Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Morgayne Muirgheal

NAME: Morgayne Muirgheal

FACTION: Mandalorian Union

RANK: Alor

SPECIES: Melodie

AGE: 28

SEX: female


WEIGHT: 120lbs

EYES: yellow

HAIR: red

SKIN: fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Mando'ad: As a Mandalorian of the Muirgheal Clan, Morgayne is a fierce fighter, and specializes in underwater combat.
+Strong swimmer: as a Melodie, Morgayne is built for swimming. Her tail is powerful and she can breathe underwater
—Aquatic: Morgayne cannot breathe air. She must either be underwater or have a rebreather/mask
—Flippin' your fins you don't get too far: Morgayne has a tail, not legs. She must be underwater or in a hoverchair/similar object

Morgayne has shoulder length red hair and yellow eyes. She wears beskar

Centuries ago, during the 400-year Darkness, a small group of Melodies were adopted into the Mandalorian clans. They later returned to Yavin VIII, and taught their birth families to follow the Resol'nare. They later became known as the Muirgheal Clan, specializing in underwater combat. Of course, members of other species may join the Muirgheal Clan, like other clans. Morgayne is one of these "beskar torpedoes," as many call the Muirgheal.




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