Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: His true name is unknown, but he goes by the name he adopted when he joined the Sith, Morticus.
Species: Human.
Age: There are no official Birth Records, but he claims to be 20 years old
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height: 2 Meters
Weight: 75 Kilograms
Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: The Empire
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Force Deflection: Morticus has learn to shield himself from certain Force abilities, including Mind Trick and Stun.
Education: Morticus spent most of his younger years with Tutors, arming him with a vast education of all subjects.
Force Sensitivity: Morticus is Force Sensitive.

Force Deflection: He cannot deflect major Force Powers.
Education: Non-sentinant beings bore him and he has no knowledge of them.
Force Sensitivity: He has not mastered the Force.
None... Yet

2 Red Single Bladed Lightsabres, one kept spare in his cloak at ALL times.
1 Standard Viroblade, unmodified.

Medical Items:
Always keeps a few Medpacks handy... just in case

Simple Jedi Robes that cover his face.
On the planet of Korriban, a new child was born into the galaxy, the babie's name unknown, the Sith instantly tested the child for Force Sensitivity, the test came up with positive and the Sith asked if they could have the child when he could walk. That didn't take long, infact it took a shorter time than most children would. The Sith took him in immediately and he soon uttered his first words... "Sith". He was put under a Tutor and by the time he was five he knew most of the Sith's history. By the time he was seven years old he was asked to pick a name, he choose Morticus. By the time he was ten they had decided he was prepared for training, but Morticus decided to read out of the Sith Archives instead, by the time he was 15 he had finished with that and much of the next five years looking for a Master.

Bounties Collected:

One Giant Step (Empire dominion of Ralith)


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