Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moving Operations [Red Ravens]


Lysle Rigger, known better as Lysle of the Hydian Way. A reputation he had earned from the authorities. He was bold, daring and stupid. He had regularly flown the Hydian Way, knowing well the warrants for his arrest. It was due to this that every time he entered that hyperlane, he was chased out just as quickly by the local authorities. He had yet to be caught, but each time they recognised his Tachyon, and furthermore its crimson coating with a black raven across its bow. The irony, the Red Ravens known for their sigil of a black raven.


He stood in a spaceport on the world of Nar Shaddaa. Specifically Frida's Spaceport Cantina. It was agreed by both Sigourney and Lysle that they should move. Soon turf wars would erupt, and they didn't want to be caught in the crossfire. They had too much to lose if either of them died. They were getting too cosy on Nar Shaddaa, and that wasn't a good thing with their goals in mind. Total galactic dominion of the criminal underworld. No easy feat, but with a mastermind and a vicious bounty hunter at the head of a ruthless criminal organisation, it seemed all that easier.


The smell in the air was fresh. As fresh as it got here. The atmosphere constantly polluted by a ceaseless malodour of narcotics, alcohol and decaying lives. The streets were extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. He looked to his right, seeing the familiar faces of mercenaries. Arms as thick as tree trunks and chests as round as barrels. They were made of muscle, and not much wits. He smiled an unknowing smile. He wondered at their conscious thoughts, if they thought themselves as equal as he.


There were those at the bottom of the litter, and those at the top. People like Isaac, Colap, Lenix and the familiar faces that showed themselves at his private, exclusive table were the ones that were the top dogs in the Red Ravens. Then there were these guys, the nameless and faceless, the ones he couldn't remember and didn't care too either. They knew what type of business this was, they all knew. It was a business of credits. You did what you were told, and you got paid well. You didn't do it, and you'll find yourself at the bottom of a creek.


Whoever was kidding themselves that the criminal underworld could do good, and the rulers could be good, were the weak links. He knew people who were like that. It was a vicious world, and an unforgiving business. You either stood your ground and earned it big time, or you lost more than just a few credits. This was how it was with the Ravens. You did good, you respected Lysle, Sigourney and the business, and you'd make friends that could last a lifetime. Crossed them, and you would find enemies that never forgive, and never forget.


Lysle wound his way through Frida's Spaceport Cantina. He knew the Red Ravens presence for now on Nar Shaddaa would be the waning hours. They would return some day, when their enemies were dead. For now, they were to flock to Antecedent. Accumulate power, wealth and strength. The Red Ravens for now weren't bigger than the Black Suns, but already they were rapidly growing. Soon they would surpass them, and already have they surpassed the galactic-renown Hutt Cartel. A legacy that had lasted millennium.


He entered a private room. Two bosses of the Black Suns sat on the far side of the room, with a dancer. Her eyes bled with fear and obedience. She dare not go against their word, and Lysle found himself repulsed. He was sick and done with their reign of terror on Nar Shaddaa. Sure, the Black Suns were now a governmental body, but their reach stretched down into the darkest depths of the underworld. They controlled it here, and Lysle was done with it. Only days ago he had met with Rayl, one of their own, but he only meant to take the first shipment of weapons and run with it.


Lysle clenched his fists. Cool, collected and calm on the outside. Within a storm raged. He stood, ambling his way across the room. He could see from here their narcotics had taken affect on the Crime Lords. Weakened. He stepped up, arm flexed back as he delivered a powerful blow to the first mans jawline. He fell to the floor. He scrambled out into the hallway, Lysle following him. He quickly jabbed him in the back of his joints with his foot, falling him again. Lysle reached down, placing a hand in his mouth and gripping him by his teeth. He began to drag his body down the hall.

The end of the corridor opened up into the main bar. The music stopped, shocked, innocent bystanders sat and stood with mouths agape at the sight. Lysle dropped the man on the ground, his head slapping against the hard wood with a sickly thud. The few Ravens that had waited behind, and were not part of the operations to move their merchandise to Antecedent, watched. "Tonight is the beginning of the end for the Black Suns." He withdrew a concealed ELG-3A blaster pistol from his waistline along his spine. With a finger on the trigger, and his eyes peering downrange, he blew a hole into the skull of the Black Sun crime boss.

The Red Ravens knew what to do. Some of the Black Suns thugs and gangsters were in the crowd. This was an open display of slaughter against the Suns. They would kill them and leave their rotting carcasses in the gutters out the front of Frida's. From there, they would move out into the back of the cantina, load up in the plethora of smuggling freighters and make the final move to Antecedent. They would have to fight their way off planet, but if this was done quickly, it would be a relatively safe trip. Once there, well, they would begin to consolidate their power.​

Renato Sarkin

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

Sarkin watched by the bar a drink in his hand the never seemed to be empty. Sure Sarkin loved his booze just as much as the next guy but not when there was a job to do. When Lysle burst through the door dragging the boss by his teeth Sarkin saw what he was looking for. Two men coming from the side. Pushing of the bar Sarkin never let go of his drink. The sound of the blaster shot did not even flinch Sarkin. As the first man reach Lysle Sarkin shattered the glass in his hand against the man's skull dropping him to his knees. The second Sarkin leveled the blaster at pulling the trigger planting a shot in the man's chest. Grabbing the first guy by the hair Sarkin looked at him.

"Guess today just isn't your day."

A quick blaster shot to the temple removed any chance for the groggy man to respond. Sarkin scanned the crowd looking for the others knowing there was at least four more to deal with before getting the feth out of dodge.
The Saint was the first one to move in behind his boss. As the suited man found satisfaction in dragging the man's body down the hallway, Lok willed it to himself to see to it that these deeds were done. At least they were eliminating another crime operation rather than outright offing people they didn't like - civilian or otherwise. In the fraction of a second, the black masked man had his assault rifle shouldered and leveled the sights down on some of the obvious thugs. Seeing their reactions regarding one of their comrades was enough to send some running whilst the rest reached for their blasters.

Lok sucked in air tactfully as he squeezed the trigger of his CZ-836. Two of the thugs went down instantly as white-hot lead pierced their torsos and sent bloodied bodies to the ground. Brass casings peppered the floor next to him and Lysle as he sent a handful more of rounds downrange, taking extra care to guide his shots as to minimize civilian and collateral damage.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], [member="Sarkin Vance"]

Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Zail was indeed among them, in the backround as always, his company himself shadows moving with him loyalty gets you a long way in this galaxy of doom, but redemption was his plan so he wanted to be with Lysle to guard him while the Black Suns started to be put six feet under and two steps from hell, Zail nodded to Jourunn The Saint knowing the plan to kill a couple crimelords, and a lot more people sounded a bit exciting, he had never been this close to actually doing something meaningful with his life so he pulled the trigger.

His trusty HK-8987 revolver blew the brains of a guard attempting to aim towards Sarkin, then another failed attempt on his life.. one of many hard to count when another weird and ugly looking Black Sun merc attempted to slice Zail's head off with a twin saber blade. Zail ducked spun and produced a backward thrust with his jetpack, and within about three seconds the ugly disfigured merc became actually extremely dead, when Zail shot the kark in the throat. The B_Sguard, was horrified that this somehow occurred, his nasty eyes budging out on fire, crimson... Zail smiled as the alien dropped the twin saber and to his knees killed himself more when both of the joints that used to let him walk were dissected, but his own weapon. Zail, looked at it and crushed his skull with his boot.

It was getting hot and heavy in this room, people running around screaming some still unaware of the quickness of these actions of death so yes a couple died when Zail shot through a man having a drink, into another karking guards chest, on instant impact both exploded with red mist.

Zail yelled out to Lysle barely knowing the man, but knowing this path may lead to the man who haunts Zail in the dark back place in his head.

"Sir!!!, where are you? This is getting karking crazy, but quite fun!"

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Sarkin Vance"]
Isaac sat idly at the bar. One by one, the Black Sun posse walked in through the doors. They had tried to be a bit secretive about it, but the Ravens that were in the bar had been briefed on all the targets before hand. He lit a cig in his mouth... something to take the edge off of the tense situation. His ran his fingers over his hidden pistol as a kind of nervous tick. "Still there..."

A target strolled up to the bar next to Isaac and sat down. "Beer" he barked. "Make it two" Isaac added. He turned to the man and nodded: "Always good to see a new face. Where a abouts do you come from?" Isaac wasn't interested in the response. He was getting anxious. Suddenly, the sound of a door being kicked opened caused the entire cantina to come to a stop. Lysle appeared, dragging a poor Black Sun boss by the head, the man's futile moaning fully audible throughout the establishment. The music had stopped playing-- but the soundtrack of violence was deafening. The bar watched seemingly as Lysle withdrew his sidearm and executed the crime lord.

"Sunofa!" the goon sitting next to Isaac screamed. His face was contorted by a mixture of rage and terror, and he went for his weapon. Isaac was in the line of fire, and he leaned forward on his stool as the goon pointed his weapon towards the Red Ravens boss. Isaac subtly pointed his concealed pistol under his arm towards the gangster and pulled the trigger. A red mist filled the air are the blast burrowed a hole straight through the goon's head, his body slumping lifelessly to the ground. The Ravens had sprung their trap and had caught the Black Sun mobsters completely off guard.

Another gun appeared in Isaacs peripheral, leveled once again at his boss. Isaac deftly kicked the hand up and a blast exploded above them in the ceiling. Spinning around, he pistol-whipped some alien to the floor, a few teeth rattling across the tile like gambling die. Other Ravens hidden among the crowd were doing much of the same. Tomorrow would be a red dawn.
All hell broke loose. Black Suns were dropping like fly's. Their bodies slumping to the ground with the reminiscent sound of a meaty carcass slapping against the permacrete floor of a slaughterhouse. It was the only way to describe it. Lysle ducked low, seeing more than half a dozen blasters raise for his head. Molten balls of plasma spewed forth, attempting to eviscerate him. When he looked back up, the thugs were being kicked, punched, elbowed and shot by two dozen Ravens. They overwhelmed them with sheer numbers, and the element of surprise.

Lysle was pushed aside by a cadre of thick armed Mandalorians, forcing themselves through the thick crowd like a bursting dam. He stumbled and regained his footing, blood splattered on his suit. He looked up to see a Black Sun moving towards him, suddenly Isaac was upon him. He kicked the mans wrist, throwing his aim up towards the ceiling and letting off a blaster bolt. Dust and debris rained down on the two. Isaac spun and quickly pistol-whipped the brutish alien to the floor. His teeth sprayed along the tiles.

He boomed, seeing that the last of the Black Suns were being mopped up, but it wouldn't be long before hundreds of them would be crawling all over them. "Get out the back!" A battalion of Red Raven freighters waited to pick them up, with jump coordinates straight for Antecedent the moment they would hit orbit. It was just a matter of getting off planet alive now. Lysle levelled his blaster as a Black Sun mean't to impale Lok with his vibroblade, firing a bolt through the thugs spine. He dropped just as quickly as the rest. Ever unknowing of his true self.

[member="Isaac Ideus"] [member="Manidark Zail"] [member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Sarkin Vance"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Isaac Ideus"] [member="Manidark Zail"] [member="Lok Jorunn"]

Sarkin turned as the rest of the Ravens took down their targets as if the had been doing it every day of their lives. Which most of the probably hand. When Lysle shouted to get out the back Sarkin turned lowering his blaster to his waist but not holstering it and pushed through the door. As the door half closed behind him Sarkin jumped back as a knife appeared in his view chest high. Grabbing the arm holding it Sarkin yanked it bring the culprit out of cover and blasting him his the stomach and another for good measure to the back of the head as the man fell.

Shouting over his shoulder Sarkin kept going.

"Element of surprise is gone...............going to have to shoot our way out."
The powder keg had been lit and Isaac didn't feel like sticking around to see how big the explosion would be. He walked towards the back exit, checking every direction for more hapless goons. It was an old fashioned massacre, as they say. The Black Suns were getting a message in the form of a big kick to the teeth.

Isaac looked over his shoulder for more Ravens. Some fighting had spilled out into the streets, while a few Black Sun gangsters were pinned down in the cantina. Isaac made it to Lysle and nodded.

"You sure know how to make a statement. Let's get outta here while we can. I'll be right behind you."


"Da king ahn 'is men stole dha Queen from 'er bed ahn bound 'er bones.." the low slow singing would come from in an alto voice, the steady tattoo of prancing boots echoing throughout the corridor.

Large feline golden eyes with their dark slit pupils would pan around, a wolfish grin revealing sharp pointed teeth of the Felacatian. Within her hands was a large powerful shotgun -- perfect for mass destruction.

"Yo, ho... all hands, hoist dha colours high..."
[member="Isaac Ideus"] [member="Maarah "][member="Sarkin Vance"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

Location: Outside the bar.
Job: Getaway driver!

"Well looks like this situations all karked up!" Colap mused as the black sun spilled into the streets. These were not ordinary criminals headed down on his group of Ravens. They were straight up foot soldiers, decked in dark orange and black, bristling with weaponry.

Colap had made his way out of the bar and to his ship when the fighting began. The interceptor was fired up and clear to go but with one hitch. Black sun thugs were bearing down on his open landing ramp.

From beside him Solar his correlian wolfhound growled, crouching low with his ears flattened. Colap stood on the ramp, clad in dark gray armor that reflected dull in the yelllow street lamps. The neon sign jungle cast an ominous glow into the alleyways and over the dome rooftops of the buildings. This was Nar Shaada, a slimeball place.

"Time to put in some work."

Colap slapped his faceplate down and his helmet whirred to life with a click. Blue fog emitted as he breathed out of the vents, and his photoreceptors glowed blue, making him appear as a feral cat. Two slim vibroblades slid from their sheaths. Metal met ferrocrete in a slapping grinding noise as the smuggler charged down the ramp, aiming the first knife.

Shing! It sailed clear of his hand and straight into the throat of the unsuspecting soldier. He toppled backwards clutching his throat as blood spewed across the pavement and onto his comrades.

"Get em Solar!" Colap roared over the din.

Solar used it as an opening coming roaring in from the side of the group, a ball of muscle and fur. The correlian wolfhound took down another sun, tearing his throat out as he fell.

Without breaking stride Colap snatched the knife from the falling mans throat and whirled into a half crouch, sinking both blades deep into the lower back of the second thug. He screamed and went limp, spine severed.

A third charged him with a vibrosword and pistol, but Colap was quick on his feet. He withdrew the blades and twisted. The sword came down parrallel to his frame, striking the ground. Before the sun could act his armored boot came down onto the mans exposed arm breaking it, and the knives crossed at his neck, beheading him scissor style.

"Alright you sorry lot, let's get the frak outta here!" Colap roared, sending the bent over headless man toppling with another kick to the torso...
Blood, smoke, fire. It was everywhere and Lok's senses were nearing their extremes between cloaking his own Force presences and zeroing in on incoming blaster bolts to dodge them. It was quite strenuous, almost to the point where the Harbinger was panting in between his own returning fire and sweat collected along the edges of his facemask. It's with good intent. The man told himself as he sent yet another pair of slugs into a man's chest, offing the man like the speck of darkness that he was. There was to be no remorse, no mercy.

"Sir, stay behind me."

An ease in the incoming fire had allowed Lok to nearly turn around and address his client with the tone of a bodyguard. Little did he know, he had almost been injured himself and a smoldering corpse laid behind him. A quick glance downward made him change both his tone and mind. "Never mind. Watch their fire, occupy the flanks." Saint snapped open a pocket on his vest and tossed over an extra power pack to Lysle and awaited further orders to either pull back or push forward.

[member="Isaac Ideus"], [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], [member="Sarkin Vance"], @Maarah, [member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Lok Jorunn"] : [member="Colap Ticon"] : [member="Maarah "]: [member="Isaac Ideus"] : [member="Sarkin Vance"] : [member="Manidark Zail"]

The power pack was thrown to Lysle, he quickly stashed it away within his denim jeans. He kept his back arched, knees bent and head low. Blaster bolts and slug calibre's crisscrossed over his head, and he wished he had something with a bit more firepower. He moved towards the back door that led into the cantina's exclusive spaceport. Sarkin was out first, and then Lysle. He spied Colap near the ramp, barely able to dispatch the wave of Black Suns flowing in from the streets. It was like water rushing down rapids as they poured into the spaceport.

"Get to the ship," Lysle ordered. He shot his knees straight, and broke into a break-neck sprint for the loading ramp. Blaster fire narrowly shot past, a slug thrower grazed his shoulder. Cloth tore and droplets of blood exploded outwards. It was a small wound and didn't hinder his sprint, but he began to ring out at the top of his lungs a string of curses. Each one as profane as the last, and not even the miners and pirates in the Rift would have spoken such foul language. Such was the pain of being shot - it seemed many people didn't realise how much it hurt. They just gritted their teeth and kept on keeping on.
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Maarah "][member="Isaac Ideus"]

Colap could see they were getting pinned down. Both knives withdrew and he rushed an oncoming sun, sheathing the blades through his chest straight out puncturing his organs. As he withdrew them tracer slugs began to fly towards him from another group in the alley way. Colap grabbed the falling body, using it as his meatshield.

As the roudns ripped the dead mans flesh and sprayed blood over the tarmac Colap took a knee and unveiled his newest toy.

His wrist aligned in the direction of the group including Lok who was fighting against a horde of assailants. The AT-1 Wrist slughtrower opened up spewing high explosive slugs in lethal patterns. The minigun on his arm was capable f firing 1000 rounds per minute and it did just that.

Black suns screamed as they turned to hamburger, rounds shredding their flesh and lowing their frames apart into a charnel of ichor and flying guts. Colap whooped loudly.

"That'll learn em! Come on I got you covered!"

He turned his AT-1 on the rooftops and let off another brust of fire, watching with a smug grin as the shrapnel from exploding durasteel beams and roofing sliced into the sniper crew, making screams of agony punctuate the booms and whistles of slugs flying all across the area.

Manidark Zail

Bounty Hunter / Freelance
Zail heard the order, to run back towards the ship and indeed it was a great idea as it seemed that more meatbodies where entering the room, Zail moved in closer towards Lysle flipping over tables and shooting a Black Sun Agent in the face, and it seemed as time slowed as Zail's reflexes and adrenaline started up like a machine moving at 300mph, his suit adapted always to the situation and so did the man. Zail's visor detected three more guards before he could get to his leader and make sure he would not be extremely harmed or dead...

"I'm coming towards you Lysle!, check your six! more coming!!!" Zail screamed

Manidark Zail loved this, heart racing, the knowing it was the quick or the dead so as he activated his jetpack inside the room while hovering he produced a twin-saber from the dead alien he killed seconds ago, and flew at a guard swung the blade right through another alien aiming towards a Red Raven, his body was cut in half so fast, the alien attempted to pull the trigger yet his fingers, lower arm were also cut, a thin green line started to protrude and the dead guard slid apart in surprise and horror, and only managed to say..

"No! not now" in his language.

Guts flew, and blew away as Zail continued on his path slicing another guard from head to his crouch, then out of the corner of his eye he saw incoming doom a karking guard was carrying a mini rocket launcher, the Black Sun Assassin shot, Zail fired his boosters to the top right of the room as far as possible within 0.5 seconds, well what ensured was not so fun for anyone in the radius.

The stuff that keeps most beings alive was blow to hell, to pieces, limbs flew, skull fragments and brain matter splattered against walls and floors the unaware were dead with a drink in hand, while kissing, and some while attempting to kill The Red Ravens attack and escape method.

Zail's right leg, his weakens hit the bar counter while attempting to evade sudden death, pain... his leg buckled and sent him flying into the bar tap, bouncing off it from his right side. The blast, melted the right side of his body armor, it hurt, it hurt bad.

Senors reads_damage_input_58 percent

The Shrek boomed into Zail's helmet, he didn't have time to move fast enough to get up and moving so he aimed the best he could towards the rocket guard, took a shot it blasted past the guard, while the bastard was reloading, Zail took another failed attempt while it scarred past the mans face mask, he reacted and forgot to press the safe lock off from the rocket launcher. The last shot hit its target in the leg and the attempted killer fell, Zail didn't hesitate for a second shot again and blew the mans face into pieces, it was beautiful.

Blade and revolver in hand, Zail attempted to get back up and failed, again and again, he thought he was done for, when the system started to self repair among his right leg, he had forgotten he had a implant to do indeed just that. Manidark got up looked around and wish he didn't, so he started to move, well limp towards where his leader shouted.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]


Maarah would watch the rear, those feline eyes of her keeping a watch out for any would be Black Sun frakers. A couple would come at them, and Maarah was all too happy to send a volley of bolts down their way.

The scent of seared flesh would follow the death cries, thuds of bodies littering the floor. Haha.

This was only the beginning.

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