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Approved Tech Morrigan's Cybernetic Medical Unit

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Manufacturer: Neuro-Saav Corporation
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Weightless
Size: Small
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  • Medical Advancement: This cybernetic addition to Morrigan Thorne's body has allowed her to push her body to the extremes in dire situations. From an increase to physical strength, movement, endurance, and the ability to nullify pain receptors along less critical areas of the body. This allows her to fight on, her body healing wounds slowly, and becoming more of a threat to those who take her on. It also allows her to hold her breath for an extremely long time, her lungs also altered to hold air more effectively and keep her body working even if barely any oxygen is within it.
  • Provides an increase to strength, movement, physical endurance, and inhibiting pain receptors has allowed her to become more threatening, becoming a faux droid or cyborg.
  • Can allow the body to work in near zero oxygen areas for an extended period of time with no consequences.
  • The cybernetics can restart her heart and vital organs if they fail on her, allowing her to be essentially revived from death. This function has to be replaced after use before it can be used again.
  • EMPs can cause failures in the devices, causing her increased attributes to become negated and all regenerative factors ceased.
  • Continuous use of the cybernetics forces it to enter a low power state, lessening its effects and regenerative quality until recharged or deactivated for a period of time.
After spending some years running a multi sector wide businesses empire, Morrigan was caught in a starship fire. Her lungs, heart, muscles, and some bones were damaged in the ensuing fire and debris that fell on her. Spending a small fortune on the cybernetics to bring herself back to full strength and then some, she found that her new innards could let her go above what a normal human can do. Despite her limited use of the force, she hadn't been able to amplify her body before getting the pieces of metal and faux tissue.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a cybernetic enhancement and precaution for Morrigan to restart her heart and accelerate her body's healing for a period of time.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Morrigan Thorne

Technical Information

Affiliation: Morrigan Thorne
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Cybernetic Components, Q-2 artificial heart, Ex-Musc enhancement
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