Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Morgan Harper

Morgan Harper

SpeciesHuman (Mandalorian)
Weight140 pounds
Force SensitiveNo
OccupationImperial Warlord


Morgan is a young woman in her later twenties. She sports a highly feminine yet athletic physique, maintained by constant exercise and a healthy diet. She sports long black hair and blue eyes. She most often opts to wear rather gothic makeup, usually black eyeliner and lipstick, and when not in uniform or her armor, tends to wear equally gothic attire, black being her usual choice of color, fashion-wise.

Prototype Dark Trooper Armor


Morgan possesses a dominant, ruthless personality. She is driven to obtain what she desires by any means necessary, and will use any methods required to achieve the results she requires. To her enemies, this makes her an extremely dangerous foe. She is also highly intelligent, possessing a keen intellect and a knack for creating advanced weapons and technology with which she can further her aims. To her friends and loved ones, however, she is surprisingly extremely caring and affectionate, and very protective of them, a more nobler part of her ruthlessness, as she would do anything to keep them safe.


Mandalorian Training: While technically Dar'manda due to her abandonment of the Mandalorian creed in further of her own Imperial interests, Morgan has forgotten none of her Mandalorian combat training. She is an extremely formidable combatant at both range and in melee combat, and despite not being force sensitive, has been able to hold her own against Jedi and Sith in close combat.
Highly Intelligent: Morgan is extremely intelligent, making her a capable tactician and also a genius scientist and engineer. She is not easily fooled, and uses her intelligence to adapt to changing circumstances with ease.


Power Hungry: While ruthless and intelligent, at the end of the day, power is what Morgan seeks above all else. She wishes to reign on high and will claim what power she can even if it may end up proving to be disadvantageous later on.
Overprotective: Morgan is highly protective of people she cares about. If someone were to target them, she'd do anything in her power to keep them safe, even if it might weaken her position to help them.


Morgan grew up with stern but loving parents as a member of Mandalorian Clan Saxon, raised under the Mandalorian creed and trained from her youth to be a capable warrior. Yet she also proved to be a natural with scientific and engineering pursuits, having a knack for research and developing her own technologies. At the age of eighteen, however, her life rapidly changed. Her parents were murdered by Mandalorians of a rival clan, which was the beginning of her ruthlessness, as she proceeded to hunt down and massacre not only her parent's murderers, but their entire clan, with such cruelty that she was considered Dar'manda for ruthlessness and cruelty with which she obtained her revenge.

Shunned by her former society, she eventually found her way into the service of an imperial warlord and former member of the New Imperial Order. He became somewhat of a new father figure to her, teaching her a great deal and shaping her into his eventual successor. She quickly rose through the ranks to become his right hand, and when he was recently assassinated by a rival imperial warlord, Morgan seized the opportunity to take control of his operations, uniting his forces to eliminate the rival warlord and absorb his forces into her own.
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