Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mos Eisley

She had arrived in cantina in tatoonie, the was band playing in the back ground and she arrived. She head to the bar, and asked for double rum when your ready. The bar man served her, and tried not notice her weapon, slung over shoulder. She then head to one booths, and looked around. She was starting off with her own pirate ship soon, and was hoping to find tips of where may be good to raid. She had Black suns ship, that was called the black pearl. She was after cargo freighters and the like, as they be easier pry for her. Though she wanted to keep what she after, on the quite. People don`t tend to talk to pirates.

[member="Kail Ragnar"][member="Gabriel Audemars"][member="Cross Ikon"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Location | Sitting at the Bar of the Mos Eisley Cantina​
Objective | Drink and complain mentally about getting ripped off on a shipment of droid parts​
His objective was going well so far. It was hard to say what Cambry was drunk on - too many different colors were staining the front of his light Mandalorian armor for it be clear, but he was very obviously drunk. His hand shook and swiped as he tried to drink more, an attempted action which only resulted in a spilled drink and a dirty look from the tender, which made Cambry even more sour. The Rodian merchant he had brought the droid parts for had paid him only about half what they were worth. Maybe 75%. And he had been outnumbered by various heavy set goons, so there was no point in resisting that. Stang it.
He looked surprised at his failure in drinking from a recently empty glass, and set it down with a dejected sigh. Swiveling slightly in his seat and peering over his shoulder, he took stock of the current environment and patrons through dark blue eyes.​
His eyebrow twitched when he watched a Wookie walk through the door. Dark matted fur, dark eyes, and typical towering stature, this was a creature Cambry had seen before, specifically at the tradeoff site.
Almost immediately, the Wookie walked his way. He felt his pulse quicken, and his flushed face was marked with a bead of sweat. He felt unsteady.
With no hesitation at all since he entered the Cantina, the Wookie grabbed his shoulder in a massive paw, and roared into his face, flinging spittle. As Cambry winced, momentarily helpless, he recalled having called this one a name. He hoped it had been worth it.
With a mighty heave, the spacer was thrown from his seat, landing hard a few feet away. The Bartender quickly swept the empty glasses off the counter, and several other patrons took vague notice. One excitable Devaronian cheered at the sight of something more entertaining than the Both band.

"Woaah, pal. Ugh." Cambry groaned from the floor, raising a hand in a peacemaking gesture. The Wookie snorted and came after him again, moving to grab his leg at the thigh. Cambry kicked clumsily against him, eyebrow furrowing. "Oy!"​

Connor Harrison

If you wanted to survive, you had to be tough.

If you were weak, merciful and wallowing you would either be cast out by those stronger then you or found dead in an alley somewhere, stinking of booze.

Kail had been his lowest in many years over the last few months on Tatooine, but he was damned if a woman would be the end of him. So his jaw had broken, and his left side of his face now scarred and constantly in pain. So what. It gave him character - it gave him history; a purpose. He was a fighter. He was a survivor.

He'd been out of the mercenary cell for a good few weeks now. He was still active, but he had been given leave to sort himself out and get his head straight before he got himself killed by being reckless and stupid. Now it was time to make a name for himself. Kail was outside in the street of Mos Eisley, underneath a huge spacecraft, erected with iron girders by the spaceport, a wreckage from wars eons ago but now made a focal point in a wretched hive, full of scum and villainy.

Sat atop a crate in his brown combat trousers, tan sleeveless shirt and armoured vest, Kail rubbed his stubbled face, bar where the skin graft was on his face, and watched people pass by. He wasn't after anything in particular, but just watching for something - someONE - to reignite the spark inside and throw caution to the wind.

What was the point in trying to play by the rules? He played the game once before and it nearly killed him and cost him someone he loved, who was still out there and probably wretched on the mention of his name. IF he was ever a thought in her twisted, beautiful head.

If you couldn't break rules, you couldn't break bones.

[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Cambry Benjamyn"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
A small Jawa, with the typical brown robes and glowing eyes behind yellow amber, appeared in the doorway of the cantina, pushing a wheelbarrow full of.. everything. The word 'Jawamart' was painted ont he side of the rather large wheelbarrow, in bright colors. "Stuffforsaaaaaaaaale!"

The Jawa glanced around at the various people in the Cantina, before pushing the wheelbarrow quickly over to [member="Cambry Benjamyn"]. Drunk people were always easier to sell to.

"Ooooooh! You'vegotarmor... Youaboutyhunter? Mercenary? Iknowwhatyouneed!"

The Little Jawa pulled a little weapon out of the stack of various objects int he wheelbarrow, looking like a cross between a gauntlet and a wrist-blaster.

"Lookatthis,Lookatthis! Pushgun! Verygood, Verygood!"

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry winced and grunted as he felt the Wookie deliver a rough push to his leg to pin it to the filthy floor of the cantina. The spacer let his instincts take over, and in moments, his vibro knife was in his hand, held up and buzzing. The Wookie seemed to falter for a moment, thought that was perhaps his imagination, before it let out another roar, swinging an arm down to smash the man's leg. When his fist hit, it hit the floor, as Cambry has separated his legs. Immediately following, he launched a durasteel-plated kick at the angry furball's head, creating a satisfying jolt as it landed.​
It was almost as if he'd ignored the Jawa salesman. He hoped he'd understand. Any other time would be great, but-​
The Wookie growled in pain, and blocked the follow up kick with a furry forearm. Cambry knew he had to get off the ground, but his own fuzzy head wasn't helping. With an instinctive throw of his body, he rolled backwards and away from the massive aggressor, landing on his knees and looking up to it, vibroblade still humming in his fist and his cloak settled around his shoulders. He gave it a steely look, while thanking whatever spirits there were for relatively high tolerance and sharp reflexes. He still didn't stand a chance unless he took some sort of advantage here. Death should be avoided for both parties. But an angry wookie isn't going to back down.​
He was reminded of this moments later, when again the Wookie gave a yell, and charged forward to catch him around the neck.​
Makkik suddenly realized that [member="Cambry Benjamyn"] was in a fight. ... He should probably be more observant. The Jawa slowly turned around, and pushed his wheelbarrow off to some random glitterstim addict....

( *facepalms* This is why I shouldn't skim posts. )
I walked into this bar... To see a short-ish human in armor getting his ass kicked by a Wookiee. I cocked my pistol and my slugthrower. I warning shot grazed the furry guy's face, and he turned to look at me.

"Drop the merc, fuzzball. Or I'll drop you. Slowly and painfully."

[member="Cambry Benjamyn"]
[member="Flora Burn"]
[member="Kail Ragnar"]
Gabriel was on Mos Eisley for various reasons, 1 to find talented engineers. Some of the finest were born in the grime and dirt of the scrapyard. And as a second objective he was here to receive some big mission from any dirty rich client or spice lord. After all he was already rich enough as CEO of ArmTech Systems, but a fat cash payout to do something dangerous was always fun and rekindled his old mercenary days.

He stood there, clad in his unique beskar'gam, coated in black, the suit way more armored than others, and while the armor was intact, several scratches and burns where blaster holes were recovered were glaring obvious, showing his experience and knack for survival, a unique helmet was adorned with a cigarette burning out of a hole intended for an air filter.

Knowing Mos Eisley, someone was going to start some beef here at one point or another, and someone would wind up dead. And that seemed to be what happened, a fight between a man and a wookie, usually pretty standard. The man gets his arms ripped off and beaten to death with 'em. But upon closer inspection, the man being beaten to death was not just a man, but a Mandalorian. This caused Gabriel to unholster a very large, revolver shaped ArmTech HBP-1, and with a bassy, ear-piercingly loud pyow. He fired one shot from one of the hardest-hitting blaster pistols in the business across the northwest of the bar and in front of the wookie's foot as a warning shot, readying to aim another if he had to.

[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Cambry Benjamyn"] @Makkik @Kail Ragnar

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry blinked a few times at the sudden burst of gunfire from those rushing to his aid. He hadn't expected any assistance, but he couldn't deny it was about kriffing time.
His feet dangled over the floor, and his breath was gradually fading. The shouting was helping, but the wookie hadn't yet dropped him. He used the distraction of his attacker to bring the virboknife still clung by his fingers up under the wookie's arm, and into somewhere vaguely resembling the socket.
That seemed to urge the wookie's decision.
The Spacer fell to the ground and back onto his arse with a grunt as the wookie reared back and roared, his arm painfully rendered useless. Cambry's gloved hand came up to rub at his throat, as he watched his assailant look helplessly around, disabled and pinned. The wookie gave a frustrated roar, and scampered back. He wasn't stupid; he could make it out of this alive.
The wookie trailed blood from it's underarm as it trotted back into the still chattering throng. The gunfire had only drawn the attention of a particular sort of patron, and the rest had gone on with their business. Just another day.
Soon, the wookie had disappeared from the Cantina, growling and snarling painfully the whole way out.

Cambry found his feet, continuing to rub at his stained neck gaiter. He looked between the two who had aided him, and cleared his throat with effort, blinking tears from his eyes. He seemed to keep more of his attention on the more eccentric of the two.
"...I'm no ingrate." He coughed briefly. "Thanks strangers, whatever might've happened had you not come."
[member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Cross Ikon"]​
Outer Rim;
Arkanis Sector;


The smells were never great here. Especially in certain pockets of the cantina where larger hordes of the unruly aliens grouped together. Dim lights befell some tables, masking whoever sat there in veils of shadow. A delicate looking beverage sat before the young human female, brought to lips, taken from, and set back on the surface. She never liked spending to much time in these pits of the galaxy, but her line of work was one in which dangerous scenery was expected. Almost every time she had shown her face in these parts, she also saw violence, sometimes even multiple times in one sitting. Never had she been involved, however, and she planned on keeping it that way. A stubborn tapping of her fingers against the table implied she was waiting, waiting on something. But her attention had been quickly distracted when the next fight broke out. A man and a wookie, which looked grim enough. Another sip from her drink, and she watched things unfold. Good samaritans from all over hopped aboard the ruckus, which was rare enough in these parts. Not one, but two aids joined the chaos, guns a-blazing. Her lips pulled tight and she pushed herself against the back of her seat, nervous about the reckless gunfire.

But it was over before it began, and Xenia was on the move already. With the wookie on the retreat, only murmured echoes of the event ravaged the cantina. With an obvious hesitance, the musicians began their repetitive loop of song after song, odd, electronic noises coming from the advanced instruments. Her own weapons were hidden within her outfit, a tight fitting and garb hugging her skin snuggly. Every curve and motion she made was visible under the thin linings, and her voice sounded confident as she spoke out to the victor. "It's not every day a human survives a fight with a wookie," she offered a but of a nodding gesture, and tossed a credit chip onto the bar's surface. "His drinks, my tab," and the bartender just nodded with a sigh. Her next glance befell Cambry once more, a light grin written from one cheek to the other, only teasing flashes of white teeth under full lips.

[member="Cambry Benjamyn"] | [member="Gabriel Audemars"] | [member="Cross Ikon"] |

Connor Harrison

Picking at the gauntlet on his wrist, Kail kept his eyes forward in the makeshift centre of the spaceport. Speeders, swoops and small transports passed by at the crossroads before him, paths leading out of Mos Eisley and also deeper into the city.

The cantina to his left, near the outskirts, was always going to be a safe haven for trouble, but he'd rather find trouble himself than it find him. He was taking control of his own life, and he was going to make the changes so people knew he was in charge.

A group of Jawas scurried past with astromech droids in two, chirping and whistling, failing to get the mercenaries attention.

He held back from going in, staying where he was and watching the ominous black archway that led inside. This was his home planet after all, and he wasn't going to let just anyone think they could swan in and ruffle feathers without going through him first.

KX-60 rifle on his back and SSX blaster on his hip, Kail was ready to act if needed, but something inside him hoped it wouldn't lead to a blaster fight. Initially, he wanted to use his fists first.

[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Xenia Nastassia "][member="Cambry Benjamyn"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Makkik"]
Outer Rim;
Arkanis Sector;


It was brief, almost fleeting, but her eyes did adjust upon seeing the stretching shadow of another customer. Perhaps. Though, this customer wore a look in his eyes. Yet another human, fully clad in weaponry and gear, with a gruesome aura about him. Xenia's eyes fell back to the man she had already engaged in conversation and made a humorous 'nervous' face, in jest. Of course, there was not an ounce of real fear in her. It had been her experience that, especially with other humans, males found themselves drawn to her for other reasons than violence. She had a way of... working thing out that way. Even so, there was a slight, growing sensation of something close to anxiety swelling within her. "So, what're you drinking," she said back to [member="Cambry Benjamyn"].

[member="Kail Ragnar"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry seemed to rub at his throat still, blinking at the new female as she entered the situation. His eyes sort of darted around, before he once again cleared his throat. He clearly wasn't the most social of butterflies.
"Ehm. I think I've had enough, actually."
Drinking at all had been unwise. Cost him his advantage. He could've ended it much faster had he been clear-headed.
A gloved hand rubbed away at his forehead as he looked to her face, blinking once more. He wasn't used to this sort of charity, and it sort of unnerved him. The Mandalorian in huge black armor wasn't helping at all. Preferably, he could sit down in some corner and watch the others, rather than be the center of attention.
With a sweep of his arm, he gathered his tattered cloak over his front, before reaching over to the bar, grabbing his helmet, setting the iconic piece of gear on top of his head, perched there and leaving his features open still. He still seemed unsteady as he adjusted part of his kama.
"But thanks, for the offer. And I don't intend to make the wookie thing a habit."
A wry smile and a dry look accompanied those words, before he grew a bit more grim.
He cast a glance after where the wookie disappeared, furrowing a dark brow. Possible that he went to get friends, in which case Cambry didn't want to be hanging around. At least not vulnerable and unsteady and off-balance by the appearance of this woman. Kriffing woman. Put on some robes or something. Please.
When she gave him that glance, he followed it to the newcomer, immediately sizing him up and evaluating him, as was his habit. What he saw didn't overly concern him. Just a surly warrior type, and it's not like they didn't have those in spades already.
Finally Cambry nodded to her, after thanking the others who had helped him.
"...Cambry. Excuse me if I don't...shake your hand." He held up his hand and gestured; it was still shaking from the close call, but he was bringing that in check.
[member="Xenia Nastassia"]​
[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"]​
[member="Cross Ikon"]​
Outer Rim;
Arkanis Secotr;


What in the world was it about this place. All of the hardest, most edged and ruthless criminals all seemed to hub around these parts. Around the violent crusts of Tatooine, like these cantinas. And yet, thus far, the gathered crowd looked like a rag tag team of strange fellows forced together for too long. Various tables along the cantina's outskirts continued to point and stare, others held groups of near silent watchers. The dimly lit tables in the back were the places of darkest dealings, and she had been taking an unknowing risk just by sitting there. Even had she known of the risk he would have sat there, and there would not have been an ounce more fear within her atop that. The man's shaking response governed some kind of empathic response, and she offered him a kind glance. Not sympathetic, lord knows she was not trying to step on the man's ego, only help ease the shock of what had just happened to him.

"Suit yourself," she started. "But you're lucky to be alive, I'm sure I don't need to remind you that you just beat off a Wookie." She put a specific emphasis on the word 'wookie,' exaggerating it so as to prove her point. "If you're worried about the rest of the night, which is understandable," a little giggle of a laugh to express that yes, it would be perfectly fine for the man to be shaken on into the night, "you needn't be. Remember, you just put a knife into his side," a short pause, "and that guy..." she pointed wagged her head in one, subtle slide towards the large mercenary of a man who had entered. Not to mention the finely dressed red head, also having pulled a gun in order to protect the human. "The offer's there until I leave," her smile was reassuring, and she moved past the shaking male towards the bar, hoping that he might follow, seeking further conversation.

[member="Cambry Benjamyn"] | [member="Kail Ragnar"] | [member="Gabriel Audemars"] | [member="Cross Ikon"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry could be a little too trusting for his own good. Or maybe it was just that he didn't think things through.
Her empathetic response alone was enough that he felt a kinship- something hard to find in a cantina this dank and dirty on one of the dustbowls of the Galaxy. So yes, he did follow, helmet still perched. His clear eyes shot around the cantina even as he leaned on the counter and gave a sigh, scanning the crowd with a perceptive gaze, looking for any he might have to deem as hostile. His knife since replaced in it's sheath, his hand now toyed with his sash, just above where one of his pair of sidearms lay holstered.
"Stabbed a wookie. Wasn't as if it was a test of strength in the end. But aye, yeah, thanks for the praise. Better than the beeping and whirring I get most days."
His other hand was set firmly on his jaw. He actually didn't look at this female, despite what she might expect. Instead, his decidedly nonchalant air kept him above that, and he remained watchful. The color was receding from his face. He had always had a good constitution.
"Wish I could say I'm on this sandblasted sphere for the sake of credits, but even that turned out to be more or less..."
He trailed off, gesturing dismissively.
"What brings you to this hellhole? Might as well ask. Seems polite."
Finally, he seemed to see feel able to spare her a glance. It was a sincere one, he didn't seem to be able to get rid of the genuine nature in his eyes. And it was curious, but it was steely as well. He'd seen a lot, that was clear, but it hadn't jaded him or broken him like it might've some. He just seemed entirely accepting of it all, whatever 'it all' was.
As he gave her the nicety of that look, he wondered if any of the other notable patrons would join in. He didn't mind company for once. Though that Mandalorian...Eh. It should be fine. Should be. Mhm.
He mentally shrugged.
[member="Xenia Nastassia"]​
[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Cross Ikon"]​
"Now, now. There's no need to fear me. I'm just a handsome drunk with a pretty gun."

I grinned at [member="Cambry Benjamyn"] and @Xenia Nastassia.

"You two... I recognize you from my intel reports... Benjyman the Mandalorian, and Nastassia the I-don't-even-know-what."

I spun in my chair and saw the others who'd come in behind me.

"And of course, you lot of scoundrels, Ragnar, Audemars, and Burn. Fascinating group, here."

[member="Kail Ragnar"]
[member="Gabriel Audemars"]
She sat their booth drinking her rum, their was clear change in atmosphere. One guest was about get beaten up a wookie, then another guy told the wookie where to go. She was enjoying being in rowdy cantina, though she did slip her disrupter carbine under the table just encase of emergency. She wonder if anyone here, was would be merchant or potential crew. She looked down as she took another sip of rum, she could see her reflection in alcohol as she looked into it. She wonder when her pry would arrive if any, though she was making mental note of the jawa. As she could always raid them, after all they had lot junk on the dune ships.

[member="Cambry Benjamyn"]@Xenia Nastassia[member="Kail Ragnar"][member="Gabriel Audemars"][member="Cross Ikon"][member="Makkik"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Xenia Nastassia"] [member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="Flora Burn"]​
Cambry just sort of raised an eyebrow at Cross, his mouth tightening into a frown. He wasn't sure how he knew about him, but he didn't really like it.​
"...Right then. Since you know all of our names, wanna hand out yours?" He leaned on the counter, looking at him sardonically. "...Fair exchange."
He idly peered around for the Jawa merchant from before. If he was still around, he wouldn't mind seeing what he had. Maybe he could get some parts to sell later or something, as well.​
The rowdy atmosphere of the cantina had just become backround noise at this point, but that heightened sense of perception hadn't yet gone away. The fact that he was still in danger never left either, it buzzed at the back of his head, a constant reminder.​
Any glance that was given to the people around him garnered two more for the crowd and the establishment in general. So far so good.​
As if knowing that he was being looked for, Makkik appeared around the corner, with significantly less merchandise in his wheelbarrow. Glitterstim addicts are easy to sell things to. Makkik turned to the mandalorian from earlier, a large smile appearing under his veil.

"Ooooooooooh! Youlived! Good,good,good! You'llwantsomething,yes,yes? Hmmm...Whatwillyouwant...Hmmm! Oh,Iknow!"

The Jawa pushed the wheelbarrow almost onto [member="Cambry Benjamyn"]'s feet, seeming completely oblivious to the other's around him, and pulled out a small metal stick, with a wire connecting it to a little power pack. "Yesyes! You'llwantthis! It'saTractorWand! Yep,yep,watch!"

The Jawa suddenly raised the little wand at [member="Cross Ikon"],s hat, and a beam of blue energy pulsed out of teh end of it, surrounding the hat much like a tractor beam would. With a little twitch of his wand, the hat went flying across the room like a frisbee. Makkik turned back to Cambry, as if he'd done nothing wrong. "Seee,See? Veryuseful! Howmanyyouwant? Hmm?"

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
Cambry looked a little exasperated. You always had to be with Jawas, and this one seemed to have a particular sense of troublemaking without knowing it, so he kept his wits about him. "Yeah that's...great and all...What about the other thing? Pushglove? What was that?" He continues to glance around, making sure the Jawa doesn't completely distract his attention.​

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