Baifa Monü Zhuan
She had her padawan Tana but one fo the things that she had promised was meeting the boys mother.. Somethign she didn't always relish.. what if she was one fo those serious parents who thought her child wasn't learning enough. Or she could be distant and Junko had seen parents of jedi who just wanted the order to do things for them.. so she was being careful and inviting her to the palace mostly to be polite until she met and realy understood the woman. "When her ship arrives, bring it to the private docking bay in the mountains. I'll meet her in the entry area." She said it and the private starport was off to the side, on the far side of the lmountain over the bridge that was under the section of the garden. The crystasteel of the pond sending blues along the path. The waterfall cascading over the pathway and you could see the village there as well as the palace as you were approaching. Junko had everything laid out and she would be happy to welcome Kurenai Yumi.