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Character Mother Uraeus

Nimna Uraeus

Suprema Sacer Pythonissam
Mother Uraeus
Suprema Sacer Pythonissam


A mysterious, somber and elegant creature, Nimna is a solitary Diathim whose connection with the Dark as well as the Light has changed her nature considerably from her original form. She is a naturally gifted Force-wielder with a deep fascination with the esoteric, though prefers to call herself a Mystic and a Witch.

NAME: Nimna Uraeus
FACTION: [redacted]
FORCE ALIGNMENT: All-encompassing

RANK: [redacted]
SPECIES: Diathim
AGE: [redacted]
SEX: Monogender (effeminate)
WEIGHT: 180lbs (roughly)
EYES: Black/Shimmering
HAIR: Brown-Black/Shimmering
SKIN: Olive-Grey/Glowing


[+] Wise - Throughout her long life in the galaxy, Nimna has developed a certain wisdom and awareness that has lead to a mature though somewhat sombre approach to situations.
[+] Beautiful - Nimna's appearance is complex, elegant and compelling to non-Diathim. Despite her subtle corruptions of the Force influencing her physical form, she remains often entrancing to look upon.
[+] Patient - The older she gets, Nimna has understood the value of patience.
[+] Strong-willed - Capable, resilient and diligent, Nimna exhibits a strong mind and character.
[+] Hypnosis - As a Diathim, Nimna is naturally gifted with inducing hypnosis in others.

[~] Grey Alignment - Nimna has mastered both the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force, seeing no difference between them, and has developed a unique aura about her as a result.
[~] Diathim Racial Qualities - As a Diathim, Nimna does not require air, has a winged, energy-like body, and is capable of moving through space without protective clothing.
[~] Solitary - Preferring her own company to that of others, Nimna is capably independent although frequently disconnected from others.
[~] Mysterious - Elegantly peculiar, Nimna can sometimes be perceived as inaccessible and unknown. To some this serves as intrigue, while to others it can alienate.

[-] Impure - Having been touched by the Dark Side of the Force, Nimna's purity as a Diathim has been tainted.
[-] Weak - Due to the nature of her body, Nimna lacks physical strength and would not fare well in melee combat.
[-] Absorbed - Nimna deems her work to be far more important to her than anything or anyone else.
[-] Distant - Nimna rarely connects with others.
[-] Regretful - Nimna misses her home, but knows, because of her actions, she can never return.

Standing tall at an immense 7'4, Nimna is slender and elegant in posture, and she moves with a certain unique, floating grace that is common to her species. Due to her contact with the Dark Side, her skin no longer glows silver as customary for Diathim, nor are her eyes pearl-grey nor her hair blonde. Instead, the influences of corruption on her person has made her skin a deeper grey, her eyes black and her hair dark. Her unusual aura can be perceived as either welcoming or terrifying due to the range of her association of the Force.

Born an undetermined amount of time ago on the Iego moon of Millius Prime, Nimna was discovered at an early age to be gifted with a strong link to the Force. A naturally curious though timid child, as her species tends to be, instead of following the wishes of those around her to join the Jedi in the fight against the forces of the dark, Nimna isolated herself away from the rest of her kin to dedicate to her own personal exploration of her abilities and her limits in the Force. As time went on, her practice demanded more and more of her, and she resorted to relying heavily on her emotions to fuel her connection. The experimentation resulted in a volatile outburst of Force energy on the moon, an event which resulted in Nimna's exile.

Nimna began to explore the galaxy at her own pace, experimenting with interactions and gradually adding depth to her understanding of the Force through observation. She saw the galaxy through the eyes of a child, inexperienced, naive and restless, yet with a deep thirst to learn. Drifting across the galaxy, she frequently attracted the attention of travellers, Sensitives and non-Sensitives alike, and took pleasure in toying with them, often causing them some amount of devastation by means of torturous activities practiced on them. Upon later reflection, she learned that such actions were unsavoury and biased, though not for some decades.

As time went on, Nimna learned of holocrons that contained information and important lessons pertaining to the various aspects of the Force, and eventually made it her life commitment to seek out such holocrons so that she may develop a more mature understanding. It was through these holocrons and texts she discovered tales of ancient mythical orders and cults dedicated to magical practices and mysticism. Stories and ideas pertaining to orders - such as the Dai Bendu, the Je'daii Order, the many Sith cults and the Dathomir lineages of witchcraft - fascinated the Diathim, who was already carving her own personal paradigm and practice into more a more refined form, and she resolved to dedicate more of her life to the study of them, absorbing all that she could.

Thus, such dedication lead her to the discovery of an ancient Order that, without name and voice, had operated under the shroud of silence since time immemorial. Working with these invisible masters of magic and mysticism for two centuries on the unknown planet of [redacted], Nimna studiously dedicated herself to her work, whilst quietly observing the activities of the wider galaxy. As time went on, and as she progressed through the hierarchy of the Order, she began to uncover the political agendas of her superiors, and thus conceived a plot of insurrection with her own subordinates and supporters. Creating a great schism in the Order, she demolished the old system of initiation, rewriting it in her own vision, becoming the de facto ruler of [redacted]. From such a position, she employed the services of one Jedi exile turned occultist, and vowed to further the interests of [redacted] to the rest of the galaxy...


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