Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Morrigan's Cybernetic Arm

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Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average

  • Hidden compartment: This robotic arm has a hidden compartment along the forearm that is undetectable to the naked eye and scanners. This is due to the interior of the device being coated in a layer of Durinium. This allows the wearer to conceal anything inside it and the contents being completely undetectable to body scanners, even if focused on the arm specifically.
  • Reinforced knuckles: This arm has an offensive weapon that can extend slightly from the knuckles. This self defence weapon is visible to external views. It is a simple knuckle duster like weapon with a metallic coating.
  • This cybernetic arm can replicate a normal organic arm's movement whilst also being much stronger than normal.
  • Hidden compartment: This space can conceal any item that fits into it.
  • EMP sensitive: EMPs can completely disable the arm for a period of time.
  • Simplistic functions: This arm has no other functions than most cybernetic arms, thus, hidden weapons along the exterior will not be concealed.
During her time building her empire, Morrigan lost her left arm from half way along the bicep down. This has forced her to use a cybernetic just to function normally. However, given the people that might be against her, and to satisfy her own twisted desires, she has a compartment on the forearm that can conceal a small blaster, melee weapon, or similarly sized items perfectly. This has allowed her to stealthily kill those that cross her and get away without suspicion. The exterior has a silver and black colouration, with the lights being a dull purple and blue colouration. This was chosen to allow it to match with her outfits a lot of the time.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a cybernetic enhancement for this character
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Morrigan Thorne

Technical Information

Affiliation: Morrigan Thorne
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
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