Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mother of the.... Padawan

She had her padawan Tana but one fo the things that she had promised was meeting the boys mother.. Somethign she didn't always relish.. what if she was one fo those serious parents who thought her child wasn't learning enough. Or she could be distant and Junko had seen parents of jedi who just wanted the order to do things for them.. so she was being careful and inviting her to the palace mostly to be polite until she met and realy understood the woman. "When her ship arrives, bring it to the private docking bay in the mountains. I'll meet her in the entry area." She said it and the private starport was off to the side, on the far side of the lmountain over the bridge that was under the section of the garden. The crystasteel of the pond sending blues along the path. The waterfall cascading over the pathway and you could see the village there as well as the palace as you were approaching. Junko had everything laid out and she would be happy to welcome Kurenai Yumi.
It was very surprising to learn that her son had wound up the Padawan of Junko Ike, having a connection to the royal family was rather a nice prospect, not that the Yumi mansion was lacking in anyway. It was kind of ironic, Sukai being the more diligent student, winding up with some Jin Jedi that had... usual training methods, while her carefree and somewhat lax some managed to land such a strong master, where traps that popular or something? Regardless Kurenai had to make sure this meeting went smoothly, the woman donning her fancy Kimono, styling her hair slightly to the side.

The trip was short, in all honesty Kurenai could have just walked, but that would have taken a while, and this was supposed to be a professional visit, the Dark Jedi's Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor slowly coming to a halt on the private landing pad at the mountain area. "Well this is a rather nice welcome", the woman stated upon exciting the craft, hands inside sleeves, herself suppressing her force signature due to its dark alignment, not wanting to sully the royal palace.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Junko clapped her hands seeing the ship arrive and stood there in her kimono with everything set up.. mostly her hair and the beads within it. Solari face cream applied so she looked paler and her face youthful, eyeliner and small geta with a grin on her face before she was letting the force radiate around herself warly and welcoming. "Oh welcome welcome." She said it when the doors opened revealing the woman. She was beautiful and she could see where Tana got his looks from.. well hopefully she was guessing the father she had yet to meet but the mother was stunning. "Hello Lady Yumi and welcome to the palace." A smile wider on her face though when she was motionign for her to come inside and join her. "We have anything you might need and can refuel and stock your ship should you need it."
Kurenai kept a neutral gaze she she walked towards the Atrisan princess, her beauty being that of a goddess, even for an ever youthful begin like herself, the force radiating off Ike like a sun, almost blinding. She greeted the energy vampire in a happy mood, Kurenai offering a small bow to her royal hostess, "It is nice to be he Ike-sama, I would never have expected to set foot in the royal palace, let alone for reasons as such, I am honored". Standing back up a small smile was seen across Yumi's face, but over all the woman still bearing a regal poise, walking up the stairs and through the doors as the princesses gesture, "I do not believe my fighter need much besides a top up, it has been a while since she was last used in combat". Herself a little hesitant to push the ancient ship through a dog fight, the last one leaving it almost destroyed and beyond repair.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

She gave a nod to that and moved forward standing there when she looked at the woman and nodded her head. Mostly to welcome her and mostly when she leaned up and pointed towards her hair. "Beautiful hair, I can see where Tana gets his good looks from." The grin was there and she turned around walking towards some of the meeting area. The garden itself was present with some of the statues she had been working on. "I was hoping to have some of the pieces done by the next time Tana returned. He has taken to training and being a jedi like he was born for it. I'd almost say I was proud of him like he was my child but he is just my padawan." She was looking at what they had here, she had family but lived mostly alone here in the palace... so Tana was her friendly face.
Kurenai was a little confused as Junko came closer not really knowing what the Jedi master wanted, being a little caught off guard by the comment, "The hair, well he actually gets that from his father, Takeshi has very nice long brown hair". "Not sure why Tanasuki dyes it, but in the looks department, well in that regard both him and Sukai take exactly after me". Walking through the front door her gaze fell upon the statues and art all around the place, radiating with the force, like a light sabre crystal, but different in some way. "Well they look rather nice, as for being a Jedi, well it help when both your parent are force users, though lets just say I did give him a rather... firm push to become a Jedi". More like finding him with some crew of kidnappers that would take Jedi hostages and ransom them back to the CSA, herself proceeding to beat up the kidnappers and drag Tanasuki to the Jedi temple on Commoner, then telling him to go visit Sukai on Voss. "So my I ask the purpose of there statues? they feel to be infused with crystal of sorts".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Hmm curious now... she did want to know more, she wanted to get answers but well they were talking and this wasn't an interrogation. The jedi master could wait and be patient before she was moving there through the statues and grass of the garden. "Oh the statues, they are special. Your skills are on top of it." She offered a smile and stopped in front of while touching it and tapping the base it was on. "I worked to infuse the force into the crystal dust that is used within the clay. It is solari crystal and kyber dust, allowing the force to be infused within it. For being a way to make those who serve the darkside uncomfortable or sick when they are near them"
Kurenai walked over to the statues, running her hands along the polished clay sides, an ickiny feeling in her stomach, "Special skill hu, and making dark side users feel sick, yer guess that also mean me, not sure I can get used to that, but impressive, so like stone protectors of sorts". Similar to guardian images that Jin and Atrisian used for keeping dead ones safe and other spiritual matters, but this one being force driven, seemed that Tanasuki was not refrigerating when he told her that Ike had litterly anything, or would make it if she did not. "Tell me though Ike-sama, how did you find my son? was it because of his nationality? Skill? why did you pick him, not that I am complaining, from what I hear you an an amazing master".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

"Well I won't lie, him being a padawan who seemed strikingly beautiful was not lost on me. First impression was this was a person who knew how to dress. So I was interested in seeing what they wanted. Once he said he was looking for a master I offered and didn't know if he would accept. ONce he did well... it was just a matter of trying to show him what he might be able to do." Junko was standing there next to her while she touched the statue and brushed past the 'like me' part while she looked at the woman sidelong with a small flick of her eyes. Focusing on the statue. "And for the statues, yes they can work to be protectors. Old friends now lost, jedi masters and others who wished to be immortalized. Models can come to the palace male, female, alien."
Kurenai just raised an eye brow at the woman's reasoning at first, a small smirk appearing across the usual stoic face, "Leave it up to Tanasuki to impress the woman with his choice of clothing, I would never expect that his, cross dressing habits would be responsible for gaining a master". It did not come as a surprise though that Tana would purse being a Jedi once her learned about what one could do with proper training, always being second to Sukai in that regard, not having the same enthusiasm his sister had. "It is nice to see him willing chose the path of a Jedi, even despite his former occupation", force knows that being made a Silver Shadow had something to do with it though. As for the force statues standing guard of the palace, "those of old...some look familiar, guess no one ever really dies, all becoming one with the force, never truly destroyed". Would it be possible to have one crated in the shape of her husband? to ever have the mortal man besides her in the many years to come.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

She was looking at her and offered a nod of her head to Kurenai. "No they are never really gone if you can remember them. THe body becomes just a shell that houses the spirit." She was looking and there was something in the woman, some thought at the end that she wanted to get more on but waited... she could reveal it in time though and offered the rest of the garden. There was a bench looking out over the pong and a lounge chair. Silently moving the guards that they had were patrolling but they knew how to be silent, how to not be visible to view but ready in a moments notice to come out. "Come sit, we can have tea or anything you would like."
A shell that ones spirit occupied, "hmmm, never viewed it in that way, guess it makes death easier to handle when you know your loved ones are never gone". Kurenai stood there for a moment, reflecting on the past before departing back to Junko, hearing the princess offer arrangements for sitting and most likely talking, herself wandering over to the young (in her mind) girl, taking a polite cross legged position along the bench. "I would very much like tea Ike-sama, a favorite past time of mine, sometime ever doing a ceremony here and the, but today I will just settle for the beverage thank you". She as actually keen to see what what type of tea was served to the royal family, more so the drink it, her taste being rather refine after o many year.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Junko looked at her and pouring the tea with a grin. "Jasmine Vine Tea. grown in our gardens. A very rare commodity that is as valuable as vine silk and coffee but a little easier to make." She said it with a grin on her face while she finished pouring it. "The process gives it a natural sweetness and everything is considered nice." Junko was looking at it where they would be able to look at some parts of it, She looked around the garden before she was checking out a few parts of it. "We don't need to have a big ceremony, just talk. I want to get to know Tana's family, it is a rare thing among the jedi that happens a little more often. Families can be dangerous to some or helpful. All depends on who they are." She wouldn't call Tana's family a risk or weak, between all of them each seemed to be skilled so no problem there but she did want to get embarrassing pictures of her padawan... ones only a mother might have.
Jasmine tea grown in their own garden, now that was fancy, how many other people could say they had drunk this sort of stuff before, "it sounds very pleasant, thank you". Kurenai offered a small smile as she took the warm cup, clasping it with on hand on the bottom and one around the side, its taste being just as Junko had said, with rich flavor that did not match anything she had drunk in the past. Finishing her sip she turned back to Junko, "the ceremony stuff I have done was more or less just private things, mainly with older people that enjoyed the art and all". "Well it is nice that you want to know more about our family, I know past jedi orders and such have usually tired to keep family a distant thing becuse of attachment problem, though I also know that siblings and parents if they are force sensitive are often allowed to join the Order the relatives are in". Though such thinking was very old, these day relative all all walks where able to contact their Jedi relatives and stay with them, but the risk of a family becoming a weak point was still one that an enemy could exploit.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Junko listened to her and gave a nod of her head, she understood the dangers of what was happening and knew what they would be able to do with a small grin on her face. She was curious about what they had to do. "I am very interested, my family most of us have become part of the jedi order. Different groups at times but with the ultimate goal of bringing the lightside of the force to the galaxy in different ways. That is why I am happy that Tana wished to help me out." She said it and looking at the woman gave a wider smile. "So come on, I know my mother would do it... show me those pictures of Tana.. you know the ones. That will make him sweat and all red because he doesn't want them to get out."
Kurenai took another sip from her cup while listening to Ike, enjoying the calm sensation of the tea, "Well I would expect with a royal family or force users many would become Jedi, and i am glad Tana chose to take my advice and become a Jedi, well at lest consider it, I know my daughter had a play in that". "As for bringing light to the galaxy, that was always a goal of his, even though his first attempt where less, how would you say subtle", being an assassin was not the most beneficial way to bring peace, even if ones intentions are good. She again sipped from her cup, knowing there was more to it then that, a traumatic even that both children had lived through that had sent them on the paths that there where on, though such mood did not last long with a rather odd request from the Princess. "Ah, well I have not brought many with me, was not expecting this but I can show you some", pulling out a small data pad she showed the princess a few pictures, one of then when about 5, both Sukai and Tana playing around with practices swords, being so young the brother and sister looking like twins.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Junko looked at her and laughed a little as she spoke. "Oh it is okay, he will have some ideas of what we will be able to work on." She was looking at it and Tana and his sister were well something she liked. The pair of them was a pretty sight when she looked at her. Scoting over so she could see her flip through the images. "Your family is very nice, now though the other reason why you are here. Aside from getting an idea of Tana's family or seeing it. I do want to know everything I can. I don't want to make things uncomfortable for Tana here but there is a lot that has been going on. He has gotten a chance to meet other padawans and work with them, his skills making him friends that I am hapy to say will serve him well." She said it and held a hand out as she was using the white current to create an illusion. "And well I will not deny, I wanted to get a new model for the garden. I didn't know you were going to be so much more interesting or capable. Some parents who let their children do their own thing... only want the prestige. I was fearful I might need to give you credits to let Tana live his life as a jedi." She bowed her head in apology. She had the best intentions but was embarrassed that she had thougth Kurenai would have been a terrible mother.
Kurenai continued to scroll through the few pictures she had as Junko talked, she was a rather interesting woman, through her life most senators and people of noble birth usually not being so, causal with people of lower birth. Even if things were different Junko seemed even more, easy to get along with, more like the neighbourhood kid that played with her own children, it was rather nice all things considered. "Well it is good to know you find us interesting Ike-sama, also regarding making friend, seeing as Tana can sometimes come off as a little annoying due to his 'I must be included' nature of thing". Probable what lead the boy winding up in a pirate crew, fortunately enough herself stumbling across said group and giving her son a rather firm talking to, "I am willing to share some things about our family if you so desire princess, but there will be some things that will remain private".

Briefly closing the data pad her eyes moved to the new illusion that presented itself upon the smooth stone floor, it was a nice design, but she herself did not really have a reference point from which to go off. "You seriously though that someone like Tanasuki would have parents that would oppose him being a Jedi? well I know that may be the fact with some, and I could see others probably wanting to milk the royal Family for all they could but not us". "I may not be the best mother out there, by I deeply care for my children I want the best for them growing up... not filling the path I have chosen, that of dankness", her voice becoming a little sombre.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Junko looked at her with a nod of her head. "Well as you say some woudln't be like you Lady Yumi." She said it but was sitting there with a sparkle in her eye of excitement. SHe was liking this woman more and more though as she looked at the images an stretched out. "Though I am hapy to see and anything you need. As Tana's mother you and your husband are always welcome here. Granted youare willing to fulfill my request." She said it and stood up giving a frony face more as a joke with doe eyes. "Pose for me, let me make a statue of you for the garden. A rare beauty like yourself who well you aren't just a jedi who is going to leave the order on a whim or date with a sith." She said it and it wasn't conditional... she wasn't going to be mad or upset if she refused but it would be something of a conversation starter to have Kurenai's statue there.
Kurenai felt a small wave on embarrassment fall over her as the young princess looked at here with childish sparking eyes, again making her feel like talking to some neighborhood kid. Well true she was far older the princess-Ike she was still mature for a human, and royalty at that, Tana certainly had found a very nice master, "well thank you, you are very kind Ike-sama". "And perhaps in time we may move to the palace if my husband so chooses, would probably give him a heart attack at suddenly living like a noble, perhaps I may stay a few days, give my son a surprising welcome upon his return".

She let out a small giggle, sighing slightly before suddenly stopping, Ike suggesting something that was rather, odd? Honesty she was not sure what to say, again someone taking note of her almost unrealistic beauty brought through natural means, rigorous training and constant skin care, "Umm I guess I could do that but how shall I pose? Never really been one for modeling and all", perhaps that may have been a career option if not for the whole clone wars and following dilemmas. "Should I remove my clothes for getting a better view? or leave them on, where do I stand, how long will it take"? A small amount of panic on what do came in Kurenai's heart, not wanting to mess this up, pushing through the slightly flustered face.

[member="Junko Ike"]

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