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Approved Species Morsguibus

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  • Intent: Create a species for a planet that is also being created.
  • Image Credit: Source
  • Permissions:
  • Name: Morsguibus
  • Designation: Semi-sentient
  • Origins: Omnia
  • Average Lifespan: Seventy-Five Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description:
    • Scales: The Morsguibus has an scales made of keratin that is strong enough to stop high-calibre rounds.
    • Tail: The Xena has a long tail with spinous processes along it.
    • Two legs: It is a Biped
    • Two arms: It has two arms with five massive claws at the end intended for ripping and holding.
    • Night Vision: It has night vision, be afraid.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 3.1 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 6 meters
  • Skin color: Dominant Pheotypes are Brown and Grey [Incomplete dominance between Albino and Brown], Albino and Black are recessive traits but is linked to other mutations
    • Albinos are typically seen to be much larger and stronger but live half as long
    • Blacks are extremely rare and a cause of a mutation, these have been known to have heavily increased testosterone, wildly aggressive [but tamable], and a bit more powerful and larger than albinos
  • Distinctions:
    • Sharp Teeth
    • Long Tail with Spinous Processes
    • Long Horns
    • Five claws per hand, three per feet
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes, but extremely rare
  • Strong: The Morsguibus is a creature known for its strength and power.
  • Claws: The claws of these creatures are sharp and strong enough to tear through durasteel.
  • Developed Brains: They are highly intelligent for reptiles, even having a more developed frontal lobe making them tamable and able to for relationships.
  • Long Living: Used commonly as war beasts or even mounts, the trainers and riders typically live as long as these beasts.
  • Horns: The horns on the Morsguibus can be used for ramming and are much stronger than the claws.
  • Keratin: The keratin scales are very thick and strong with similar strength to half an inch of steel.
  • Running: Can run on all fours to get up to ~50 km/h
  • Loud: They are loud and you can hear them approaching from far away.
  • Based on instinct: Despite being trainable and pretty intelligent if you accidentally trigger an instinct reaction they may rip you in half, or eat you, not really up to you.
  • Cannibals: If one falls behind or is seen as weak they will cannibalize each other for nutrients.
  • Heavy: The creatures are extremely heavy [400 lbs | 181.437 kg] which makes them hard to transport.
  • Diet:
    • Carnivore
      • Anything that moves
  • Communication: Roars.
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior:
    • Behaviors:
      • Tamable: These creatures can be tamed.
      • Instinct driven: If not trained they resort to pure instinct and basically eat and kill everything in there way.
      • Motherly Love: Not much to say, but don't mess with their babies.
      • Nesting: Morsguibus will create nests for laying eggs and having kids.
The Morsguibus is a massive, armored beast used by the Legio Fortitudinis in siege battles and as a mount in the brutal fights on Omnia. With hulking limbs, razor-sharp claws, and a horned, reptilian head, it crushes through fortifications and enemies alike. Looking like it was bred for war, these creatures inspire terror on the battlefield, trained to obey their riders and handlers to wreak havoc on opposing forces.

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