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Approved NPC [MP] Journeyman Protectors 2nd Company Rangers "Trouble Shooters"

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

L-R White, Green, Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange, Grey​

To worldbuild a Journeyman Protector unit
Image Credit: Source
Role: Combat Squad
Permissions: N/A
Links: Codex Oyu'baat, Journeyman Protectors

Unit Name:
The Rangers, The Kill Team, Trouble Shooters
Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors, Marshal of the Journeyman Protectors
Classification: Kill Team
Description: Strong and skilled warriors in armour equipped with specialist weapons. Denoted by their armour design, and their unique colour schemes. They carry melee weapons of choice, and several ranged weapons. Each is a master of his or her chosen weapon. Five specialize in melee, three with ranged weapons.

Unit Size: Small
Unit Availability:
Unit Experience:
Armor, Weapons of choice (from: Hammer, Sword(s), Spear, Greatsword) ,Pistols), Heavy Rifle/Sniper Rifle) Plus armour mounted weapons (from : Gatling Gauntlet, Flamer, Palmshooter, Blaster)
Combat Function: Combat Team. They will work in unison to take down their targets. Each is a crack shot with their pistol or heavy rifle, and can kill with various melee weapons at close range with strong, efficient blows. Some carry larger weapons with increased reach and lethality. Each specialises in one of their weapons, as indicated by the art work. Standard attack pattern is for Pink to lead Blue, Green, Orange and Yellow into close combat while Red leads White and Grey take down targets with ranged fire support.

  • Big and strong individuals with elite training and long experience
  • Coordinated team, who act in unison with each other
  • Few in number
  • Hard to replace

Immediately upon being created by Mand'alor Ijaat Mereel, the organization of the Journeyman Protectors quickly established a reputation for neutrality and professionalism, as well as dedication to duty. Though not a military organization, not part of the official military structure, as a paramilitary organization there were still some similarities.

The Journeyman Protectors continued to grow, and through this process the Marshal was able to identify select elite prospects. The second of her elite teams, the Rangers would function as an integrated team which would be sent out alone to deal with the most dangerous and difficult of missions.

Talent was difficult to find, and it took time after the establishment of the first surveillance and bodyguard units before the Marshal was able to turn her attention to further expansion of the elite. The Golds were established first as the personal bodyguard of the Marshal, but security could not be maintained by guarding alone. Some threats needed to be cut down before they could grow. Some threats laughed off regular army and fleet units.

The Sith had Dark Siders, the Light Side had Jedi, but the Mandalorians lacked integrated Force-User units. The Journeyman Protectors' answer was a team of warriors who could, through training, experience, and most importantly, unity, make the difference between winning and losing, between living and dying.

The theoretical opposite to a bodyguard willing to lay down his or her life for their principal is an assassin, willing to put his or her life on the line to take down their target. Though they serve with honour, and swear to serve the Mand'alor's fist, it was not wished that they stain their family names with the tasks they must carry out. And so was secretly established what was quietly dubbed a Kill Team, a unit of assassins, numbering only eight, and concealing their identities, taking the name of their chosen colour. They call themselves the Rangers, and are known as such in whispers among the other Journeyman Protectors, who may assume they have some official sanction due to glimpsing them in the secure halls of the organization. They, like the Cuy'Val Dar, do not exist officially. They have no names.

White is a female human of Clan Rook, who is an expert rifle shot. Blue is a male twi'lek of Clan Rodarch, who prefers a large two-handed greatsword. Pink is a Falleen female of House Kryze who wields a massive spiked power hammer, and commands the unit. Red is the second in command, and is a female Twi'lek gunslinger and pistolier of no small skill from Clan Fett. Green from Clan Mereel and Orange from Clan Varad might be twins with their love of and skill with swords. Green is human and male, while Orange is clearly Devaronian with his visible horned armour. Yellow is the tallest, an Epicanthix Male from Clan Gargon, taller even than mighty Blue, who carries a long deadly bladed spear much longer than Blue's greatsword. The last and quietest is Grey, a Rodian female who prefers gauntlet mounted weapons, and hails from Clan Garon.

Long story short, any target or targets are going to have five very aggressive and heavily armed melee attackers coming to chop, bash and stab them, while three expert shooters cover them with a rain of very well aimed fire. This is a recipe to take down even the deadliest Force user or small group of same. Especially with the elements of surprise, shock and awe, which the unit is always careful to establish wherever possible. Strike hard and fast and overwhelmingly from seemingly nowhere, and even the very best Forcie will be hard pressed to stand up against you.
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Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch

Can you please list the weapons your squad will be using. Since they have the option of being used in PvP it’s good for an opponent know what is being used.

If using factory equipment please link the sub and any permission you need. If you’re just standard using equipment please link their wookieepedia article.

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