Vylmira's Wrath
Dorin stood in the small antichamber outside the temporary office that his meeting had been scheduled in. Well, stood was a strong term. Dorin paced like a caged animal. He hated waiting for nobles. Though, in this case, it was his fault. He'd been ready for some time and decided he wanted to wait near the office. The more he thought about it, the less ready he felt.
His armor was still war torn, marked and scarred from the various blasts and shots and cuts he'd sustained in the battle. He'd spent almost an hour trying to clean it up, before finally resorting to polishing the parts that he could, and wearing his dress cloths, draped down between his legs, about his neck, and the simple cape hanging off his right pauldron.
His black veil was pulled down over his eyes, filtering light so that he was not blinded by the ambiance around him. And in the light, soft gold threads were visible, twisting and weaving in intricate patterns across his face, resembling eyes, and a stream of tears down each cheek. The threads were bright enough that they could be seen in the proper light, and yet soft enough that they were not always so, giving them an almost ethereal feel as the images came into sharp contrast and disappeared just as quick.
His sword, polished until it gleamed in the light, was perched behind his right shoulder, light glinting from the blade as it shone through the gaps in its sheath. The lightsaber, in similar fashion, was attached in a simple harness across his left breast. All in all, a surprisingly formal appearance, and yet he was still worried about this queen, and the opinions she might form of him.
As he paced, he muttered to himself. Practicing his introduction. Dorin Arkx. Dorin of the House of Arkx. That one sounded better. House of Arkx. It wasn't a large house, but it still counted as nobility somewhere in the galaxy, right? Probably not one the queen would recognize. Dorin paused. He shook his head. Useless. He'd just go with his gut. What's the worst that could happen? He flexed the fingers on his left hand, willing the slight tremor to stop. He brought the armored gauntlet up to attempt to rub his palm through the armor, and stopped pacing. He let out a small sigh. Relax, Dorin. You went toe to toe with a Terentatek. You'll be fine...
[member="Lady Kay"]
His armor was still war torn, marked and scarred from the various blasts and shots and cuts he'd sustained in the battle. He'd spent almost an hour trying to clean it up, before finally resorting to polishing the parts that he could, and wearing his dress cloths, draped down between his legs, about his neck, and the simple cape hanging off his right pauldron.
His black veil was pulled down over his eyes, filtering light so that he was not blinded by the ambiance around him. And in the light, soft gold threads were visible, twisting and weaving in intricate patterns across his face, resembling eyes, and a stream of tears down each cheek. The threads were bright enough that they could be seen in the proper light, and yet soft enough that they were not always so, giving them an almost ethereal feel as the images came into sharp contrast and disappeared just as quick.
His sword, polished until it gleamed in the light, was perched behind his right shoulder, light glinting from the blade as it shone through the gaps in its sheath. The lightsaber, in similar fashion, was attached in a simple harness across his left breast. All in all, a surprisingly formal appearance, and yet he was still worried about this queen, and the opinions she might form of him.
As he paced, he muttered to himself. Practicing his introduction. Dorin Arkx. Dorin of the House of Arkx. That one sounded better. House of Arkx. It wasn't a large house, but it still counted as nobility somewhere in the galaxy, right? Probably not one the queen would recognize. Dorin paused. He shook his head. Useless. He'd just go with his gut. What's the worst that could happen? He flexed the fingers on his left hand, willing the slight tremor to stop. He brought the armored gauntlet up to attempt to rub his palm through the armor, and stopped pacing. He let out a small sigh. Relax, Dorin. You went toe to toe with a Terentatek. You'll be fine...
[member="Lady Kay"]