were still unknown.

"What does she mean by exciting?"

“Umm...” Tara paused for a moment, before proceeding to softly mime sounds of blaster fire with her voice, followed by the motion of a swinging lightsaber with her arms. And then she regarded the apprentice with a soft smile, as if to say, you get the idea.

Tara turned around then, only to find herself greeted by the sight of the Sith holding fire in her hand. The Elzeri’s already large eyes turned into saucers. Even with the relative ubiquity of Force-users, it was one thing to hear of Kaila’s powers from the various Ronin and Clanlings who served under her. It was quite another to see them come alight with her own eyes.

"Sounds like a normal Centaxday, then."

Tara sighed and shifted her attention elsewhere. A normal Centaxday, indeed.



Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | EL53-Max Knife | Miscellaneous Grenades | AM-67 Lever-Action Rifle
Tags | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Tarasynora Tarasynora | Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

Tod's instincts told him something was off. The darkness was didn't leave much to his eyes, letting his mind make up all the absurdities that could lay within it. He was about to shift his rifle from his right hand to a more ready position on his shoulder when a screen across the room flickered to life. The message displayed on it didn't concern him as that was for the others to handle. His job was to be glorified security.

As Liin Terallo Liin Terallo paused her speech, Tod let out a smirk. "Smells like home," he said, stepping forward. He tapped the side of his helmet, activating a small flashlight that sent a narrow beam illuminating the shadows he looked at.

Approaching one of the corpses, he illuminated the body and crouched to gently lift the wrist. The stiffness in the joints signified the body had entered Rigor Mortis. Well that's no fun, he thought with a mental sigh.

His eyes moved with the beam of light down the hall, but the darkness swallowed the weak glow before it could reach far. Definitely need to upgrade, Tod mused.

His attention shifted to Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , who stood nearby with fire dancing in her hand. Neat trick, he thought. "Your Force giving you any info on the scene?" He decided to leave out his usual 'doll' he liked to add, knowing this wasn't the time for his antics.

Rising back to his feet, Tod shifted into a more relaxed, high-ready stance, his rifle shifting in his hands while he moved closer to the group. Lets see where this goes.


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