NAME: Moric aep Deithwen
FACTION: Rim-Guard Order, Eternal Empire
RANK: Demi-Imperator of the Occulus Imperatoris Division, PSI-Corps Member
AGE: 34
SEX: Mate
HEIGHT: 1,90m
WEIGHT: 91kg
EYES: Grey
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian-weathered
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Bushido: The soul of the warrior lies in the chest of Moric. He is a proven soldier and combatant, experienced in a lot of forms of combat, his Force sensivity just supported this. Additionally he has the mindset of it, not to shed blood unnecessarily, not to apply violence without need. Yet his zeal and personal belief are devoting him to do anything necessary for the greater good.
- Brother in Arms: For all companions from the Rim-Guard, Deithwen is a true friend and comrade, he would die for them. Or get drunk. He enjoys off-time with fellows as much as being on duty.
- Inexperienced: Despite his military prowess and skills, Moric has little experience against real Force wielders. He practiced only inside the Cadres and had no chance to fight Sith or Jedi yet.
- Water is for drinking: He cannot swim. Moric has never been at a lake or the sea and never had to learn to swim, therefore he has never acquired or learned this skill.