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Approved NPC Morton Flynn

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Intent: To RP Mauda's corporate front-man and provide Hadriotech with a CEO

Permissions: N/A

Image Credit:
Link - Personal creation using EVE character creator

Role: Proxy CEO of Hadriotech



: 45GSY

Force Sensitivity: NFU

Species: Coruscanti Human


Morton stands at just under 6ft. A naiive but confident man he keeps himself straight and walks with an almost obnoxious stride. Often clad in fine wear, he particularly enjoys mid-calf boots and a fashion that strikes a middle between regal and formal.

Name: Morton Flynn

Orex Mauda,

Wealth: Moderately Rich

Notable Possessions: Morton fancies himself somewhat of a collector of ancient and other high-value robotics. Among his small collection are original Palpatine-era Protocol Droids. Notably a fully functioning C3 unit kept deactivated in storage.

Skills: An avid droid engineer, Morton is especially proficient at advanced machine neural-network programming

Personality: Morton is a naiive man. Impressionable. Where he excels in robotics, he lacks in social authority. Despite this he is undeniably confident. Walking with a stride, keeping himself prim and proper, he's articulate with his quickly-spoken words and fast in his mannerisms. He's a confident, talkative nerd. Yet unlike most nerds of his caliber, he is no introvert. He yearns for the spotlight and could almost be considered a narcissist.
His racing mind seems to translate to the rest of his body. His hands are often on the move in some form and his energy is unlimited.


Weapon of Choice:
Morton is no fighter and when posed with a threat, he'd rather talk it out. In light of this, his associate Orex Mauda gave him a simple Vibroblade. Morton keeps this blade in his dapper boots.

Combat Function: If rapid diplomacy is not an option in the face of a threat, Morton has his legs to carry him. If he has no choice, he's no trained fighter. Expect a hack and slash accompanied by loud curses.

  • Exceptional Programmer - Morton is an untapped treasure when it comes to machine intelligence. His ability to craft advanced neural networks is almost unparalleled compared to his colleagues

  • Weak Willed - Morton is a far cry from leadership material. Too often he finds himself bending to the whim of those around him. Perhaps even at his peril
  • Non-Combatant - Being a man at one with his work he has never had much need to fight. Coruscant's underworld is alien to him and the threat of angry bystanders lost to him


Morton Flynn. The fast talking, high-energy dapper daniel of Coruscant's A.I community. An incredible machine neurology programmer, Morton was born and raised in the higher end of Coruscant's vast population. After the One Sith's sacking of the planet, young Morton experienced rapid economic and technological growth as the Galaxy's capital recuperated. In the wake of it, his interest in fashion rapidly deteriorated and he became more and more invested in the construction and programming of droids. The latter becoming his life long passion. Returning to finish the education the One Sith interrupted, he took a few more years in higher education to explore robotic engineering and machine learning. Graduating with exceptional marks he quickly moved on to high paying labs and published a respectable amount of research into cutting edge machine neural networks.

Wishing to become something more. To be seen more, he began hunting for a career that would place him squarely in the spotlight. Enter Hadriotech. An emerging droid manufacturer and A.I researcher hardly on the scene but with plenty of potential. With his impressive credentials behind him, Morton applied and was quickly accepted. Quick also was his rise in Hadriotech's small hierarchy. It was at the time nothing short of a tech start-up with big ideas. After a few meetings with a quiet, young engineer and scientist in his own right who seemed to be running things, Morton was offered the position of CEO and lead Robo-Neurology engineer. The fact that it was too good to be true was entirely ignored by an excited Morton.

In his new position, Morton now runs a rapidly growing Hadriotech in a moderately wealthy district on Coruscant's surface. Even if his power to decide is equal to that of a carrot on a string.
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Orex Mauda Orex Mauda Interesting fella you've got there :)

I need two things from you please;
  • In Out of Character Information, you're missing the Permissions. These need to be included as part of the template, even if you write n/a by them.
  • In Out of Character Information, under Image Credit, you've written "Personal Creation (EVE)". Does this mean you've built the face through the MMO game? If so, I need to ask you to link to the game's official site instead of the upload link on imgur.

Once these edits are done, please tag me and I'll be more than happy to approve this submission :)
Orex Mauda Orex Mauda Thank you very much for the edits! I just need in Image Source for you to specify that this was made in the game, not just link to the game. Some examples of how this can be worded:
  • Made through the Character Creation of Eve.
  • Eve - Character Creation.
  • Self made through Eve
Each of these should still include the link to the game.

Please tag me back once this is done so that I can approve this :)
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