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Approved NPC [MP] Black Infantry Battle Companies

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Intent: To worldbuild a new and capable Infantry Battle Company
Image Credit: Link
Role: Front line Infantry
Permissions: N/A
Links: Codex Oyu'baat

Unit Name: The Blacks, Groundpounders, Mudthumpers, IBC Black
Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
Classification: Light Infantry
Description: Black-clad armoured infantry that fight shoulder to shoulder. A well disciplined light infantry unit.

Unit Size: Large
Unit Availability: Common
Unit Experience: Trained
Equipment: Heavy Repeater
Combat Function: Ground infantry, weight of numbers, and disciplined attack and defense. Mine clearance specialists.

Brave and courageous
Excellent at advancing into war or holding the line

Equipped as light infantry, without heavy armour or shields
Great training but usually very little combat experience


Created on Mandalore under the Codex Oyu'baat, along with the other three founding Infantry Battle Companies, this unit quickly grew to be among the largest and most prolific among its peers.

By far the largest of the Battle Companies, the Blacks still walk proudly among their peers owing to the fact they have what is oft seen as the worst job. They are ground pounders, mud thumpers, those that get it done in the muck, and bleed for it. They fight hard and tough, as light infantry, whether holding the line or going forward. Their signature weapon is a mine clearing rocket which announces their intention to charge into the very face of death.

They are simple, uncompromising warriors, who are well trained and equipped. In addition to their organization, they retain the traditions of Mandalorian courage under fire, and willingness to stand beside one's vode in the face of death itself.
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