Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age31 years old
Height1.7 meters / 5ft 8 inches tall
Weight133 lb
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive (able to use basic force abilities)


Often adorned in a multi piece suit of black and purple fabric, Morrigan is a woman of culture and high status. Each public appearance to other has her wearing expensive clothing and being driven in a private car. She can often be seen wearing elaborate or expensive jewellery, such as necklaces, bracelets, or even earrings. Her hair is often in one of two styles. It is ether fashioned to be more sweeping to one side, becoming longer on side side than the other. The other is it cut shorter, to around neck length. Her nails often have a polished and painted look to them, as she takes her appearance rather seriously, even for only minute events or meetings.


Businesses owned: Thorne Enterprise and Trade

Vehicles owned:The Sanguine Serpent

Carried items:
Blaster Pistol, Family Utility Knife, Brass Knuckles (attached to cybernetic arm), a Ring from a past partner, and a Locket containing a picture of a 18 year old boy who is her son.

Augmented heart, lungs, muscles, and spine, Cybernetic left arm (Starting from the bicep)


Being a woman who has built her own empire in interplanetary trading, factory manufacturing, and some less than legal hidden activities, Morrigan often can be seen acting high and mighty. She as a caring attitude to those who are younger than her, mainly towards children, being a mother herself. Her philosophy is, "If you wish to reach a goal, then do anything to attain it. Keep pushing the limits and become the best you that you can be." The latter part of this is often used within her sub companies, which revolve around fashion, which she acquired from her deceased partner as part of his will.

Many people view Morrigan as a kind business woman who works hard and cares for those in need, but some also see a darker side to her personality. She can, when pushed, become rather sinister and cruel to others, even going so far as to threaten them with violence, lawsuits, or even death. This has made her some enemies and caused her to move her assets for her companies to other areas of planets or warehouse districts. She is intelligent and a woman of sophistication, but she is cautious to a fault. No one really knows what she does or is up to half the time, with some wondering if she is really as kind and caring as she appears.


A woman of Society: Morrigan is a well mannered person, able to communicate in a mass variety of languages. This list includes: Galactic Basic Standard, High Galactic, Bocce, Cheunh, Dug, Durese, Huttese, Kaleesh, Kaminoan, Togruti, and Twi'leki.
Business is everything: Morrigan has run a stable multi galactic sector wide business and series of companies for twenty years, building everything from the ground up. She has an eye for detail in both business dealings and commercial success. She has many individuals looking to join her empire of trade and goods.
Skilled deceiver: Morrigan is exceptionally skilled at deceiving others, to a point where she can gain their trust, get close, then have her "fun" with them. This has allowed her to eliminate multiple competitors, and demolish rival businesses. Her careful thinking makes sure that no crimes ever can be traced back to her.


Sociopath Tendencies: At some point, it is unknown when, but Morrigan has been known to exhibit many signs of Sociopathic traits, from distancing herself from others, to out right not showing any form of remorse towards those who have been wronged. Some even felt her actions on the border of what is considered a Sociopath and Psychopath.
A strange fascination: Morrigan can, at times show a strange interest in the smallest details. This can range from a small comment mentioned in a huge talk debate, to an off hand mention of something others would consider irrelevant. This can cause her to become violent if not explained upon, or even out right refusing to deal with others because of it. An example of this was her refusal to work with a business of Chiss simply because they mentioned that they used a particular chemical in their product. This has garnered her a reputation of being a highly successful, but also extremely fickle woman.


(The Thorne family)

Having been born on Naboo, then later moving to Coruscant for business, Morrigan Thorne was always treated as a woman of high society. Having been born to an extremely wealthy family, many state she wouldn't have needed to work until the family fortune dried up or any businesses were passed to her. However, Morrigan always wanted to leave the planet after a covered up argument with her parents over how she was acting. Her family eventually deduced the she was a sociopath with near psychopath levels of violence against others for near no reason. Whilst this was known to her family, she was able to cover these personality traits, being able to act like a normal person whilst in the light of others.

After moving to Coruscant, Morrigan eventually founded the first of many businesses of hers, a small fashion shop. She met and fell in love with a young man, Lukan Drenn, who owned a large amount of organizations himself. The two worked together, each holding their businesses separate for legal reasons and to make sure one wouldn't interfere with the other. Their marriage occurred three years later, and afterwards gave birth to a son, named, Riven Thorne, by them. They decided to go with Morrigan's name, due to her husband falling ill with an incurable disease shortly after his birth. Morrigan did all she could to save her husband, but when her son developed a medical condition that threatened his life, she ultimately agreed with Lukan to focus her funds on their child. He passed before their son's first birthday. His condition was cured, and soon after Morrigan started to show overbearing behaviours to Riven.

Now, seventeen years after her husband's death, her son has joined her in her business ventures, joining the family business and becoming a trade manager. This allowed Morrigan to focus on other areas of her company, and allowing her to act more freely with her son occupied.
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