Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG More Threads for Voli

So, I'm breaking out of my 2 month hibernation for some threads! I'm gonna start with Voli since I have the most muse for her! So basically, Voli is a 16-year-old Paddie who has an attraction to all things grim and dark (don't worry she's a good gal. XD). She currently resides in the Jedi Temple but I do want her to make some friends orrivals with other Paddies or basically anyone! I don't have anything specific in mind, I just prefer to go with the flow! If you wanna chat or go on crazy adventures with a Jedi goth now is your chance! :D
So, I'm breaking out of my 2 month hibernation for some threads! I'm gonna start with Voli since I have the most muse for her! So basically, Voli is a 16-year-old Paddie who has an attraction to all things grim and dark (don't worry she's a good gal. XD). She currently resides in the Jedi Temple but I do want her to make some friends orrivals with other Paddies or basically anyone! I don't have anything specific in mind, I just prefer to go with the flow! If you wanna chat or go on crazy adventures with a Jedi goth now is your chance! :D
Here's a jedi paddy! He's far from grim most of the time but definitely open to threading with one who is lol. He's a shapeshifting doctor about as much as he is a jedi padawan.
Rival may be a little harder, he's 'scared straight' so to speak because his father was dark sided and he saw a lot of consequences from that before the jedi picked him up. But jedi stuff or friends would work just fine for me.

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