
• NAME: Morsus
• FACTION: None Yet
• RANK: Dark Jedi Knight
• SPECIES: Near Human
• AGE: Unknown
• GENDER: Male
• HEIGHT: 5'5"
• WEIGHT: Unknown
• EYES: Palish, Grey
• HAIR Unknown
• SKIN Unknown
[-] Skeletal Disease - He has developed this disease over the course of his life, it has crippled him and has prevented him from interacting with the outside world. Though he can stand on his on, he completely lacks mobility. This is also accompanied by anemia, chronic fatigue, and muscle weakness. His body is literally entirely weak, and his greatest flaw.
[-] Physically Weak/Frail Body - His body is completely weak, and lacks muscular strength. This is due to him having a reduced appetite, which leads to massive weight loss. He's far too thin to generate enough force to move most objects, and or people. His body can easily become fractured when under enough stress, and or force.
[-] Certain Areas of the Force - Most Control and Alter abilities aren't even possible for him to perform. This isn't due to the fact that he lacks strength in the force, but the stress they could put on his body would likely debilitate him even more or kill him. He tries to stay away from certain abilities/aspects of the force in order to keep his life out of harms way.
[-] Emotional/Psychological Trauma - Over the course of his life, he has gone through events that were very traumatic for him, and he struggles with upsetting emotions, memories, and seems to feel like someone or something is always out to get him. He also has become very disconnected, numb. This sees him act without emotion most of the time, seemingly making him appear unfeeling.
[+] Increase in Other Areas - What he lacks physically, he makes up for mentally. His mind is his most powerful tool/weapon. He excels in the Mind-Affecting, and Sense areas of the force, and has become an prodigious scholar/mentalist in his own right. His thinking capacity, and analyzing skills are quite superior, allowing him to make contraptions, and etc to aid him in his daily life.
The Three Paths are but clones of his deceased brother. Through the force Morsus has taken unconscious clones, who lack any life experiences, or sense of self, who are nothing but blank slates, and altered their mind, and subjected them to mind control. They have become nothing but conduits through which he can interact with the world he couldn't before.
[-/+] Specific Purposes - Each Path serves a specific purpose in battle, such as repair, defense, control etc. thus would mean they are strong in certain areas, and rendered completely open in others. Each possesses a primary function or ability, and with prior knowledge about their abilities, one stood a much better chance of defeating them; they would usually have the element of surprise on their side.
[-/+] Mental Link - They are made to be active together in battle, making up for each other's weaknesses, though they are only able to coordinate through the mental link provided for them by Morsus. This allows them to coordinate attacks and provide defense for one another, though this only applies to when they are used together. They are more than capable of standing on their on, however, they would only be limited to the certain skills they know. The link possesses drawbacks, area of effect abilities could overwhelm Morsus and the Paths, amplifying the pain due to the enhancement of their senses. This could see Morsus lose control, and the Paths obsolete.
[-] Photophobia - Due to being clones, they have inherited the issues associated with the person they were cloned from. They have very sensitive eye sight, and they can quickly be debilitated by sudden bright flashes of light. It can cause migraines, which can disrupt the link between them and Morsus, causing him to temporarily lose control, and have the Paths open for a attack.

Pneuma Path
• Named after one of the three aspects of the Force, the Pneuma is the expression of conscious thought, and is said that thinking, and the self aware mind contribute to it collectively. This path was made to look exactly like his brother, and is used mostly as the face of Morsus's alias.
• Drain Knowledge
• Force Supression
• Life Sense
• Drain Knowledge
• Force Supression
• Life Sense

Anima Path
• Named after one of the three aspects of the Force, the Anima is the part that gave life to animals, plants, and living beings. It is stated that Midi-chlorians induced and sustained anima in almost all life.
• Force Healing
• Animal Friendship
• Plant Surge
• Force Healing
• Animal Friendship
• Plant Surge

Aperion Path
• Named after one of the three aspects of the Force, the Aperion is the part that included and united all matter, giving it shape and cohesion. It included aspects such as gravity, and electromagnetism, but encompassed all space and time.
[-] It's abilities cannot be performed in rapid succession, he has a recharge time after utilizing each ability, consisting of 10-20 seconds, which increases depending on the scale in which he uses them.
• Telekinesis (only push and pull)
• Tutaminis
• Force Barrier
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[-] It's abilities cannot be performed in rapid succession, he has a recharge time after utilizing each ability, consisting of 10-20 seconds, which increases depending on the scale in which he uses them.
• Telekinesis (only push and pull)
• Tutaminis
• Force Barrier
• Morsus is one of the words that means pain in Latin.
• Each Path has abilities that correspond to the aspect it's named after.
• While not above using any of the three when presenting himself, he mainly uses the Pneuma Path, possibly because it resembles his brother the most.
• He adopted the alias pain, due to certain events in his life that were marked by great pain for him.
• Draws some influences from the "Six Buddhist Paths of Reincarnation"