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Approved NPC [MP] Journeyman Protectors - 1st Company Golds "Mandalor's Fist"

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Unit Name: The First, Mandalor's Fist, The Armourers
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors, Marshal of the Journeyman Protectors
  • Classification: Bodyguards, Commanders
  • Description: Strong and skilled warriors in armour equipped with specialist weapons.
    Denoted by their gold helmets and their symbolic carrying of forge hammers, which they are more than capable of using as weapons.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment: Gold Beskar Helmet, Armor, SIH-4 Rifle, Hammer, Tongs
  • Combat Function: Bodyguards, they will protect and support their principal at all costs in close combat.
    Each is a crack shot with their heavy rifle, and can kill with hammer at close range with strong, efficient blows.
  • Absurd Firepower
  • Big and strong individuals with elite training and long experience
  • Few in number
  • Hard to replace

One of Arla's personal projects which was begun immediately upon being appointed as Journeymam Protector by Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel, the organization of the Journeyman Protectors was a labor of love and dedication. They had quickly established a reputation for neutrality and professionalism, as well as dedication to duty. Though not a military organization, not part of the official military structure, as a paramilitary organization there were still some similarities.

As Mandalore began to be rebuilt, and the diaspora of Mando'ade returned home in great numbers, the civilian and military expansion of the Mandalorian Protectors had been carefully overseen. Through the vast varied training programs and camps across the sector, the elite soldiers could be identified, and moved to more advanced training programs where they could excel.

With access to such a massive talent pool, combined with the ability to cast a wide and carefully curated net, the best of the best came to be part of the very first pure combat unit of the Journeyman Protectors. Each had forged her own weapons, fought in battle, and served with honour. By no means other than luck, all nine of Arla's candidates were female, though only three were human. She had limited herself to one Echani for fear of personal bias. The Journeyman Protectors continued to grow, and through this process the Marshal was able to identify select elite prospects. An elite squad within an elite organization, the Gold standard became Arla's personal fist, to be handling the most difficult, dangerous, and deadly problems.

With an initial number of only nine, they are few, but they want for nothing in terms of access to equipment, or budget. This combines the best talent with the best tools for maximum effect, at the personal command of the Marshal. The Golds wear the finest armor, wield the deadliest weapons, and have the best training, and long experience. They are a sisterhood, who live, work, and fight together, supporting one another, knowing each others strengths, talents, and specialties, all focused to a singular purpose. Winning.

They are more than just warriors. Where they go among the Mando'ade, they bring strength, and aid whenever it is required. From the smallest verd to a grizzled veteran, all Mando'ade know that if they need help, a golden buy'ce is a source for that help. Their presence is a boost to morale wherever they are seen because of this work.
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