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Moths in Verunian Shadows

J u n o
Location: Downtown Verun
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Ciri Jade Ciri Jade

Another night another artwork, Juno had been inspired by the presence of the Ascendency here, they were an interesting group of heroes, a stereotypical vast organization of people with absolute physical, spiritual and political power capable of manipulating the masses into a cult of personality which could last eons. But they seemed to her a blunt instrument, not quite like the Jedi, not limited by their numbers but rather their ideals. Crime evolved quickly, rarely showing its head as cells with fragmented knowledge of their organizations became commonplace. Should a crime lord ever raise their head, they would be there, certainly, glowing mallets or armed forces at the ready to punch it back down into the dirt. But such bosses were rarely anything but cell leaders on lower strata, the kind who do dirty work and enforcement of much grander organizations. Even the Hutt Cartels were an out of date racket in their modern incarnation compared to real threats.

The mural depicted a Jedi-like being in muted colours swinging a neon saber of vibrant effervescent light which cut through the image. A pinata of a hutt strung up as tails of light strained off the blade in beautiful strands. Taking her stencil, she'd mark the work as a Juno upon the side one of a Locke associated building. Juno had begun to work on her UV paint, moving over the image and layering it in her own way. When the UV light was added, the Medjai was blindfolded, glow in the dark paint would leap to life turning the Hutts' body into that of something like a puppet, a button eyed marionette being controlled by a figure painted entirely in the firelike invisible paint controlling it, a menacing overbearing godlike figure in a tophat. But the strings weren't only attached to the limbs of the Hutt, but the Medjai as well.

The hidden paint reacted to heat as well, should the image be lit up by a lightsaber it would reveal its truth.

Stepping back from her work and her mark Juno would fold her arms at a job well done, a couple of people surrounded her watching at her work, several a little uncomfortable at a Mural which paints the Medjai in such a negative light, but, on the surface it looked like a perfectly patriotic artwork. It almost bought Juno to a chuckle. Sure enough a couple of the street folk began to disperse leaving Juno with the finishing touches.

'Time to get something to eat. Juno mused.

Making her way towards the exit of the Alley as holopads read the news from her actions just the night just before.

"Local Police are puzzled after a break-in at a local medical research facility today, personal records were accessed directly by an attacker who left the facilities' security forces severely injured. Police officials are asking the community to step forward with any information they may have, offering a reward to any information that would lead the capture of the assailant on the number below..."

Juno pulled up her hood, pulling down the rebreather she wore while painting revealing a wry smile plastered across her face. No deaths, easy out... it was a job well done. But she hadn't accounted for everything this time... The authorities had asked for, outside help.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles
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//Location: Verun; Apartment -> Downtown
//Obj: Investigate reports from local Security
//Gear: Chronometer, Glasses, A-180 Blaster
//Tag: 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart


Pulling another bantha stick from the pouch on her desk, it rested between her lips, as she tinkered with the mechanisms of a new chronometer. With the collapse of the Confederacy, it felt only right that a new one device be created to take the place of her old one to ensure the security of her work. Pausing for a moment to chew on the end of the bantha stick, her eyes turn to the holo projected nearby as the local news cycles. Keeping up with events on the capitol of this new government couldn't hurt, right? Geonosis had seen an attack from outsiders including members of Darkwire during the days of the Confederacy and Naboo was certainly a world of political intrigue. Verun, however, seemed to catch her attention more given its position in the galactic plane. Though every planet had its own underworld. You either just had to look in the right place... or wait for it to slip up.

"Local Police are puzzled after a break-in at a local medical research facility today, personal records were accessed directly by an attacker who left the facilities' security forces severely injured. Police officials are asking the community to step forward with any information they may have, offering a reward to any information that would lead the capture of the assailant on the number below..."

Shifting her weight to turn and glance at the holo more, sliding to the other side of her desk, she accessed a terminal which she had already connected to Verun's local systems around the time she acquired and encrypted her apartment. Any files the security forces had pertaining to the attack on the research facility would soon begin to pull up on the screen. Eye witness reports, medical reports, and damage assessments soon appeared as her eyes searched every bit of the information. Cataloguing it, she added the data to an encrypted datadisk, slipping off of the stool as she finished the bantha stick, grabbing her pair of glasses from the desk and left the apartment after securing the entrance. Informing the security forces that a member of the Ascendancy was looking into the situation could only raise unwanted alarms. Instead, she chose to act.

"Think I'll go for a night walk."

Pulling her jacket on, she tucks the datadisk into a pocket as she heads out into the streets to see what lurks in the shadows of Verun.



"Is that the new UV paint? I've been hearing so much about it, but I don't see anything special?" The voice came from above. Iris dangled her legs between the bars of a balcony, leaning her chin on the railing. Or seemed to be trying to. She was too short, so the whole thing looked more comical than she probably realized. Or even cared. She was all smiles, staring at the mural with the eyes of a painter. Every stroke, every shade added, she wanted to know everything that was involved.

This was the spot she'd been eying for her own work, after all.

"Ah! Right. It needs UV! Do you paint it blind by chance? Have a UV to double check what you're doing? It's all so fascinating, really!" The heavily scarred girl pushed herself up on her disfigured hands. One missing it's pinky, the other covered in what seemed like burn scars. The kind that traveled over quite a large portion of her arms. What was visible of them at least. She was in the most basic clothing she could get. Hoodie, jeans.

No Jedi in sight here. She had a mission behind it all.

"Can you tell me about it?"

'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade

J u n o
Location: Downtown Verun
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Ciri Jade Ciri Jade Iris Arani Iris Arani

Flourishing the spray cans and spinning them across her palms reminiscent of a gunslinger stowing their pistols, Juno would look up to the child that hung on the rafters above them. Though she may not have been child in age, a demeanor which shone like fluorescent sunshine and a smile which graced her youthful features created an ironclad visage of childhood to the more Cynical Juno. However, she was always appreciative of a fan. Hand to her hip and looking up at the girl in the rafters, the light from the fluttering streetlamps caught the peculiar colour in the girls' eyes, Juno noted it, wondering if it were the marker of a sub-race, or simply something cosmetic that had been purchased.

"Another artist huh?" Juno would inquire, heckles not yet raising. She was used to a casual admirer or two looking over the body of her work, this girl was nothing spectacular to that ends.

"The paint is dope, revealed by heat or under a blue-light easily enough. I paint by eye mostly. I mix my paint colours myself and lace it with Teflon just so they may as well last forever, someone trying to paint over my work is going to have a hard time, I'm not even sure an industrial sand blaster will take it off and anything remotely liquid will just slip off it." Juno would chuckle at the subtle malevolence at it all, though it was petty the thought of some public drone or droid struggling for hours or days trying to remove her mural appeased a cat-like petty cruelty within her.

But, for her Juno would slip into a pocket and crack a blue-light glow stick. The snap of the chemical UV light would bathe the alley in blue. All whites and neon colours would reflect the light, shining an almost warm luminescence from their place on the wall revealing the full portrait and the hidden meaning behind her art. That authority figures were blind puppets, as were the cartoonish villains they often fought. What's more, is that Juno's own UV activated tattoos would light up in sapphire blues and yellows. Krayt Dragons and spiralling symbols and texts like heiroglyphs across her skin as well as on her face. Not to mention her clothing showing signs of obvious artistry. Faces with button eyes and other grim cartoons plastered across them.

Such was Juno.

"I'm glad you enjoy it, but I have to move along, if any of those glow-stick swinging types happen to trot by, the last thing I want is to have to do another runner through the city. Evading the last one was pain enough." She thought back to the Jedi she had met, kidnapped, borderline adopted. The situation was a messy one. I really need to stop picking up strays... However as Juno turned to leave, an old hunger pulled at her heartstrings, it had been a while since she'd had the company of another artist. The drive drew her to look over her shoulder to the girl.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat? There's a good street meat place at the mall."

The mall, not a shopping center but a borderline hive of homelessness in the lower sections of the city. A mobile tent city of squatters, thieves and nerdowells who would collect to trade goods, eat and generally associate with one another. A cacophony of colourful people of the old and new regime who had fallen to the lowest of the social strata. One of which, a former mafioso turned chef who made a hell of a sandwich.

Juno wore her usual attire, a leather vest over a hooded t-shirt, rebreather hanging around her neck. A sullied cap with her hair spilling out of the back in a wild ponytail. Midrift showing with military belts and bandoliers across her body and pants holding all manner of objects finishing off with torn and worn loose pants and surplus boots... it was certainly a look to be sure.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles


"Teflon, huh?" No, Iris couldn't say she knew what teflon actually was. Not her fault, though! With everything else she was learning and how content she was with how her painting was, she never saw a reason to do anything more. Learn anything more. About paint at least. She hopped down from the balcony with apparent ease, completely care free in showing she had some semblance of connection to the Force. No comment on it was offered as she seemed far more focused on Juno's art. A pair of backpacks clung to her shoulders, now visible. One far more utilitarian than the other. Sleek, obviously worth something. The other, covered in paint. And the distinct sound of presumably rattling spray cans gave that one away.

"But only people who know about the UV will even use it to see the full image. Doesn't that kinda feel like a waste? It's so colorful and fun." She reached up, uncaring if the paint was still wet to gently touch over it. Colors that couldn't be seen normally. To her, well. She could see them even without the UV light itself. Colors she couldn't describe to others. Maybe this would be a good way to convey it?

"I don't think there's really any Jedi here." None that she'd found to report into at least. Iris turned her gaze to Juno, watching her. Not her, around her. Her eyes focused on something unseen. A halo of colors. Emotion, life, all on display for the young Padawan. Then food. Her eyes immediately snapped into a more direct focus as she grinned wide. Nodded.

"Food! Food sounds good. Think they have anything spicy?"

'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade


//Location: Verun; Downtown
//Obj: Investigate reports from local Security
//Gear: Chronometer, Glasses, A-180 Blaster
//Tag: 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart Iris Arani Iris Arani


Walking the streets of Verun had just about become as normal as any other world. Fortunately, due to the nature of her work, her face wasn't one associated with the Ascendancy as often as many others among the ranks, making it easier for her to blend in and mingle with crowds even all the way out here. The clothes she wore didn't distinguish her as a member of the new regime but seemed more worn and casual. Her long two-toned hair framed her face as she made her way towards the lower end of the city's districts. She could speak with officials all day and get the run around, or she could see what the chatter was in the shadows.

Stepping into an alley, she turned a corner to where she tucked away an old 74-Z speeder bike she had brought with her from one of the worlds in the Outer Rim. Uncovering the bike, she took a seat, switching on the old repulsorlift engine as it began to lift off of the ground. Easing the bike out of where it had been stashed and into the alley, it is carefully maneuvered into the streets before she takes off in the direction of local hotspots of the more shady variety, but first she'd need to find a place to stash the bike once she arrives.


J u n o
Location: Downtown Verun
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Ciri Jade Ciri Jade Iris Arani Iris Arani

Juno would not at her affirmation, "Yeah, its a chemical that basically makes things slippery to anything thats wet, like other paint, or water. Its like a waterproofing, but it also does a really good job of hardening it as well. They use it for a lot of things." Juno would elaborate a little as they began to mosey their way towards the mall, chatting as they went. Juno's eyes couldn't help but track the focal points of her eyes, darting towards things that weren't there, was she spacing out? Was she sick? Or was there something more. Her trained skeptical mind began to run the calculations in the background as the continued onwards, becoming more suspicious that this girl wasn't all she seemed. Whether that mattered or not was yet to be determined, many weren't. But Juno was never the kind to abide surprises.

Her next statement was a tricky one, but it brought a smile to Junos' lips. She missed this. "Well, I like making art that's one picture from one perspective and it transforms into another from another. So i guess that's kindof the point. And i think why people are liking my work more and more. When they see my signature they wonder what the hidden part is. And they want to see. And when they do it's like they're in on the secret." She surmised, at least thats what her assumption was. She also thought that it was because when you lit up the UV the art looked cool and shiny, so, who was she to say?

Taking the words that there weren't any Jedi here, or at least nearby was part of the reason Juno was here, avoiding them for the most part was on her to-do list. Seeing as a car with a couple of them in it got blown up a month ago because they'd attempted to arrest her. Remembering their faces strummed a chord of guilt within the woman as they would soon find themselves within the heart of the Mall. Juno would assure Iris that she was sure that they could whip something spicy up.

Approaching the stand, Juno would put some credits on the bench for a person who had made a store out of a rusted and renovated transport speeder. The impromptu cafe around them was little more than a hodge podge of random assorted chairs tables and benches scattered around an area with a few people enjoying the company. The Mall was like a homeless city, except instead of drug addicts and squatters it was former syndicate hitmen and black market dealers. The dregs of society who had found their former positions untenable for one reason or another.

it was a shame none of them trusted each other, together they'd likely rival a cartel. But they served their purpose.

"Something spicy for my friend please Marv! Marv here makes the best food in the city, Verunian comfort at its best. Cheap too." She'd turn to Iris awaiting something that was a mix of a Kebab and a baguette pressed and wrapped in foil before being handed to the two of them.

"So, what brings a pretty little thing like you to a place like this?" Juno would ask, no shortage of tongue in cheek with the edge on the statement as she would covet her street meat with an almost loving embrace.

It was the simple things that mattered after all.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles


Oohh. Iris nodded along, though, she didn't like the idea of it herself by the frown apparent on her lips. "I can see the uses, I guess. Like a planet where it rains all the time." And in that moment her frown turned to immediate inspiration. She'd been to a world like that, where the rain was so strong and often the land itself was accosted by mudslides daily. They surely would love to have a mural that didn't get washed away, right? Iris half left the conversation at that point, pulling her paint covered pack off her shoulder to start sorting through the colors within. Thinking what she could mix easiest with the Teflon.

Then blinked. Wait, secret?

Iris's initial dismissal of the UV paint turned on it's head. Wonderment and thrill filled her eyes as she stared up at Juno like she'd opened a whole new avenue of life for the paint obsessed Padawan. Should she start to use that more often? What if she used UV paint around the temple and let it slip for the Padawan's there to explore the temple and find her secret paintings?

Visibly excited to the point of near jumping around she renewed her digging in the pack. It was all spray cans. And a couple of canvases, carefully packaged to avoid getting any paint on them. And some paint supplies to go with it. All that came to a halt once they stepped into the Mall, though. Her gaze lifted, an oddly serious expression taking over the normally distant gaze she carried. The colors here were darker than she'd like. So much distrust.

A shame. Maybe she'd stop by here later and paint when she was more free.

She stayed focused on those colors for a moment longer, half missing the order Juno gave to the man behind the counter. But the smell of food was one of the few things that could cut through the dazzling lights that colored her world, and at once Iris's oddly colored eyes focused on the meal presented. Near drooling she took one, happily taking the first bite. Delicious! Her eyes lit up as she savored the burn that accompanied the juicy flavors.

Iris was still chewing as she heard the question. Rather than answer, she pointed to a nearby monitor.

"Local Police are puzzled after a break-in at a local medical research facility today, personal records were accessed directly by an attacker who left the facilities' security forces severely injured. Police officials are asking the community to step forward with any information they may have, offering a reward to any information that would lead the capture of the assailant on the number below..."


Ciri Jade Ciri Jade | 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart


//Location: Verun; Downtown
//Obj: Investigate reports from local Security
//Gear: Chronometer, Glasses, A-180 Blaster
//Tag: 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart Iris Arani Iris Arani


The speederbike slows to a stop as she carefully guides it into a nearby alley, tucking it into a small spot behind some bins large enough to conceal the profile of the bike before shutting down the aged repulsors. Stepping out into the streets, her hands tucked into the pockets of her jacket. The further she walked, the more it felt like home. She despised the feeling of familiarity brought along with that fact. The streets of Nar Shaddaa had been a dangerous place to grow up with dangers lurking around every corner. Verun, however, was far from that world of towering durasteel and neon. Yet, somehow it felt so close.. if only for a moment.

Heading deeper into the lower sections of the city, a pair of former syndicate members seemed to eye her suspiciously. With nothing distinguishing her allegiance could they perhaps see one like them? She wouldn't know, and personally wouldn't care to know. Casting a glance at them, they simply look away going back to their business. The underworld here was unorganized, that much she could tell since arriving. Perhaps it was for the better in the eyes of her superiors. To Ciri, the disorganization at least seemed useful in some way.

One of the former syndicate members approaches her. Stopping, she simply looks at him, keeping her hands tucked into her pockets.
"Never seen you here before, yet somethin' 'bout you is familiar. You one of us?" A slight grin takes hold of her lips as she looks at the guy, she could tell her had been some kind of enforcer for the former bosses. "Not exactly." Pulling her arms out of her pockets, she pulls up the left sleeve, partially uncovering her tattooed skin as within the mix of designs, the symbol of the Black Sun Syndicate rests below her wrist on the inside of her arm. "Something else. 'Fraid I can't tell you much else. Unless you want to answer to someone who'd sooner put a blaster to your skull." Pulling the sleeve back down, she simply pats him on the shoulder, walking past. His next question falls on deaf ears as she continues to move along the street.

Turning the corner, she taps her encrypted commlink.
<BeeZee, if any communications go out regarding the Black Sun.. Shut them down.> The droid's voice soon affirms her command before she turns her attention back to the task at hand.

Heading into the heart of the area, walking along, she took note of anyone that seemed.. out of place or who may fit the profile from records of the attack. Former members of syndicates who previously lost their work would have a cause for such an act.. yet, she wasn't so sure it was one of them. The only thing she was sure of is that this section of town would hold answers. To what questions? That she wasn't sure of just yet.


J u n o
Location: Downtown Verun
Time of Day: Early Night
Mentions: Ciri Jade Ciri Jade Iris Arani Iris Arani

Juno would nod, she felt joy in the realization but she had to admit she gained far more knowing that her art would haunt the walls of this damnable city longer than any Jedi or Medjai would want or hope for. Biting into her sandwich as Iris cherished hers Juno would find her eyes scanning the horizon for familiar faces, some good, and others best kept clear from. There were people here who would defend her if they had to, and others that would just as likely move to collect her debts and possibly even do her harm.

Not that anyone needed a reason to hurt someone in the mall.

Her attention was pulled to by the sound of the monitor, the former gangster serving sandwiches would respond to Iris' indication before looking Juno's way. "News on the street is that Juno here was responsible, you know you're always the one bringing medical goods down here to sell and trade Juno. And these medical peeps keep showing up all bashed up like they got hit by your balls." Juno would let out a low curse, looking to the guy with a smile, but, her aura, well, that was something she couldn't control. She didn't even know about its existence. But if there was a way that Iris could spy a liar. It would shine through clear as day.

"Turn that kark off, if it was me there'd be no injuries... cos they'd never have seen me. Think about it for a second." The scoundrel did, fingering his chin contemplatively before smiling and agreeing with the consensus. relief.

And the only reason i find the medical goods for you peeps is because you all keep needing them! You all pick fights with the guard and the army every chance you get and its up for me and mine to patch your asses up again! So I thought I'd get a little sympathy!" The man apologized but not without the crowd around them beginning to back away from the scene of Juno shouting at one of the vendors. People here tended to shy from conflict, conflict often bred trouble.

Juno's aura would be all out of whack now, frustration, anger, anxiety and more. Swirling together in a messy storm as she would move from the shop and bidding her friend to follow.

"Can't believe that ass... who the hell does he think he is." She'd grumble, finding that her hands couldn't keep still thanks tot he agitation that welled up within her like a motivating force.

Chiss Ascendancy V. Cardassian Union - (Star Wars/Star Trek) | SpaceBattles


Iris watched and listened. Really watched. Something was off about the colors around Juno, but the teenager said nothing on it. Instead, she focused on eating. Ahh. The food was soo gooood. Too good to just let this conversation interrupt. That, and the more Juno spoke, the clearer a picture started to form. In the colors around the woman and in Iris's own mind. She took another bite, idly chewing away as she pieced what she could together.

Mmnope. Still too much she didn't know. But she was certain Juno was hiding something.

"Are you in danger?"

Ciri Jade Ciri Jade | 'Juno' Hart 'Juno' Hart

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