Name: Morgaine Kimene
Age: 21
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Gold
Height: 5" 11'
Weight: 132 Lbs.
Complexion: Very lightly tanned
Build: Slim
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Sith Sorceress
+ Earth Shaper
+ Survivalist
- Cold and calculative
- Anti-social
Morgaine isn't particularly fond of company. She doesn't enjoy "offensive intrusions of her personal space" which includes handshakes, pats on the back, etc. She is extensively knowledgeable of the wilds of Degobah, her home. She prefers to reside there in solitude more than anywhere else in the galaxy. She will often think of Degobah while off-world, making her even less social than before. When she does speak, it isn't to compliment you. It's usually to give her opinion, and that usually means it will be bitter and/or offensive. She is not an openly friendly person.
Morgaine Kimene is one of Azekor Kimene's unknown relatives. Her mother was a powerful Sith Witch who, while pregnant, fled to Degobah after being hunted by the Jedi Council for her crimes. There, she raised and mentored Morgaine. Early on, Morgaine's talent with Earth-shaping became apparent to her mother. This always made her jealous of her daughter for possessing such a power. This jealousy caused her to be more like a Master than an actual mother. Nevertheless, Morgaine loved her mother in her own way.
Eventually, Morgaine grew curious of civilization. She stole her mother's old, outdated ship and went off-world for a time. She stayed and explored a small human colony on one of Degobah's moons. It was there that she decided that she didn't like civilization. In fact, she despised it. When she returned home, Her mother was furious. To ensure that Morgaine never did it again, she destroyed the ship. She became more strict with Morgaine, forcing her to undergo longer and harder training. At first, Morgaine was certain her mother hated her. But later, she realized that it was merely to strengthen and protect her.
When her mother died, Morgaine was, at first, depressed. However, she moved on quickly. She continues to reside on Degobah, with no actual way to leave, but no real desire to either.