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Approved NPC [MP] Blue Infantry Battle Companies

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Intent: To worldbuild one of the new Infantry Battle Companies
Image Credit: Source
Role: Front line Infantry
Permissions: N/A
Links: Codex Oyu'baat

Unit Name: The Blues, HOPE Troopers, IBC Blue
Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
Classification: Infantry
Description: Very light infantry with a penchant for dropping from the sky in great numbers with majestic heavenly force. And the colour Blue.

Unit Size: Large
Unit Availability: Common
Unit Experience: Trained
Equipment: Light shield generator
Grav Belt
Mando Assault Rifle
Combat Function: Orbital Drop deployed infantry

Extremely courageous
Good at space drops

Unsuited to fighting alone
Very little protective equipment


Created on Mandalore under the Codex Oyu'baat, along with the other three founding Infantry Battle Companies, this unit has perhaps the toughest task, but one that attracts the bravest among the brave of the IBCs. High Orbital Precision Entry with the ironic abbreviation HOPE.

This unit's task is to drop onto a target planet or moon from space, and landing upon a battlefield. Sometimes they are the first wave, other times they coordinate with the other IBCs, or arrive as reinforcements. Though equipped with shields for atmospheric entry, this tech is no protection at all against enemy fire.

The Blues are possessed of the most swagger among the IBCs, though they are not the most heavily armored or armed, nor the most well equipped. They are however the IBC most often in harms way by nature of their unique method of deployment from planetary orbit.

Those selected for this training cadre recieve extra training in high and very high altitude deployment. They are taught to master the use of gravity belt and jetpack technology. They fight as light infantry, whether as the first wave, or in support of ground forces already deployed.
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