Morgos Reed
Name: Morgos Reed
Race: Chiss
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 198 pounds
Eyes: Carmine
Hair: dulled out Black from stress
Skin: Azure
Force: no force capabilities
Strengths & weaknesses: Strengths- Snap shot: skilled at pulling off well aimed shots on the fly and with little prep, this is due to his inclination to fire arms over melee weapons. As this is though he suffers from a weaker strength and cannot maintain melee combat for long periods at a time. Tech Savvy: do to his preferred use of Firearms he is skilled at maintaining tech of varied levels, though by no means a hyper intelligent being and needs to have time to grow used to the before being able to work with it with any level of true skill.
Weakness: Weak Body: Do to not being used to melee combat his skill in hand to hand combat is no higher than a street brawler. He is not able to maintain hand to hand combat for long and when pushed his endurance can be an issue though this is more of a factor when in combat and not running or carrying his equipment.
Obsession: when taking a job or really anything that would take up time (jobs, repair, learning) he can become obsessed and consumed with the need to learn, preform and complete it to a t. As such he is often seen as becoming to engrossed in what he is doing, becoming vindictive when on a job. As such he takes great pleasure in completing a job. He will often blow off or become slightly hostile to his fellows if it would prove to keep him from his final goal.
Appearance: Standing at a taller than average height for a Chiss, this lanky and thinner than average male is viewed as appealing to the eyes but not overtly so. Keeping his hair in a well-trimmed style, as to keep it out of his eyes and keeping his mouth and nose covered with a cloth mask to help keep his features hidden as well as to keep dirt or other things from entering through his mouth. He often wears a refurbished and slightly altered Maladian uniform do to its ability to be easy to repair and adapt to climates though this is only to a limited degree.
Bio: fresh off his home planet of Celwis, as such not much has been established as of yet.
Ship: MRX-BR Pacifier: at a length of 25 meters from wing tip to wing tip the Pacifier is an updated variant of the original. Its color scheme is a mix of black and light blue. As it is built as a scout ship it’s not meant for prolonged combat and is rather a more useful travel ship, though it is not without weapons. Its armaments include 3 laser cannons and 2 proton torpedo launchers. Even with the weapons though they can prove to be a heavy strain on the power cells if used to often and as such are relegated to last resort or to protect. Its hyperdrive systems are a ranking 1 built for long jumps and max speeds. It has space enough for 4 normal sized humanoids to live comfortably but only needs one crew member. There is a FEG type pilot droid to assist with the ship.
Armaments: a XR-70 vibroknife with an index inhibitor and hooked blade. A pair of DC-17 hand blaster with muffler added to weaken the sound of the blaster being fired and lastly an A295 blaster rifle. He normally carries 2 to 4 thermal detonators as well as a Reverent electron pulse to stun droids and sentries for a given time. He wears a durasteel undershirt and pants beneath his normal uniform to provide him with extra protection against blasters and blades though the effect is limited.
Race: Chiss
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 198 pounds
Eyes: Carmine
Hair: dulled out Black from stress
Skin: Azure
Force: no force capabilities
Strengths & weaknesses: Strengths- Snap shot: skilled at pulling off well aimed shots on the fly and with little prep, this is due to his inclination to fire arms over melee weapons. As this is though he suffers from a weaker strength and cannot maintain melee combat for long periods at a time. Tech Savvy: do to his preferred use of Firearms he is skilled at maintaining tech of varied levels, though by no means a hyper intelligent being and needs to have time to grow used to the before being able to work with it with any level of true skill.
Weakness: Weak Body: Do to not being used to melee combat his skill in hand to hand combat is no higher than a street brawler. He is not able to maintain hand to hand combat for long and when pushed his endurance can be an issue though this is more of a factor when in combat and not running or carrying his equipment.
Obsession: when taking a job or really anything that would take up time (jobs, repair, learning) he can become obsessed and consumed with the need to learn, preform and complete it to a t. As such he is often seen as becoming to engrossed in what he is doing, becoming vindictive when on a job. As such he takes great pleasure in completing a job. He will often blow off or become slightly hostile to his fellows if it would prove to keep him from his final goal.
Appearance: Standing at a taller than average height for a Chiss, this lanky and thinner than average male is viewed as appealing to the eyes but not overtly so. Keeping his hair in a well-trimmed style, as to keep it out of his eyes and keeping his mouth and nose covered with a cloth mask to help keep his features hidden as well as to keep dirt or other things from entering through his mouth. He often wears a refurbished and slightly altered Maladian uniform do to its ability to be easy to repair and adapt to climates though this is only to a limited degree.
Bio: fresh off his home planet of Celwis, as such not much has been established as of yet.
Ship: MRX-BR Pacifier: at a length of 25 meters from wing tip to wing tip the Pacifier is an updated variant of the original. Its color scheme is a mix of black and light blue. As it is built as a scout ship it’s not meant for prolonged combat and is rather a more useful travel ship, though it is not without weapons. Its armaments include 3 laser cannons and 2 proton torpedo launchers. Even with the weapons though they can prove to be a heavy strain on the power cells if used to often and as such are relegated to last resort or to protect. Its hyperdrive systems are a ranking 1 built for long jumps and max speeds. It has space enough for 4 normal sized humanoids to live comfortably but only needs one crew member. There is a FEG type pilot droid to assist with the ship.
Armaments: a XR-70 vibroknife with an index inhibitor and hooked blade. A pair of DC-17 hand blaster with muffler added to weaken the sound of the blaster being fired and lastly an A295 blaster rifle. He normally carries 2 to 4 thermal detonators as well as a Reverent electron pulse to stun droids and sentries for a given time. He wears a durasteel undershirt and pants beneath his normal uniform to provide him with extra protection against blasters and blades though the effect is limited.