Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moss Vel'ija

Name: Moss Vel'ija

Faction: Abrion Corporate Security

Rank: Citizen

Species: Bothan

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Height: 1.5 meters (4.5 feet)

Weight: 55 kilograms (120 pounds)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Skin: Brown

Force Sensitive: No

Strengths and Weaknesses

Moss is charming in the traditional sense of the word. Rather than rely on the cold, mysterious auras that many employ to channel their charisma, Moss's personality is warm and glowing. Strangers are generally treated no differently than old friends. Such a demeanor has granted him a close network of friends and acquaintances across Bothawui, Kothlis, and beyond. One could consider his charm a strength.

Beneath the radiant exterior of his personality lies a darkness. Moss is subject to manic bouts of severe depression that he has learned to mask with humor and socialization. He refers to his episodes as the "sleeping ganjuko" of his mind, though generally keeps that aspect of his life to himself. During these bouts, which can sometimes last for months, Moss can become unproductive and lethargic - a personal flaw.

Physical strength is hardly an asset to Moss. While he is in relatively good physical condition (young and healthy), he is limited by the nature of his species. Bothans are small when compared to Humans and Moss has never been particularly athletic. In a straight fight, Moss is sure to be defeated.

In most ways, Moss is an unremarkable Bothan. The distinctive nose, thick hair, and long, tapered ears are indicitive of his species. He stands at only one and a half meters - dwarfed by most sentient races. He is still a young man with the glean of youthful optimism in his eyes.

Moss's wardrope is equally unremarkable. He dresses in browns and greys with little care for what is fashionable. Convenience is a virtue. For more formal occassions, Moss will comb his hair and braid his beard, but even these events don't warrant a great deal of stylistic innovation.

Early Life:
Clan Oija was among the first to settle on the planet Kothlis in the very early days of its history. As such, Moss can trace his lineage back to the first Bothans to colonize the world - a fact he takes great personal pride in. The Vel family is known for a long string of famous sailors and explorers it produced in antiquity. Officially, most regard them in a heroic light as pioneers for the race. Unofficially, they were smugglers and pirates, a fact Moss is well aware of. Combining his clan's name Oija with his family's name Vel gives the surname of Vel'ija in the Bothan tradition.

And so, Moss Vel'ija was born to the family of a middle-class architect and his wife on the Bothan colony of Kothlis. His childhood among his eleven brothers and sisters was relatively unremarkable, but he took a keen interest in the sciences of linguistics. His curiosity matured into an intellectual appetite for history and politics. So, when Moss was seventeen, he and one of his brothers left Kothlis for schooling on the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui.

Both settled in the capital city of Drev'starn and enrolled for classes in the prestigous Fervse'dra University. While his brother briefly studied droid design and found work in the Bothawui Shipyards, Moss opted for a longer stay and took courses in archaeology and political science.


Moss was dismissed from Fervse'dra University after it was discovered that he had been selling artifacts to an Abrion businessman. His reputation in shambles, Moss turned to smuggling. An extensive knowledge of archaeology made him an asset to buyers and sellers alike in the marketplace. Unfortunately, the depression brought on by his shortcomings resulted in a debilitating addiction to spice.

Ship: Further. A vintage DeepWater-class light freighter reproduced by Bothawui Shipyards and loaned to Moss for archaeological use by Fervse'ra University. He would later steal it after his dismissal. The ship is armed with twin laser cannon turrets and packs a Class 1 hyperdrive for interstellar travel.

Kills: None.

Bounties Collected: None.


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